The first action. The second action.
- Hello, First Name, Tell me, where are you now?
- So, well, I reached the ATM in principle. What do we have to do?
- Withdraw funds. I then sign the documentation of the senior management now and, in fact, you will have a temporary storage bank. You will need to activate it in the future.
“I mean, now I need to withdraw all the money from the ATM and take it to some cell?” Or what?
- In a bank cell, yes, of course, temporary storage. This is your new bank card.
“I mean, will I need to take any actions through an ATM?” Am I not withdrawing cash from my account?
- You are now withdrawing cash. You need to make a physical withdrawal. You withdraw this money. I call you your new bank cell. You will be sent documentation certified by a senior management. Actually, of course, you keep checks. This is the first document (inaudible). And, in fact, replenish the bank cell, fully activate. After activating the bank cell, you are credited with the amount of 3% of the cash deposit. It will be a moral compensation which ...
- How many percent?
- Three percent of the cash deposit.
- Is it monthly or one-time?
- No, it will be one-time now.
- And what kind of moral compensation? That is, that someone stole my data?
- Yes, moral compensation, first of all, comes to the client due to the fact that I am tearing you away from any work. According to bank regulations, this uncomfortable situation has occurred. That we cannot completely secure our active customers. And, as if we would not want this situation to repeat itself. Again, I will try to help you as quickly as possible.
- So, what kind of bank cell? Is this the new number of some card generated?
- Personal account. You will have a personal account certified under your manager. And actually ...
“My manager — will you be?”
- If you want, I can further you (inaudible).
- Yes, it would be interesting. You have such a nice voice.
- Thank! In this case, I can assure myself as a manager in the documentation ...
- Yes Yes Yes.
- ... And, in fact, send you the documentation ...
- And what do you say that you will send me something? Will it come to me somewhere in the mail? Or sms or what?
- As you wish. You can send it by mail. It is possible in the vibe or in the documentation to send from bank employees.
- That is, by the same number, can you throw something off? Right now?
- Yes of course. In any case, after activating the bank cell, you will receive an SMS notification with documentation. That is, so that you do not just invest money somewhere, but first of all you put on your new details.
- That is, I’ll first withdraw the money, then I’m waiting for some document from you in the website, I will read it, and then I will go to the ATM again and deposit the money into this new account? So it turns out?
- Directly you can get documentation either after activating cash balances. Or as you prefer.
“No, well, before I translate anything somewhere, I need to see something like that ...”
“Of course, I understand you, of course.” Therefore, we will first withdraw your money with you. We are in online mode. As soon as you say that you have cleared funds, they are completely safe, in principle. We will send you documentation that your bank cell has been created and needs to be activated.
- In principle, I took quite a lot of money. In fact, while I was waiting for you, I already took it off. That is, there I have, that there, forty thousand were on the map. Can I make a tag there, or can I make more?
- Unfortunately, since the ATM is the limit, only fifteen thousand will have to be paid.
“I mean, I’ll bring in fifteen thousand, take the rest in my pocket, or what?”
- No, you fully enter the funds that you will have in your hands for 15 thousand each ...
- Will you have to go in several times, right?
- Unfortunately yes. Have to perform such an operation.
- Okay. Then let’s send something you wanted, as it were. In principle, I already stand with the money at the ATM. The only thing that will be written there, so that it is clear that how is it necessary?
- Naturally. Do not worry. This is a complete official documentation, first of all, which is certified by a higher management. There will be a seal, there will be signatures. There will be full information about the managers in the first place. About the bank cell of your personal account. And, in fact, all the information that you would need. You also understand correctly, the situation is extraordinary. Therefore, banks are making concessions ...
- Yeah, unusual of course.
- In this case, please wait, do not disconnect.
- Come on, okay, yes, I'm waiting. Thank.
- Are you much more comfortable? On a vibe, on a mobile phone, or ...
- In vosap, in vosap throw off. I do not use Viber.
- Do not disconnect in this case, we are waiting for documentation. Thank!
- Come on, good.
(pause for one and a half minutes)
- Hello, First Name Patronymic?
- Yes Yes.
- Look, now I am waiting for the signing of your documents. And, in fact, if you are ready, we can start work. Since you do not have a small amount of cash ...
- No no. Come on, I want to read first. In general, I have never been very gullible.
- All right, then we expect documentation. As soon as I understand that it is being opened, I will tell you naturally.
- as if it’s strong for a long time, you can call back. I won’t go anywhere, I’ll just stand there.
“I think it will take no more than three minutes.” Please wait, sorry for the inconvenience that I am causing you.
(pause for a minute)
- Hello, First Name Patronymic?
- Yes, but there’s nothing for now.
- Tell me please, did you receive a check when withdrawing money?
- Yes, of course, I always take checks.
- All right. You keep it. Please tell me, the fixed amount that the ATM has issued to you now?
- In the sense of a fixed amount?
- The amount that was issued by the ATM. And the ATM number. It should be on the check. Please review the check carefully, view the ATM number and the fixed amount that you have withdrawn.
(Oops, they seem to check me out!)
- Now I’ll look in my pocket for a second.
(Actually, the question put me in a stupor, but it was on that day that I conducted operations with a completely different ATM and the check was in my pocket - it wasn’t!)
(pause for a minute)
- ATM number XXXXXX. Amount 40350.
- Credit, as I understand it, you did not withdraw, is that right?
- Yes.
- (inaudible) ATM, please tell me, did you behave correctly? Did you request any personal information?
- Yes, everything is in order.
- In a tidy condition was? Did you notice? No ...
- No, no, I picked it all up, everything was good there.
- All right. One minute then, sorry. (some insert from another conversation is strange)
(pause 30 seconds)
- First name Patronymic, please see what information is recorded on your check now? There should be an ATM number and the amount directly to the address where you are located. And any extraneous information there should not be credited. Please look carefully.
- The customer support phone number is written.
- Yeah. Should there still be some numbers displayed?
- ATM. Authorization code. Transaction Number ...
- All information is correct. How much did you request, was it withdrawn?
- Yes of course.
- In this case, then we are waiting for documentation. Sorry to take so long, unfortunately.
- Yes, something is not fast somehow you all.
- Also understand correctly, a lot of people are served in our bank and we try to help everyone as much as possible. (not legible)
“And what, how often do these thefts happen?”
- (a lot of things are not legible)
- I say numerous, you said?
- Nooo.
“I mean, is it often repeated?”
- Unfortunately, lately, yes. Apparently, the former employees who stopped working ... (unintelligible) ... which employee could give the information (not intelligible) sold the database.
“Well, is it like tens or hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands?” How many?
- No, it's a few dozen. You do not worry (not legible).
- Well, somehow it sounds scary.
- Sorry, I understand, but the main thing is that we reacted on time, in fact. If we reacted later, there would be a write-off. If you confirmed that you made this transaction, of course there would be a write-off. Since you said in time that you did not confirm the transaction (not legible), you do not know this person. It’s as if you are not performing these actions, the debit of funds is automatically blocked. And in the future, your cash balance is (not legible) ...
- Why then did the ATM give me money now if the blockage occurred?
- Since (not legible) in the transaction field, the bank returned its own funds that were in the transaction field. Block charges, write-offs in online mode. Unfortunately, you can’t translate. Therefore, a physical withdrawal and, in fact, activation of an individual, that is, beneath you, is necessary. Everything will be backed up under you.
- Clear.
- Actually, the manager (not legible), the manager will be directly me, Izmailova Anna Alexandrovna, serial number 241. We are located at Moscow city, Vavilova 19, second branch. We will be in charge of further cash. Actually, if you have any questions, you can contact either the hotline or in the chat, which is located in the online service, we will be with you ...
“Can you call the hotline and ask you directly?”
- Yes, in principle, you can call, call my ID, as an employee, 241, give my details, since you have a manager recorded. And, in fact, the connection is taking place and we will talk.
- This is all here in the documents will be written, which will now be sent? So that I don’t write anything now, right?
- Naturally, documents will come to you. You can either take a screenshot or save the document itself. And, as it were, you will be sure that your bank accounts will now be issued. In the future, you will receive your new card, contract. You will definitely study it and only then sign it. The contract usually displays all the phone numbers to which calls can in principle be received. Also, the privacy policy is fully described. And extraneous information should not be there. All the information that you will have in the contract, and plus, in any case, you will need to change the password from the online service in order to protect yourself in the future and so that now there will not be any compromising moments. For your safety, it would be better if you yourself changed the password.
- Yeah.
- Now we only have to expect a document. And continue to work.
- Yeah. Ok. I'm waiting. Thanks for the explanation.
- You are welcome. If you have any questions, please ask, I will try to explain correctly to you.
“Yes, I’ll come up with something now to ask, I’m sure, yes, since we are still waiting.” Why is Yekaterinburg Sberbanks calling Moscow? Do you have everything in Moscow?
- The main branches are located in Moscow. The most active branches, in fact.
- Clear.
- Any other questions arose?
(Decent - no ...)
- Well, not yet, while I think. I’ll come up with something, I’ll say.
- All right, then we expect.
(here our 17th minute of conversation in the "shopping center" began)
(pause 8 minutes)
“Girl, maybe I can walk around the store while you call back when everything is ready?”
(and then answered
- Hello, hello! My name is Dmitry, I am a senior specialist.
- You are not a girl !!!
(I lost her ?!)
- I am (inaudible) senior specialist. A senior specialist went to the legal department of our bank to provide you with documentation.
(so they called the toilet, in the process)
- So, so what?
- You can put the phone in your pocket then and when we need you, we will inform you.
- That is, you will call back later, when you will be ready what you promised me, right?
“Well, if we disconnect, we will have to (not clearly).” Is it possible that you just put the phone in your pocket, stay on the line?
- No, I won’t go that way. I have 30% charge there, it will sit down soon.
- Then wait ...
- Let's call back, otherwise I'm standing here like a fool next to an ATM.
- Let me check with a senior specialist. In that case, I will be fined so if I perform this action.
- Wow.
“One minute, I’ll clarify.” One minute.
- Yes, let's do it. And then I already hang and hang no one knows how much.
(pause minute)
(27 minutes of conversation and here is joy, again she)
- A-alo, First name Patronymic?
- Yes Yes Yes.
- I was absent for some time, I was with a financial specialist in order to ...
- Have you had dinner?
- No, I was with the senior management to assure your documentation. Unfortunately, in the order of a live queue, there are a lot of all sorts of things.
- I mean, is there a live turn for the leadership?
- No. Documentation, assure the documentation in a live order queue.
- Well, it turned out?
- Understand correctly, you are not alone. Now just a couple of minutes. We fully assure and send.
- Just a couple of minutes is fine, but if it's 15 minutes, let me walk around the store for a while, and you’ll redo me, that's all. And it’s a very long time.
- Literally no more than five minutes, I think it will not take ...
“Duck, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right there already, waiting for you.” I’m just standing at the ATM, people are already looking at me strangely, in short.
“I understand, simply if I am disconnecting now, unfortunately, it is not a fact that I can connect to you.” As…
- Let’s not take more than five minutes, otherwise something is generally all long.
- Please excuse me that this situation is happening.
(pause 6 minutes)
(34th minute of conversation)
- Aallo, First Name Patronymic?
- Yeah.
- Look, within two minutes the documentation has already arrived.
- Okay.
Attention, unexpected!
- You will need to deposit funds through Tinkoff ATM. Since this is the safest ATM in the field of Internet services and, as it were, the nearest ATM from you is located on March 8 Avenue.
- In terms of? Why do I have money in Sberbank, you are from Sberbank, and I have to take it to Tinkoff ... somehow strange.
- Since you have been compromised by the Sberbank online service, it is not safe to deposit funds directly from this bank right now. Tinkoff is the safest eee cash carrier. Anyway…
- Is this officially so Sberbank employees say that Tinkoff is the best bank? Something I'm surprised at all.
- This is officially yes, I am officially declaring this.
- Cool. And what, again, I have to run somewhere again, that is?
- You need to go through, here not far from you, on March 8 Avenue, there is a Tinkoff ATM. I will now ...
- First, let me see your paper. Because I’ve been waiting for her for a long time, and on the street there’s a cold. I’ll look and then I’ll move out there, okay?
- Yes of course. Just two minutes and you (not legible) how this document has already been sent to you.
- Good, good, I'm waiting. Thank.
(36th minute of communication)
(pause for 1 minute)
- Tell me please, do you know the Fan-Fan shopping center?
- Fan fan? I’m familiar, but it’s far away in general, I’m kind of going there, well, I probably have to go for about 20 minutes. And do not go, but go. But I can, in principle, for the sake of such a thing. But I just will not hang on the line. It will be completely tin.
- It’s not convenient there, will it?
- Well, I will not hang on the line for 20 minutes. My phone will sit down just as I would your ...
- Ah, that's it, I understand. Yes, I understand you perfectly. In any case, this is the nearest ATM, which ...
- On the other hand, everything will be written there, in your document and I can throw everything myself.
- Of course, there will be completely your personal account. In any case, I will contact you in the period of 10-15 minutes, so that I understand where you are and that everything is fine with you, in principle.
“What will happen to me?” I am a big uncle with forty thousand in my pocket. So what?
- In any case, you understand correctly, you are a client of our bank and, as it were, so that you are completely safe. You need to understand, you need to understand me correctly, as it were. The amount is not small. Still, it's too late.
- Wow. So take care of me. Well ... nice, nice, yes. Alright, alright, alright. Something came to me like. Now I'll see, distracted - okay?
- Yes, in short, minimize the dialog box and view information.
- Yeah.
(The “document” came to the mobile phone at the 38th minute of the conversation. Apparently few people require such “confirmation” from them, it took a long time to prepare)

- Hm. And what does it mean, girl, the illegal use of a document entails criminal liability? What is it like?
- If you are going to present these documents somewhere, uh, not in the department, use, uh, as if in the wrong ...
- And what, how can I use it incorrectly? I do not understand something. Is it in the toilet?
- No, (not legible)
- And what is the criminal responsibility? Somehow this phrase scares me a little.
(overcoming panic fear, I am sharing with you the contents of this document)

- Oh no. Do not worry! There is a bank privacy policy. You should not transfer this document to third parties, except for bank employees, of course. Third parties should not see the information that you have displayed in the documentation. This is confidential information. Since you have personal accounts certified there, your personal manager. Full confidential information. You too understand correctly.If you would pass this information on to every third person, there would again be compromising moments and write-offs of funds again. That is, one would not like to compromise oneself. And for this, of course, criminal liability (inaudible), article 159, fraud.
- That is, like, I’m already becoming a fraudster, if something happens?
- If you use the documents for other purposes. That is, falsification of documentation, transfer of documentation to third parties, in this case - naturally. You too understand me correctly.
- Okay, tell me there I still do not remember what is written, what is your name. You just said that you can be found by the extension number. And there is nothing written there.
- He is not fixed. You can write it down, or they can change the documentation a little, send you a new one.
- And please forward, to me to write down as if there is nothing now, there is no pen. Can?
- I understand ...
- You may not right now. I'm slowly moving forward to Fan Fan. I have about 20 minutes to go there. There I’ll sit on the bus, for now, so far. In principle, if in 20 minutes you pick me up, I’ll definitely just get there. I’m unlikely to get there before.
- All. In any case, I will contact you every ten minutes in order to ...
- Got it.And yet there is none of this ... nothing is written about Tinkoff, in this document of yours. That is what I need? To approach the Tinkoff ATM, but what else to do?
- Go to the Tinkoff ATM. And in the future I will phone you and advise your actions. That is, I will explain how to make a cash balance, replenish your new personal account.
- Is there something you need to go in, click a button? And there you can enter an account and put money there, right?
- Caaanechno, yes. Everything will be accessible there written and I will explain to you how ...
- That's all right, then you are with your number ... I’m just ... suddenly there’s a personal manager needed ... Redo the document, okay? And so far I have gone. Good?
- Yes of course.In that case, go now to Fan Fan. And we will contact you within 10 minutes. So that I understand that everything is fine with you and where you are at the moment. All the best, expect a call, be careful!
The fourth, final action.
Business - time, fun - an hour. Or vice versa
Dear readers, before publishing the denouement, I would like to arrange a short commercial break. Many of you remember my article about the smartest heater. Many liked this idea, but no one was able to get this piece of metal. The reasons for this, as well as where we could go in our dreams of a quiet desktop pc can be found in my new article:
Desktop. Metal. Silent Is yours?
Our next creation looks something like this:

And we are ready to sell it. But we need to understand if there are those among you who would be willing to buy it? Are we not dealing with the “elusive Joe” from one famous joke? Should we develop this direction?
It so happened that my series of articles about this fraud gathered a very decent audience. I will be grateful if each reader of this article follows the link above and takes part in a small survey. It does not take much of your time. Thank!