The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 320 (October 28 - November 3)

A new digest and reading text on signs in it, best practices and development tools, magic of automatic assembly, applications for digital detox, illusions of design and Flutter.

With such a variety of conditions for presenting text, handwritten algorithms can no longer cope. Here, neural networks with their ability to generalize come to the rescue. In this post, we will talk about our approach to creating a neural network architecture that detects text on complex images with good quality and high speed.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . A daily news we send to Telegram channel .


(+7) Best practices and tools for developing iOS applications

Apple TV + is already available in Russia

Scam on the App Store: who is to blame and how to fight

How to create a side menu (hamburger) in SwiftUI

Apple, your developer documentation ... is missing

5 iOS libraries to enhance and inspire your UI

App Life Cycle for iOS 13 (iPadOS) with UIScene, Scene Session, and Scene Delegate

Gradients in SwiftUI

Customizable network layer in Swift 5

Making multiple windows support on iPadOS

AMOuijaBoard: Wijia for iOS


(+18) Android Camera2 API from the teapot, part 3. Media Codec and stream video over UDP

(+14) Cribble Karble Gradle: magic of automatic assembly

(+13) Encrypted preferences on Android

(+11) Stream video from an Android device via UDP to a JAVA application

(+8) Application on TSD and communication with 1C: Enterprise 8.3 through HTTP-Service. Part 1 (Choosing an exchange method. Description of API) and Part 2 (Implementing the API on the 1C side)

(+7) System for obtaining a copy of memory in devices running Android via wireless communication channels

(0) Home-made “sugar” for an Android project or “How not to do it”

xHelper virus for Android cannot be removed

Google creates a platform and applications for digital detox

Epic Games will make its own game store for Android?

Android Dev Podcast # 105: Android Dev Summit 2019

A Complete Guide to Date Binding in Android

Before you start a new Android project

Android interview in 2019

Android 11 may finally bring the correct implementation of wireless ADB

Upgrading the Android build system in Dropbox

Android Dev Summit 2019 video

Taskbar: taskbar for Android

Digital Wellbeing Experiments Toolkit


(+20) Dark mode is now everywhere. Is it so useful?

(+16) BlessRNG or we check the RNG for honesty

(+15) Shader is not magic. Writing shaders in Unity. Introduction

(+8) Advice from the creator of RimWorld: cognitive distortions when predicting a fan from a game

(+8) Microinteractions and their use in user interfaces

(+8) Navigation in cross-platform applications: why NavController defeated angular / router in Ionic 4

Epic Launches New Infinity Blade Resources

11 optical illusions in visual design

Podlodka # 135: Job Search

Creating an idle game - Kolibri Games Guide

Samsung announces new opportunities for developers

Samsung introduced the Samsung Blockchain Platform SDK to create applications on the blockchain

Why the design team structure can slow you down

“VKontakte” opened registration on VK Cup

4 main mistakes of the programmer

Eugene Kot (Wrike): Flutter has already picked up speed and is moving forward with the locomotive!

Flutter Dev Podcast # 8: Grab

Successful card design in 3 steps: UX, UI and framework

Does Instagram make bad navigation good?

Ux has bad ux

5 Great PayPal Redesigns

How Disney + does onboarding new users - UX analysis

How to create an accessible application (and why it should be done)

Are you writing too much code?

10 ways to bring design to life

Why text buttons harm mobile usability

4 habits that make you an inefficient developer

How to become a good junior developer

Releasly: ​​keep an eye on open source projects

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+14) You can’t just take and run your application if you are a star in the music industry

(+8) The principles of documentation and localization, or how to get good localization at minimal cost

LOVEMOBILE # 02: Tappsk

CARE model: onboarding as a single system

Quill: new corporate messenger

Pokemon GO earned $ 3 billion

Egor Fedorov (, inDriver): It turns out that the world is small!

StepLadder: circular subsidization

Application Icon: 17 Improvement Tips + Creation Tools

AI, Devices, IoT

(+45) How Alice recognizes countries from photographs. Yandex research

(+25) How the hybrid gaming AI works and what are its advantages

(+24) Cat driving: how to make cats not relieve themselves on the lawn near the house?

(+22) Personalization of product recommendations on big data using Vowpal Wabbit

(+13) What about you in Smart TV? Or what can be crammed into the TV?

(+9) What is the danger of hacker attacks on IoT devices: real stories

(+4) Windows for IoT: enhanced hardware platform support and new smart device capabilities

A brief introduction to TensorFlow 2.0 for deep learning

AI learns to process game physics in microseconds

Beginner's Guide to Three Types of Machine Learning

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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