Quietly and imperceptibly for the 8th time the next season of Habra-ADM began .
Hurry up to leave your mailing address until December 4 and become part of the New Year's magic. On day X, the computer will assign you the address to which you want to send the gift. Likewise, your address will go to someone else, and for sure you will also get something in return.
To participate, you need karma ≥ 10 or the icon "Santa Claus" in the profile on Habré.
Where are the icons

After registration, do not forget to check the tracker, all notifications will be there.
Where to find the tracker

You can see what was given in previous years here: 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 .
The magic begins here: habra-adm.ru .
Your iCTPEJlOK & kafeman .