Women's health is very important, because not only the condition of the woman herself, but also her ability to have children in the future depends on him. In order to exclude serious diseases or detect them even in the early stages, the Pappanicolaou test is widely used in gynecological practice.
What it is
The PAP test is a swab taken by a gynecologist from the epithelium of the cervix and vaginal arches. This procedure is painless, carried out directly on the examination chair and ends quickly, but is able to detect cytological problems at the earliest stages. A smear is taken from the vagina with a special spatula, after which the biomaterial is applied to the glass and sent to the laboratory for examination. Experts study the material taken under a microscope in various ways, but this is mainly a Pappanicolau staining method.

It is simplicity of performance and effectiveness that made this analysis mandatory for all women. This test is able to detect the slightest changes in the epithelium, thereby determining their tumor or pre-tumor state. Also, the PAP test helps determine the presence of pathological microorganisms in the vagina and assess the condition of the mucosa according to many criteria.
Recommendations for passing
So, what is the PAP test found out, but what if it is recommended by a gynecologist? Many are scared by this need, giving rise to thoughts about the presence of the disease. In fact, the use of this test in gynecology is considered common practice. A smear is taken from all women and is necessary for the timely diagnosis of various abnormalities in the body's work, including the prevention of malignant tumors.

Recommendations for unscheduled analysis are often given to carriers of the human papillomavirus. The fact is that this infection increases the likelihood of cytology at times, which means that it is necessary to check its presence much more often.
Analysis Benefits
All of them have already been listed above, but the information obtained should be generalized. So what is PAP analysis?
- speed of carrying out;
- painlessness;
- diagnosis accuracy;
- availability.
It is also important to know that its results may depend on external factors, so sometimes you need to re-take the smear or confirm the diagnosis by other methods.

Serious problems are much easier to overcome at the initial stages of their development, therefore, timely cytological analysis can sometimes save lives.
Planned passage
Not taking into account the recommendations of doctors in individual cases, it is recommended to take a Pappanicolau smear for all women, starting from the moment they enter sexual life. Some doctors insist that the study should be done twice in the first two years of sexual activity, in order to completely eliminate the possible manifestation of the disease. Others believe that the first test should be passed no later than three years after the onset of sexual activity. In any case, they all agree that the first analysis should be submitted no later than twenty-one years. Further research without special recommendations should be done once every three years before reaching fifty years. At this age, the likelihood of cytology is reduced and the test can be done every five years. After three analyzes, women no longer have to remember what PAP is. But do not stop monitoring your health and go to a scheduled appointment with a doctor.
Separate recommendations
If the following indicators are available, it is necessary to take tests for the presence of cytology annually:
- HIV infection in the body;
- the presence of the papilloma virus;
- chemotherapy treatments in the past;
- organ transplants.
The fact is that these violations of the body's work increase the risk of neoplasms. It is important to know that not only HIV is transmitted sexually, but also other viruses, such as papillomas, therefore, special attention should be paid to contraception. The PAP test in gynecology helps to timely detect neoplasms of the body and is an effective prophylactic method for combating cancer of the female genital organs. It is important not to rely too much only on the results of the analysis, but also take into account your well-being, since the test is not always able to show the real picture, and additional research is required to confirm the analysis.
Test preparation
In order for the analysis results to be as accurate as possible, you should not take biomaterial during the menstrual cycle or the exacerbated inflammatory process of the genital organs.

The best time to take a sample is a period of 5 days before the start of menstruation and 5 days after its end.
The accuracy of the results is also affected by:
- sexual affinity;
- douching;
- vaginal suppositories;
- local contraceptives.
To make the smear as truthful as possible, you should abandon the above a few days before the test.
Possible consequences
As a rule, in healthy women, the procedure does not cause discomfort.

But there are times when, after taking biomaterial:
- spotting comes out;
- body temperature rises;
- pains occur in the lower abdomen;
- unpleasant odors come out.
In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Getting Results
What is PAP analysis, where and how is it given in detail, but how to determine its results? As a rule, the doctor decrypts the obtained data, evaluating changes in the cells by five stages of cytology development. The first stage indicates that the body is completely healthy and does not need treatment. The second stage indicates inflammatory processes that affect the change in the structure of the epithelium. This situation rarely implies cytology, but a specialist may advise additional research. A further degree implies the presence of more significant deviations and implies a mandatory re-examination plus analysis for histology. The fourth degree of the development of the disease implies already serious deviations.

In this case, the analysis reveals the presence of malignant tumors, and the doctor must prescribe additional tests and analyzes. Interestingly, in the end, the diagnosis may not be confirmed, so do not immediately panic. The last fifth stage already indicates the presence of cancer cells in large numbers, which revealed the PAP test. An explanation of the results is available to the patient even before the doctor has explained in detail.
Under any circumstances, you should know that the study shows the exact result in only 70% of cases, in the rest additional confirmation is required. Therefore, do not immediately get upset. Always monitor your health, and everything will be fine.