Questions for an interview - from the candidate to the employer

We are all used to asking a lot of questions during interviews. Usually employers are candidates. One of these questions is “Do you have questions for us?” Quite often, candidates are not ready for this. And in vain. To ask questions to the employer is completely normal and even necessary. It’s better to immediately clarify all aspects of work that are important to you than to be disappointed later. Moreover, the questions asked by the candidate are sometimes even taken into account as one of the characteristics of the candidate. What did the candidate ask about technology, product, or processes?

In this article, I will review the questions frequently asked by software developers. I believe that this article will be useful both to the candidates themselves and to recruiters in order to prepare for the interview.

General recommendations

I recommend that recruiters ask the candidate about his questions in the first part of the interview after the presentation of the company and position and before the main block of questions for the candidate. So the recruiter shows respect for the candidate and readiness to clarify all questions about the company before the test of the candidate's knowledge and skills begins. This usually impresses candidates as a polite and “caring” employer.

I recommend candidates to immediately ask questions about what remained incomprehensible after the presentation of the company and position. Perhaps you will find out something important for you that the recruiter kept silent about during the presentation. And this will affect your desire to apply for a position. If you refuse the employer before the main interview block, you will save time for yourself and people.

Quite often, this is the position of the employer - “why will we answer detailed questions from the candidate, if we still do not know whether he is suitable for us”. In this case, it is appropriate for the recruiter to avoid answering some questions with the wording - “we will answer these questions after deciding on your candidacy”.

I believe that the following questions of candidates to the representative of the employer are quite appropriate if the answers to them are not understood from the job description, company presentation and position. The honesty of the employer and the transparency of the conditions contribute to a good reputation. On the other hand, candidates may have a principled position on a number of issues and there is no point in conducting further interviews if the candidate does not meet the conditions.

Questions about the position and team

Questions about the company

Such questions may seem inappropriate to the representative of the employer. However, the candidate’s interest is to clearly see the prospects. If the young food company is still funded by investment, then this is completely normal. However, the candidate should take into account the risk of a sudden termination of funding and not take risky financial decisions for himself, for example, such as a large loan.

Questions about the products (projects) of the company to be worked on

Questions about working conditions

Questions about pay, development and career growth

Instead of a conclusion

I have given the most general list of possible questions that should be clarified by the employer before agreeing to work with him. If you have ideas - what other questions are appropriate to ask the employer - I suggest indicating them in the comments.

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