If you are considering making a presentation, especially for the first time, then the most difficult thing is to believe in your idea. I know cases when people have been hatching the idea of a report for years, dreaming about their performance, hear the deathly silence of the audience and wake up in a cold sweat. As a result, even speaking to your colleagues in a meeting room and talking about a new project or experimenting with technology is trite scary.
“This is of no interest to anyone,” “I am not doing anything like that,” “I have nothing to tell” - these are the classic experiences of most speaker engineers.
At Badoo, we are confident that sharing expertise with others is cool, and we regularly speak at meetings and conferences. But it’s easy for us to say, because the company systematically prepares speakers, helps with runs and coaches. At the same time, performances are still not easy.
Fear is common to all. To test the idea, break in the theme and assess the likelihood of slippers flying from the hall, standup artists practice events in the previously announced “open microphone” format. This is when you have a small morally prepared auditorium, actually a microphone, and only 10 minutes to tell everything you want.
In general, we decided to borrow this idea, and on December 12 we want to organize our own “open microphone” with code and slides. We invite speakers on the development of the backend!
Potentially interesting topics and other details under the cut.
Unlike the classic standup, the audience in the hall will not be random. We will invite engineers who are interested in the topics you have identified and who have similar experience. We will agree with those who are ready to listen quietly, give constructive feedback in the online format and suggest how to improve your content.
This event is designed to help novice and practicing speakers check the topic of their presentation and get feedback from colleagues.
About format
- hall for 50 people (more precisely, the Badoo kitchen is small and comfortable),
- December 12 (Thursday), evening, Moscow (Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 2)
- 7-10 speakers wishing to try out the idea of a future speech
- 5-10 minutes to speak, timing is hard - performances of more than 10 minutes are impossible
- flipchart / projector (optional, you can speak without anything)
- minimal preparation, ability to run in and check the raw material
- video recording of your speech - we will show only to you and no one else
- within a few days we will send you an honest feedback from the guests present at the performance
- Networking, discussions, communication with industry colleagues is the second important goal of the meeting. We urge you not to be shy and use this opportunity with maximum benefit for yourself.
This will be the first pilot event. If the format "goes", we will arrange this as often as possible. In order to better select guests, this time we are waiting for speakers with topics about the backend, with a stack and directions where we can provide expertise, namely:
- php
- golang
- mysql
- queues (kafka / redis / zmq etc)
- backend architecture
Applications for speeches are open until December 5th.
Registration of speakers here.
We will select a maximum of 10 speakers, who will be invited to the Badoo office and will give the opportunity in a comfortable environment to test your idea of speaking, get a little experience in public speaking and exchange experience with industry colleagues.
And if you are still in doubt, write to me in PM, we will discuss.