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In the article, we will tell you how the open SberX RamblerFront & Meet Up took place on November 5th.
Recall that RamblerFront & is a meeting where our employees and friends share applied knowledge in the field of frontend development.
RamblerFront & usually takes place at the Attic of the Rambler Group. But last time, our cozy attic was unable to accommodate a huge number of people who wanted to attend the event, so we decided to try a new venue for us in the office of Sberbank and organize RamblerFront & together with Sber X.
What were they talking about?
Emotions in digital products - Konstantin Kulikov and Evgeny Antsiferov
The report was interesting in terms of product sales. We can say that these are two reports in one. In the first part, Konstantin talked about how managers look at the product and the emotions in it. It is so important to create moments - interesting and necessary pieces, as well as interest the user and expand the field for creativity. Konstantin demonstrated many examples of emotions in different products. And in continuation of the topic, Eugene talked about the implementation of emotions and animation on ios, the choice of a framework for animation, and why in the end they chose Lottie.
Non-Square Web - Yulia Bukhvalova
“By default, all the elements on the page are rectangular, how can we change this?”
Julia told how to make a non-rectangular element, compared several ways to create such shapes: css gradient patterns, css clip-path and tools for working with it, working with css mask and svg mask.
The speaker also touched on rather interesting topics related to drawing on css and text flow, and showed a huge number of colorful demos on the meeting! The report is interesting to developers with any level of css knowledge.
ITP diet - Alexander Karelin
Alexander told why a cross-site tracking and targeted advertising are needed, what is ITP (Intelligent Tracking Prevention), and how does it interfere and threaten us in the coming year.
“Why are browsers strangling?”
The report discusses the example of ITP Safari, the logic of the ML-classifier and the Storage Access API.
You can find more information on our mitaps in the Rambler Group on Facebook and VK : photos, videos, broadcasts and much more.
We are waiting for everyone at the next mitaps!