First day like round one
At the entrance of all participants met a black duck. The secret mascot of the Joker conference frowned menacingly at all visitors. Although this circumstance did not in the least prevent many from embracing and taking pictures with him. The conference was greeted with a quick registration, a large exhibition (we will talk about it a little later) and a lot of free space, which, of course, was soon filled with highly motivated developers.
I missed part of the reports, as I was busy recording interviews with the speakers. I must say that at first I myself was questioned, and this was unusual. How a podcast is used to being a questioner himself. But then everything went as it should, interviewing is a common thing. The main difference from recording podcasts is in teamwork, the JUG Ru Group team delivered speakers in industrial volumes - and everything was just like choosing the pros in their field.

The conference was opened by a joint report by Juergen Hoeller and Josh Long “ Reactive Spring revisited ”, during which for almost an hour you could enjoy a live coding session on Spring Framework 5.2 using Spring Boot 2.2. Josh Long delivered material on-the-fly almost non-stop.

It’s especially useful to see how the creation of next-generation reactive microservices for cloud architectures looks from the main public figures in Spring. I note right away, I managed to peek into the ratings, and this report shares the top ten reports in half. For those who were not present at the conference, a broadcast was conducted, and it was possible to attend this and other presentations of the first hall through the screen.
During the first report, I was in the second room and listened to the report “ How Multithreading is Organized in Hazelcast ” by Vladimir Ozerov . His report contained, as it seemed to me, an exhaustive amount of illustrative material. And if you wanted to understand how things are with multithreading in Hazelcast right now - this was exactly the report that you had to visit.

I was surprised to see that the program contains most of the reports in English and in most parallels there is only one Russian-language report. And that doesn’t scare me at all. Moreover, over the years of the Joker conferences, we are all used to the live coding format. A striking representative of this trend is the report “Striving towards more productive development workflows” by Sebastian Daschner . Sebastian practically without a trace used the time slot for his speech and charmingly thanked the audience in Russian. The report was not included in the top ten reports of the conference, but nonetheless, I really liked it.

In the words of Sebastian - "This session shows which approaches and technologies support teams in crafting more productive development workflows." It is completely pointless to retell the essence of the speech, it is necessary to immerse yourself in a simple and hypnotic narrative, in which the console, IDEA and the fascinating story that is understandable are intertwined.
After the reports, all speakers were in the discussion areas. This is something that will not get into the records, a kind of unique communication experience. Some speakers were tormented by the hour, the audience did not let our heroes go. Salvation came only with the beginning of the next slot of speeches, and then not all. During the first day, about two dozen speakers spoke in four rooms and broke through discussion zones.

One of the discoveries of the conference was the live broadcast of a new video project from Barukh Sadogursky jbaruch and the company JFrog - DevOps SpeakEasy. About two broadcasts were made during the two days of the conference, and conference participants could be present live during these sessions. The first issue was released with the participation of Stephen Chin and Baruch Sadogursky. Subsequently, both acted as lead interviewers, and later both ended up on the main stage of Joker 2019.

The first day of the conference ended with a speech by Baruch Sadogursky, who spoke about the conspiracy of system administrators in his report - "DevOps for developers (or against them ?!)." According to the listeners - “Report from jbaruch “ DevOps for Developers ”on #jokerconf - it’s fun to watch, but if you listen carefully, it can help the developer“ mature ”or something. Fun and meaningful. " This report took second place among the best conference reports according to the audience.
And if Baruch’s report still ended up in a free broadcast and will be available on record, then the subsequent party and four BOFs will remain in the memory of only the conference’s full-time participants.

Thirty minutes after the start of the party, four parallel BOF sessions in the passage began, and it was possible to flow from one focus to another, discussed:
- "Performance: Does business care?"
- "Horror stories"
- "The best microservice framework"
- “Is there life after Senior?”
And in parallel, they were walking in the third hall - Lightning talks, however, I no longer had the strength to attend small talks from self-declared speakers.
Second round

Despite a slight hitch with sound at the very beginning, the report was fiery in all respects.

By the way, according to tradition, the top ten reports of Joker 2019 was selected based on the feedback of visitors who fill out feedback forms.
Unfortunately, I missed a number of interesting reports, but I managed to immerse myself in the work of the exhibition area. Here, of course, is an endless paradise for visitors engaged in pounding loot and drop. It was possible to participate in many competitions and assignments - this paid off.

If you surf the Internet, you can find beautiful photos of the crop:

But the main value of the stands is not in the wonderful merchandise, but in the experts. At almost any booth and at any time, you could find experts and discuss the subtle points of using the products that they present. What, of course, everyone used to the fullest.

At the stands, life was boiling and seething. Competitions, discussions, networking, vacancies. The same applies to the stand of the JUG RU Group itself.

The closing keynote was led by Stephen Chin, although after some time Baruch Sadogursky did not sit still and joined him. Together they brought the report on the topic “Decrypting tech hype for the busy coder” to the end.

In the exhibition area there was a stand with ropes, on which, among other things, it was clearly visible whether the participants at the conference only came for a duck. Not to say that the results can be used for statistical studies, but at least it's fun.

It seemed to me at the close of the conference that each participant found something different.
Tube Joker, goodbye until next year. Your ducks and a warm atmosphere will warm us all winter while watching reports.

Joker 2019 has successfully completed, and tickets for the spring JPoint 2020 are already on sale. All Joker participants had to receive a personal promotional code in the mail, which would make the price more pleasant.
See you at JPoint 2020 in Moscow!