最初の問題は、 py2exe 、 bbfreeze 、 cx_Freezeなどのpythonアプリケーションのバイナリ「ディストリビューション」のコレクターのほとんどすべてが、そのようなモジュールから* .pyファイルのみを取得することです。 2番目の問題は、 ETSなどの複雑な名前空間モジュールで発生します。多くの場合、コレクターはすべての内部依存関係を正しく解析できません。
具体的には、私の場合、すべてのETSモジュール(mayavi、chacoなど)、 m2crypto 、 vtk 、 h5py 、 matplotlib 、およびその他のいくつかはつまずきのブロックであることが判明しました(一般的に、多くのそのようなモジュールがあります)。
さまざまなコレクターをテストしてみましたが、最初はcx_Freeze、tkに落ち着きました。 彼は、ETSを「箱から出して」多少なりとも正しくインポートする方法を知っている唯一の人です。 しかし、それは不十分であることが判明しました:彼は、他の多くの理由だけでなく、他の非標準モジュールにも対処できませんでした(たとえば、コンソールウィンドウを非表示にしたり、カスタムアイコンを配置したりできませんでした)。 もちろん、「レシピ」(まったく文書化されていない)のメカニズムもあります。これは、たとえばmatplotlibでも機能しますが、各モジュールに同様のレシピを書くよりも、より普遍的でシンプルなソリューションが必要でした。
結局、私はpy2exeに落ち着きました。 彼は上記の問題をすべて解決することができました。 それにはかなりの時間がかかったので、私はあなたと共有したい-たぶん誰かもそれを必要とするでしょう。
私はまだcx_Freezeを扱っていましたが、モジュールの内容を配布フォルダーにコピーするという明確なアイデアがありました。 特にcx_Freezeの場合、フォルダー自体に両方をコピーし、必要なモジュールをlibrary.zipに追加することでこれを実行しようとしましたが、そこにすべての依存モジュールを収集しましたが、これはすべて役に立ちませんでした。
py2exeを理解し始めたとき、アセンブリがフォルダー(圧縮:0、bundle_files:3)として作成されるパラメーターの特定の組み合わせで、このトリックが機能し始めることがわかりました。 この場合のpy2exeは、現在のアプリケーションフォルダーを組み込みインタープリターのPYTHONPATHに追加し、その後、コピーされたすべてが正常にインポートされるようです。
モジュールのコピーは、distutils.dir_utilパッケージのcopy_tree関数を使用して、モジュール.__ path__変数を介してモジュールパスを取得することで最も簡単に実行できます。
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )
Copy Source | Copy HTML from distutils .core import setup from distutils .dir_util import copy_tree from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe import glob import os import zlib import shutil import time import shutil import enthought.tvtk import enthought.mayavi import vtk import sys import M2Crypto import h5py ############## distDit = "my_app_builded_folder" ############## class Target (object): """ A simple class that holds information on our executable file. """ def __init__ (self, **kw): """ Default class constructor. Update as you need. """ self . __dict__ .update(kw) # ETS and VTK tvtkPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "tvtk" ) copy_tree(enthought.tvtk.__path__[ 0 ], tvtkPath ) mayaviPath = os .path.join( os .path.join(distDir, "enthought" ), "mayavi" ) copy_tree(enthought.mayavi.__path__[ 0 ], mayaviPath ) vtkPath = os .path.join( distDir, "vtk" ) copy_tree(vtk.__path__[ 0 ], vtkPath ) # M2Crypto m2CryptoPath = os .path.join( distDir, "M2Crypto" ) copy_tree(M2Crypto.__path__[ 0 ], m2CryptoPath ) # h5Py h5pyPath = os .path.join( distDir, "h5py" ) copy_tree(h5py.__path__[ 0 ], h5pyPath ) includes = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' , 'M2Crypto' , 'h5py' ] excludes = [ '_gtkagg' , '_tkagg' , 'bsddb' , 'curses' , 'email' , 'pywin.debugger' , 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon' , 'pywin.dialogs' , 'tcl' , 'Tkconstants' , 'Tkinter' ] packages = [ 'enthought' , 'vtk' ] dll_excludes = [ 'libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll' , 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll' , 'tcl84.dll' , 'tk84.dll' ] data_files = [] icon_resources = [] bitmap_resources = [] other_resources = [] MyApp_Target = Target ( # what to build script = "run.py" , icon_resources = icon_resources, bitmap_resources = bitmap_resources, other_resources = other_resources, dest_base = "my_app" , version = "0.1.0" , company_name = "My Company" , copyright = "My Company" , name = "My App" , ) setup( data_files = data_files, options = { "py2exe" : { "compressed" : 0 , "optimize" : 1 , "includes" : includes, "excludes" : excludes, "packages" : packages, "dll_excludes" : dll_excludes, "bundle_files" : 3 , "dist_dir" : distDir, "xref" : False, "skip_archive" : True, "ascii" : False, "custom_boot_script" : '' , } }, zipfile = r 'library.zip' , console = [], windows = [MyApp_Target], service = [], com_server = [], ctypes_com_server = [] )