Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: PHP 7.4.0 RC5, Xdebug 2.8, critical vulnerability in PHP-FPM, news from PHP Internals, a portion of useful tools, podcasts, streams and much more.
Enjoy reading!
News and Releases
- PHP 7.4.0 RC5 - The penultimate release candidate of the planned .
- PHP 7.3.11 , 7.2.24 , 7.1.33 - The critical vulnerability has been fixed in updates ( CVE-2019-11043 ). The cause of the vulnerability was an error in PHP-FPM . By requesting a specific URL, an attacker can achieve the execution of arbitrary code. If you use PHP-FPM, it is recommended that you upgrade immediately to get a fix because the exploit has been in the public domain for a long time. More details about the vulnerability . By the way, versions of PHP 5. * have not been supported for a long time and, accordingly, have not received a fix.
- Xdebug 2.8.0 - A stable version of the debugger with support for PHP 7.4. Many errors have been fixed, and the ability to confirm the installation of a breakpoint in the IDE has been added.
- skyeng / php-communities - An open list of PHP events, speakers and organizers on GitHub. Upcoming events:
β’ November 7, Moscow: BeerPHP Moscow # 7
β’ November 14, Yekaterinburg: PUM: PHP Ural Meetups 1.1
β’ November 21, Moscow: Mitap about fears in PHP
β’ November 29, Ufa: PHP-mitap with Sergey Zhuk and Anton Morev
β’ November 30, Ivanovo: PHP: The Wrong Way
PHP internals
- [RFC] Union Types 2.0 - Voting for united types is progressing very cheerfully. Learn more about this offer in the podcast.
PHP Internals News # 33 with Nikita Popov. Also, the experience of using GitHub to discuss and refine this RFC turned out to be generally successful, and it is proposed to continue to use such a flow in the optional / test mode.
- [PHP] Deprecate Backtick Operator (V2) - But voting on the abolition of
` `
as an alias forshell_exec()
not so successful. About RFC DetailsPHP Internals News # 34 with proposal author Mark Randall .
- [RFC] Object Initializer - The proposal in its current form did not overcome the necessary threshold for voting.
- webmozarts / console-parallelization - Allows you to parallelize symfony / console commands.
- matteosister / GitElephant - A library for working with Git from PHP.
- mnapoli / bof - A wrapper over Guzzle with a simpler interface for creating queries.
- danog / MadelineProto - Asynchronous client / server of the Telegram MTProto protocol. Allows you to interact with Telegram without using the bot API.
- Symfony 5: The Fast Track - Fabien launched a crowdfunding campaign to publish a new book that will describe the creation of an application on Symfony 5 from scratch to the production version.
- You may have memory leaks in Symfony tests in PHP 7
- Symfony Week # 670 (October 28 - November 3, 2019)
- Domain-oriented Laravel - One of the posts in the series about developing large applications on Laravel. Also in addition, how to use PhpStorm for refactoring according to the principles described in the article.
- Why should you use the default architecture of the Laravel application
- We support Laravel configs
- About developing easily supported applications on Laravel
- Deploy Laravel projects in Kubernetes
Another way to test queries in Laravel
Laravel: we analyze the basic concepts. Part Three: The Final
Laravel Snippet # 17: Motivation and Discipline - Continuation of a series of podcasts from Taylor, where he talks about how to build an open source business.
Zend / laminas
- In April, it was announced that the Zend Framework would be renamed Laminas . A package for project migration laminas / laminas-migration (still in test mode) and instructions for checking migration have appeared in the project repository .
Async php
- Building RESTful API With ReactPHP - A new book based on a series of video tutorials .
- apisearch-io / symfony-react-server - Asynchronous server for Symfony based on ReactPHP.
Learning Materials
- What is garbage collection in PHP and how to get the most out of it? Also in addition is the release of The Undercover ElePHPant podcast with Derick Rethans to discuss this topic.
- Codeception 4.0 onwards - In the fourth version, the core of Codeception will be separated from modules and extensions.
- An example implementation of custom inspection in PhpStorm to check for MySQL reserved words in Laravel migrations.
- Solving the N + 1 problem in ORMs
- PHP: Past and Future - A small reminder of how PHP has changed over 11 years. Benchmark PHP 4 (6.069 sec) against PHP 8 (0.108 with JIT and 0.383 sec without).
What the zip archive looks like and what we can do with it. Part 2 - Data Descriptor and Compression
Docker + php-fpm + PhpStorm + Xdebug
Trying preload (PHP 7.4) and RoadRunner
- A couple of examples of using FFI from PHP 7.4:
β’ Compression benchmarks using the zstd algorithm using the PHP extension and through FFI.
β’ vdechenaux / PhpWebcam - A concept library for capturing frames from a webcam.
Audio Video
Beachcasts: Store secret data in environment variables using phpdotenv .
SDCast # 109 - Away Anton Titov, author of RoadRunner and CycleORM.
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