P - anticipation, as well as the Preliminary DUMP Kazan Program. See the reports that have passed the meat grinder selection

Every third DUMP speaker said during the selection: “Wow, how serious is it with you!” Or “And what, maybe a few runs?” Maybe, maybe ...

Hardcore and practice, practice and hardcore - this is what the middles that come to DUMPs are waiting for. And the program committee runs each application through 3 stages of selection.

Alexander Orlov (Stratoplan), Grigory Petrov (Evrone), Alexei Kataev (Skyeng), Polina Gurtovaya (Evil Martians), Maxim Arshinov (Haytek Group), Pavel Malyshev (Mustlab), Denis Kolesnikov (Avito) and others will perform in Kazan on November 8. top-end and just great speakers.

The program of 4 streams and announcements of 4 master classes under the cut


Backend Section:


Frontend Section:


DevOps Section:


Management Section:


And now the most delicious is practice. That is, master classes. They are available to all participants, and you do not have to pay for them separately :) The main thing is to have time to take a place in the hall, because 20 people are placed in the hall of the master classes.

Master classes

Automatic Machine Learning with the Azure Machine Learning Service

(duration 80 minutes)

Presenter: Mikhail Komarov, Microsoft MVP

At the master class, we will go through all the steps from creating and configuring the Azure ML Service to deploying a Web application in Azure with the resulting model.

Participants must have:

A Windows / Linux laptop with software installed on it by default.

Visual Studio Code code.visualstudio.com

Anaconda 3.7 www.anaconda.com/distribution

Register a trial subscription to Azure.

Simple failover cluster on postgres, patroni, consul, s3, walg, ansible

(duration 80 minutes)

Presenter: Andrey Fefelov, mastery.pro

Patroni is becoming the de facto standard for building Postgres failover clusters.

In the master class, we will build a simple failover cluster of 3 nodes on the listed stack. (At first glance, it does not look simple).

We will briefly get acquainted with the architecture of patroni, discuss the most interesting configuration parameters.

Let's see how the filer works and in what ways the cluster can be initialized.

After the master class, you can start such a cluster from scratch using the provided ansible playbooks.

At MK, we will not waste time deploying the necessary versions of docker or virtual machines.

For work you need: a laptop with Internet access and a websocket-compatible browser (Chrome, Firefox).


You wanted features, I have them! C # 8 programming practice

Presenter: Andrey Karpov, JetBrains

C # continues to develop rapidly adding more and more features.

We will consider with you the most interesting innovations of the language, and also learn how to put them into practice.

After the master class, you can start using C # 8 in your work.

To work, you need a laptop with installed Visual Studio 2019 and the ReSharper 2019.3 EAP plug-in (https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/eap/) or Rider 2019.3 EAP (https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/eap/ )

“Good slides” or “Help, not interfere”

Presenter: Alexander Shushunov, EPAM Systems

The modern IT world is becoming more and more demanding on the softskills of its inhabitants. We all communicate more often, involve others in our projects and sell ideas (and projects). As a result, we are increasingly speaking to other people: at conferences and universities, in front of colleagues, management, clients, investors.

At the master class, I will show real examples of how to make a high-quality presentation that will allow you to really convey your thoughts to the audience and change their attitude to the subject of your story. Come, it will be useful, interesting and fun!

From us-orgs: Usually, business trainers, coaches, managers and other mentors teach us to speak. But this is not an ordinary workshop. This time the developer will teach the developers to speak! Alexander is a Senior Software Engineer at EPAM Systems.

At the master class, you will need any convenient tool to take notes.


The program is 95% ready, and the ticket price will remain low until October 15. If you planned to go to DUMP Kazan, now is the time to take a seat .

Of course, there will also be: entertainment from conference partners, communication areas with speakers, plenty of food and after-party at Lock Stock Bar, but more on that in the next news releases.

Bye Bye! See you at # DUMP!


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