This evening, Alexander Gruzdev from DINS will demonstrate the development of Serverless applications based on AWS Lambda. Igor Shalaru from Yandex will introduce us to the Akka framework and the benefits of using it.
Under the cut - more about reports and speakers, a link to register to participate in the meeting, materials from the last meeting.

AWS Lambda in Action (Alexander Gruzdev, DINS)
Alexander will talk about an approach to development that will be interesting to those who are tired of writing a new microservice for any reason, and those who do not want to pay for downtime in EC2. Using concrete examples, we will analyze the whole process - from writing a lambda and testing it to deployment and local debugging. The report is intended for an audience that has already heard about AWS Lambda or Serverless approaches in general.
For more than 5 years, Alexander has devoted Java-development, to a greater extent, enterprise applications in a variety of application areas, from Life Science to telecommunications. He adheres to the idea that the developer should always monitor the market for ready-made tools so that in most cases he does not write his own “bikes”.
“Akka as the core of highly loaded systems” (Igor Shalaru, Yandex)
Akka has long been in the arsenal of Java developers. This is a powerful and convenient tool for developing applications. In the framework of the report, we will analyze what the actor model is, what are the ready-made modules for Akka. Using an example, let's see how to start development on Akka and find out what advantage this will give us in the future. The report will be of interest to Java developers of any level, those who are already familiar with Akka or just want to get acquainted.
The last 7 years Igor has been programming in Java. During this time, he went from a simple developer to Tech. Lida. He has extensive experience in projects with stringent requirements for load and fault tolerance. He likes to write applications that quickly process gigabytes / terabytes of data.
19.00 - 19.30 - Collection of guests and coffee
19:30 - 20:20 - AWS Lambda in Action (Alexander Gruzdev, DINS)
20:20 - 20:40 - Coffee, pizza and chat
20:40 - 21:20 - “Akka as the core of highly loaded systems” (Igor Shalaru, Yandex)
21:20 - 21:40 - DINS office tour
Where, when and how?
November 21, 2019
St. Petersburg, Staro-Petergofsky, 19 (DINS office)
Participation in the event is free, but please register . This is necessary so that we can all comfortably accommodate at the meeting.
There will be a broadcast, we will send a link to it on the day of the event to the addresses of the participants who selected the type of ticket “Broadcast” during registration .
Video reports of reports will be published on our YouTube channel one week after the meeting.
DINS Java EVENING Materials (09/18/2019)
YouTube playlist
The exchange of experience is priceless, so we regularly hold open meetings bringing together technical experts from different companies. Most often, we discuss tools and cases in the areas of Java, QA, DevOps and JS. If you have a topic that you want to share, write to !