My cry Yaroslavna

This article is my reaction to the next outpouring of the soul about the work of effective managers and how they interfere with the creation of clean and uncomplicated code that is convenient to maintain, extend and also bring the world to the world with it.

Maybe I'm not quite the right developer, or maybe I was once bitten by effective managers and now I'm not indifferent to their nightly howl at the plans. But for some reason I do not see a problem in the requirements and wants of business. Our world is a world of compromises that we have to reckon with and in which we live. And I’m afraid that there’s only one unlimited time for solving the problem, pure technical requirements and the customer whose requirements do not change depending on the cycle period. He will sit in a white cassock, he will have a broad beard, and on the sides will be the archangel and the apostles.

But while we are not there, we have to put up with something. And this may have a very impressive list:

For myself, I have long accepted the presumption of adequacy ( or mind ) as a rule. We are all human, we are all mistaken, we do not know the whole picture and the one with whom we communicate does not know it. And our business is to bring our picture of the world to your vis-a-vis as detailed and thorough as possible. And then only a compromise and nothing but a compromise. Somewhere he will suit us, somewhere not. Somewhere there are idiots, and somewhere you just compare your apples with its square.

Attention! Then spherical horses in a vacuum will go smoothly. And my graphomania

Play: Firm N from city N

Scene one

Actors: Developer and doctor.

R: Doctor, my leg hurts here. What should I do.

D: Looks like an overhead hernia. I can prescribe a treatment for you, but since I’m not completely sure of my diagnosis, then he will have a lot of side effects. will have to work on areas. Diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting, incontinence, and persistence. Let’s to avoid all this, you go take an ultrasound test coupon to the next office and come to me with the results.

In one day

R: Doctor, here are the results.

D: Great, let's see. Well, I can already reduce the number of side effects. I can prescribe treatment without vomiting and dizziness. But let's do another MRI in the next building.

Three days later

R: Doctor, here are the results.

D: PERFECT. Now I’m ready to prescribe a treatment with only two side effects of diarrhea and constipation.

R: Doctor, and the leg no longer hurts. She fell off yesterday.

Scene two

Actors: One-legged developer and effective manager.

EM: Hi. We need to implement this feature. And preferably yesterday! And approximately in a year we will realize something else similar. How long will it take you?

OR: It will take 2 months now and then the implementation of this will take another 1 month

EM: And you can do it faster. This is very urgent. The supreme himself is watching her.

OR: I can surely code this for 1 month. But then if we want to do something with it, then we will have to fix it, and it will take another 4 months

After some thought with rolling eyes

EM: Sculpt, I take all the risks.

Scene three

Actors: Effective manager, supreme and a sign that says "The Day Before."

Q: We need to implement the feature as soon as possible. As soon as we implement it, our income will immediately increase by 2 kilo-rubles.

EM: Yavol, Mine Führer!

Scene four

Actors: The brain of an effective manager, the voice behind the scenes of a one-legged programmer, the voice behind the scenes of an effective manager.

GZTsEM: Hi. We need to implement this feature. And preferably yesterday! And approximately in a year we will realize something else similar. How long will it take you?

GZTSOR: It will take 2 months now and then the implementation of this will take another 1 month

GZTsEM: And it is possible faster. This is very urgent. The supreme himself is watching her.

GZZOR: I can of course conspire to code this in 1 month. But then if we want to do something with it, then we will have to fix it, and it will take another 4 months

MEM: So, the RFP OP is 100 kilo rubles, and the income from the feature, as said, is 2 kilo rubles. So if I withdraw this feature a month earlier, I will earn 2 kilokilorubbles earlier, and then even if I spend 400 kilorubbles on remaking, the company will still remain in the black.

GZTsEM: Sculpt, I take all risks.

Scene Four

Actors: Storyteller.

R: The feature was implemented in 1 month, but it did not generate 2 kilo-kilo rubles per month, but only 300 kilo per month. 1 year passed and it was time to finish attaching a new feature to the old one. The OR remade everything and promised beautifully in 4 months. But after another 1 year he left for a new job, and a new programmer was hired in his place

Scene five

Actors: New Programmer, Effective Manager.

EM: we need to implement just such a feature. Your predecessor said that in its beautiful architecture, the implementation of new features will take 1 month

NP: I watched this "beautiful architecture", it is all old and inefficient. Maybe 2 years ago it was effective, but now there are simpler and more productive frameworks. And in a good way, you need to rewrite everything to reactogulyar, otherwise in a year you simply will not find adequate developers for this junk

EM: And how long will it take you?

The end!

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