partial bf vecu over partialt=−( bf vecu cdot nabla) bf vecu−1 over rho nabla bfp+ nu nabla2 bf vecu+ bf vecF
nabla= beginpmatrix partial over partialx, partial over partialy endpmatrix
Operator | Definition | Discrete Analog |
grad | nabla bfp= beginpmatrix partial bfp over partialx, partial bfp over partialy endpmatrix | pi+1,j−pi−1,j over2 deltax,pi,j+1−pi,j−1 over2 deltay |
div | nabla cdot bf vecu= partialu over partialx+ partialu over partialy | vecu(x)i+1,j− vecu(x)i−1,j over2 deltax+ vecu(y)i,j+1− vecu(y)i,j−1 over2 deltay |
bf Delta | bf nabla2p= partial2p over partialx2+ partial2p over partialy2 | pi+1,j−2pi,j+pi−1,j over( deltax)2+pi,j+1−2pi,j+pi,j−1 over( deltay)2 |
rot | bf nabla times vecu= partial vecu over partialy− partial vecu over partialx | vecu(y)i,j+1− vecu(y)i,j−1 over2 deltay− vecu(x)i+1,j− vecu(x)i−1,j over2 deltax |
q( vec bfx,t+ deltat)=q( bf vecx− bf vecu deltat,t)
partial vec bfu over partialt= nu nabla2 bf vecu
u( bf vecx,t+ deltat)=u( bf vecx,t)+ nu deltat nabla2 bf vecu
( bfI− nu deltat nabla2)u( bf vecx,t+ deltat)=u( bf vecx,t)
vec bfF= vec bfG deltat bfexp left(−(x−xp)2+(y−yp)2 overr right)
bf vecW= vecu+ nablap
nabla cdot bf vecW= nabla cdot( vecu+ nablap)= nabla cdot vecu+ nabla2p= nabla2p
bf vecu0,j+ bf vecu1,j over2 deltay=0, bf vecui,0+ bf vecui,1 over2 deltax=0
bfp0,j− bfp1,j over deltax=0, bfpi,0− bfpi,1 over deltay=0
partiald over partialt=−( vec bfu cdot nabla)d+ gamma nabla2d+S
bf omega= nabla times vecu
vec eta= nabla| omega|
bf vec psi= vec eta over| vec eta|
bf vecT= epsilon( vec psi times omega) deltax
x(k+1)i,j=x(k)i−1,j+x(k)i+1,j+x(k)i,j−1+x(k)i,j+1+ alphabi,j over beta
dim3 threadsPerBlock(x_threads, y_threads); dim3 numBlocks(size_x / x_threads, y_size / y_threads);
void __global__ deviceFunction(); // declare deviceFunction<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(); // call from host
int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <chrono> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> //SFML REQUIRED TO LAUNCH THIS CODE #define SCALE 2 #define WINDOW_WIDTH 1280 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 720 #define FIELD_WIDTH WINDOW_WIDTH / SCALE #define FIELD_HEIGHT WINDOW_HEIGHT / SCALE static struct Config { float velocityDiffusion; float pressure; float vorticity; float colorDiffusion; float densityDiffusion; float forceScale; float bloomIntense; int radius; bool bloomEnabled; } config; void setConfig(float vDiffusion = 0.8f, float pressure = 1.5f, float vorticity = 50.0f, float cDiffuion = 0.8f, float dDiffuion = 1.2f, float force = 1000.0f, float bloomIntense = 25000.0f, int radius = 100, bool bloom = true); void computeField(uint8_t* result, float dt, int x1pos = -1, int y1pos = -1, int x2pos = -1, int y2pos = -1, bool isPressed = false); void cudaInit(size_t xSize, size_t ySize); void cudaExit(); int main() { cudaInit(FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT); srand(time(NULL)); sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT), ""); auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); sf::Texture texture; sf::Sprite sprite; std::vector<sf::Uint8> pixelBuffer(FIELD_WIDTH * FIELD_HEIGHT * 4); texture.create(FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT); sf::Vector2i mpos1 = { -1, -1 }, mpos2 = { -1, -1 }; bool isPressed = false; bool isPaused = false; while (window.isOpen()) { end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration<float> diff = end - start; window.setTitle("Fluid simulator " + std::to_string(int(1.0f / diff.count())) + " fps"); start = end; window.clear(sf::Color::White); sf::Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close(); if (event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed) { if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Button::Left) { mpos1 = { event.mouseButton.x, event.mouseButton.y }; mpos1 /= SCALE; isPressed = true; } else { isPaused = !isPaused; } } if (event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased) { isPressed = false; } if (event.type == sf::Event::MouseMoved) { std::swap(mpos1, mpos2); mpos2 = { event.mouseMove.x, event.mouseMove.y }; mpos2 /= SCALE; } } float dt = 0.02f; if (!isPaused) computeField(, dt, mpos1.x, mpos1.y, mpos2.x, mpos2.y, isPressed); texture.update(; sprite.setTexture(texture); sprite.setScale({ SCALE, SCALE }); window.draw(sprite); window.display(); } cudaExit(); return 0; }
std::vector<sf::Uint8> pixelBuffer(FIELD_WIDTH * FIELD_HEIGHT * 4);
struct Vec2 { float x = 0.0, y = 0.0; __device__ Vec2 operator-(Vec2 other) { Vec2 res; res.x = this->x - other.x; res.y = this->y - other.y; return res; } __device__ Vec2 operator+(Vec2 other) { Vec2 res; res.x = this->x + other.x; res.y = this->y + other.y; return res; } __device__ Vec2 operator*(float d) { Vec2 res; res.x = this->x * d; res.y = this->y * d; return res; } }; struct Color3f { float R = 0.0f; float G = 0.0f; float B = 0.0f; __host__ __device__ Color3f operator+ (Color3f other) { Color3f res; res.R = this->R + other.R; res.G = this->G + other.G; res.B = this->B + other.B; return res; } __host__ __device__ Color3f operator* (float d) { Color3f res; res.R = this->R * d; res.G = this->G * d; res.B = this->B * d; return res; } }; struct Particle { Vec2 u; // velocity Color3f color; }; static struct Config { float velocityDiffusion; float pressure; float vorticity; float colorDiffusion; float densityDiffusion; float forceScale; float bloomIntense; int radius; bool bloomEnabled; } config; static struct SystemConfig { int velocityIterations = 20; int pressureIterations = 40; int xThreads = 64; int yThreads = 1; } sConfig; void setConfig( float vDiffusion = 0.8f, float pressure = 1.5f, float vorticity = 50.0f, float cDiffuion = 0.8f, float dDiffuion = 1.2f, float force = 5000.0f, float bloomIntense = 25000.0f, int radius = 500, bool bloom = true ) { config.velocityDiffusion = vDiffusion; config.pressure = pressure; config.vorticity = vorticity; config.colorDiffusion = cDiffuion; config.densityDiffusion = dDiffuion; config.forceScale = force; config.bloomIntense = bloomIntense; config.radius = radius; config.bloomEnabled = bloom; } static const int colorArraySize = 7; Color3f colorArray[colorArraySize]; static Particle* newField; static Particle* oldField; static uint8_t* colorField; static size_t xSize, ySize; static float* pressureOld; static float* pressureNew; static float* vorticityField; static Color3f currentColor; static float elapsedTime = 0.0f; static float timeSincePress = 0.0f; static float bloomIntense; int lastXpos = -1, lastYpos = -1;
void cudaInit(size_t x, size_t y) { setConfig(); colorArray[0] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; colorArray[1] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; colorArray[2] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; colorArray[3] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; colorArray[4] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; colorArray[5] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; colorArray[6] = { 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.3f }; int idx = rand() % colorArraySize; currentColor = colorArray[idx]; xSize = x, ySize = y; cudaSetDevice(0); cudaMalloc(&colorField, xSize * ySize * 4 * sizeof(uint8_t)); cudaMalloc(&oldField, xSize * ySize * sizeof(Particle)); cudaMalloc(&newField, xSize * ySize * sizeof(Particle)); cudaMalloc(&pressureOld, xSize * ySize * sizeof(float)); cudaMalloc(&pressureNew, xSize * ySize * sizeof(float)); cudaMalloc(&vorticityField, xSize * ySize * sizeof(float)); } void cudaExit() { cudaFree(colorField); cudaFree(oldField); cudaFree(newField); cudaFree(pressureOld); cudaFree(pressureNew); cudaFree(vorticityField); }
array[y * size_x + x]; // equals to array[y][x]
// interpolates quantity of grid cells __device__ Particle interpolate(Vec2 v, Particle* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize) { float x1 = (int)vx; float y1 = (int)vy; float x2 = (int)vx + 1; float y2 = (int)vy + 1; Particle q1, q2, q3, q4; #define CLAMP(val, minv, maxv) min(maxv, max(minv, val)) #define SET(Q, x, y) Q = field[int(CLAMP(y, 0.0f, ySize - 1.0f)) * xSize + int(CLAMP(x, 0.0f, xSize - 1.0f))] SET(q1, x1, y1); SET(q2, x1, y2); SET(q3, x2, y1); SET(q4, x2, y2); #undef SET #undef CLAMP float t1 = (x2 - vx) / (x2 - x1); float t2 = (vx - x1) / (x2 - x1); Vec2 f1 = q1.u * t1 + q3.u * t2; Vec2 f2 = q2.u * t1 + q4.u * t2; Color3f C1 = q2.color * t1 + q4.color * t2; Color3f C2 = q2.color * t1 + q4.color * t2; float t3 = (y2 - vy) / (y2 - y1); float t4 = (vy - y1) / (y2 - y1); Particle res; res.u = f1 * t3 + f2 * t4; res.color = C1 * t3 + C2 * t4; return res; } // adds quantity to particles using bilinear interpolation __global__ void advect(Particle* newField, Particle* oldField, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, float dDiffusion, float dt) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; float decay = 1.0f / (1.0f + dDiffusion * dt); Vec2 pos = { x * 1.0f, y * 1.0f }; Particle& Pold = oldField[y * xSize + x]; // find new particle tracing where it came from Particle p = interpolate(pos - Pold.u * dt, oldField, xSize, ySize); pu = pu * decay; p.color = p.color * decay; newField[y * xSize + x] = p; }
// performs iteration of jacobi method on color grid field __device__ Color3f jacobiColor(Particle* colorField, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, Vec2 pos, Color3f B, float alpha, float beta) { Color3f xU, xD, xL, xR, res; int x = pos.x; int y = pos.y; #define SET(P, x, y) if (x < xSize && x >= 0 && y < ySize && y >= 0) P = colorField[int(y) * xSize + int(x)] SET(xU, x, y - 1).color; SET(xD, x, y + 1).color; SET(xL, x - 1, y).color; SET(xR, x + 1, y).color; #undef SET res = (xU + xD + xL + xR + B * alpha) * (1.0f / beta); return res; } // calculates color field diffusion __global__ void computeColor(Particle* newField, Particle* oldField, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, float cDiffusion, float dt) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; Vec2 pos = { x * 1.0f, y * 1.0f }; Color3f c = oldField[y * xSize + x].color; float alpha = cDiffusion * cDiffusion / dt; float beta = 4.0f + alpha; // perfom one iteration of jacobi method (diffuse method should be called 20-50 times per cell) newField[y * xSize + x].color = jacobiColor(oldField, xSize, ySize, pos, c, alpha, beta); } // performs iteration of jacobi method on velocity grid field __device__ Vec2 jacobiVelocity(Particle* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, Vec2 v, Vec2 B, float alpha, float beta) { Vec2 vU = B * -1.0f, vD = B * -1.0f, vR = B * -1.0f, vL = B * -1.0f; #define SET(U, x, y) if (x < xSize && x >= 0 && y < ySize && y >= 0) U = field[int(y) * xSize + int(x)].u SET(vU, vx, vy - 1); SET(vD, vx, vy + 1); SET(vL, vx - 1, vy); SET(vR, vx + 1, vy); #undef SET v = (vU + vD + vL + vR + B * alpha) * (1.0f / beta); return v; } // calculates nonzero divergency velocity field u __global__ void diffuse(Particle* newField, Particle* oldField, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, float vDiffusion, float dt) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; Vec2 pos = { x * 1.0f, y * 1.0f }; Vec2 u = oldField[y * xSize + x].u; // perfoms one iteration of jacobi method (diffuse method should be called 20-50 times per cell) float alpha = vDiffusion * vDiffusion / dt; float beta = 4.0f + alpha; newField[y * xSize + x].u = jacobiVelocity(oldField, xSize, ySize, pos, u, alpha, beta); } // performs several iterations over velocity and color fields void computeDiffusion(dim3 numBlocks, dim3 threadsPerBlock, float dt) { // diffuse velocity and color for (int i = 0; i < sConfig.velocityIterations; i++) { diffuse<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(newField, oldField, xSize, ySize, config.velocityDiffusion, dt); computeColor<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(newField, oldField, xSize, ySize, config.colorDiffusion, dt); std::swap(newField, oldField); } }
// applies force and add color dye to the particle field __global__ void applyForce(Particle* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, Color3f color, Vec2 F, Vec2 pos, int r, float dt) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; float e = expf((-(powf(x - pos.x, 2) + powf(y - pos.y, 2))) / r); Vec2 uF = F * dt * e; Particle& p = field[y * xSize + x]; pu = pu + uF; color = color * e + p.color; p.color.R = min(1.0f, color.R); p.color.G = min(1.0f, color.G); p.color.B = min(1.0f, color.B); }
// computes curl of velocity field __device__ float curl(Particle* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, int x, int y) { Vec2 C = field[int(y) * xSize + int(x)].u; #define SET(P, x, y) if (x < xSize && x >= 0 && y < ySize && y >= 0) P = field[int(y) * xSize + int(x)] float x1 = -Cx, x2 = -Cx, y1 = -Cy, y2 = -Cy; SET(x1, x + 1, y).ux; SET(x2, x - 1, y).ux; SET(y1, x, y + 1).uy; SET(y2, x, y - 1).uy; #undef SET float res = ((y1 - y2) - (x1 - x2)) * 0.5f; return res; } // computes absolute value gradient of vorticity field __device__ Vec2 absGradient(float* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, int x, int y) { float C = field[int(y) * xSize + int(x)]; #define SET(P, x, y) if (x < xSize && x >= 0 && y < ySize && y >= 0) P = field[int(y) * xSize + int(x)] float x1 = C, x2 = C, y1 = C, y2 = C; SET(x1, x + 1, y); SET(x2, x - 1, y); SET(y1, x, y + 1); SET(y2, x, y - 1); #undef SET Vec2 res = { (abs(x1) - abs(x2)) * 0.5f, (abs(y1) - abs(y2)) * 0.5f }; return res; } // computes vorticity field which should be passed to applyVorticity function __global__ void computeVorticity(float* vField, Particle* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; vField[y * xSize + x] = curl(field, xSize, ySize, x, y); } // applies vorticity to velocity field __global__ void applyVorticity(Particle* newField, Particle* oldField, float* vField, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, float vorticity, float dt) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; Particle& pOld = oldField[y * xSize + x]; Particle& pNew = newField[y * xSize + x]; Vec2 v = absGradient(vField, xSize, ySize, x, y); vy *= -1.0f; float length = sqrtf(vx * vx + vy * vy) + 1e-5f; Vec2 vNorm = v * (1.0f / length); Vec2 vF = vNorm * vField[y * xSize + x] * vorticity; pNew = pOld; pNew.u = pNew.u + vF * dt; }
// performs iteration of jacobi method on pressure grid field __device__ float jacobiPressure(float* pressureField, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, int x, int y, float B, float alpha, float beta) { float C = pressureField[int(y) * xSize + int(x)]; float xU = C, xD = C, xL = C, xR = C; #define SET(P, x, y) if (x < xSize && x >= 0 && y < ySize && y >= 0) P = pressureField[int(y) * xSize + int(x)] SET(xU, x, y - 1); SET(xD, x, y + 1); SET(xL, x - 1, y); SET(xR, x + 1, y); #undef SET float pressure = (xU + xD + xL + xR + alpha * B) * (1.0f / beta); return pressure; } // computes divergency of velocity field __device__ float divergency(Particle* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, int x, int y) { Particle& C = field[int(y) * xSize + int(x)]; float x1 = -1 * Cux, x2 = -1 * Cux, y1 = -1 * Cuy, y2 = -1 * Cuy; #define SET(P, x, y) if (x < xSize && x >= 0 && y < ySize && y >= 0) P = field[int(y) * xSize + int(x)] SET(x1, x + 1, y).ux; SET(x2, x - 1, y).ux; SET(y1, x, y + 1).uy; SET(y2, x, y - 1).uy; #undef SET return (x1 - x2 + y1 - y2) * 0.5f; } // performs iteration of jacobi method on pressure field __global__ void computePressureImpl(Particle* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, float* pNew, float* pOld, float pressure, float dt) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; float div = divergency(field, xSize, ySize, x, y); float alpha = -1.0f * pressure * pressure; float beta = 4.0; pNew[y * xSize + x] = jacobiPressure(pOld, xSize, ySize, x, y, div, alpha, beta); } // performs several iterations over pressure field void computePressure(dim3 numBlocks, dim3 threadsPerBlock, float dt) { for (int i = 0; i < sConfig.pressureIterations; i++) { computePressureImpl<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(oldField, xSize, ySize, pressureNew, pressureOld, config.pressure, dt); std::swap(pressureOld, pressureNew); } }
// computes gradient of pressure field __device__ Vec2 gradient(float* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, int x, int y) { float C = field[y * xSize + x]; #define SET(P, x, y) if (x < xSize && x >= 0 && y < ySize && y >= 0) P = field[int(y) * xSize + int(x)] float x1 = C, x2 = C, y1 = C, y2 = C; SET(x1, x + 1, y); SET(x2, x - 1, y); SET(y1, x, y + 1); SET(y2, x, y - 1); #undef SET Vec2 res = { (x1 - x2) * 0.5f, (y1 - y2) * 0.5f }; return res; } // projects pressure field on velocity field __global__ void project(Particle* newField, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, float* pField) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; Vec2& u = newField[y * xSize + x].u; u = u - gradient(pField, xSize, ySize, x, y); }
// adds flashlight effect near the mouse position __global__ void applyBloom(uint8_t* colorField, size_t xSize, size_t ySize, int xpos, int ypos, float bloomIntense) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; int pos = 4 * (y * xSize + x); float e = expf(-(powf(x - xpos, 2) + powf(y - ypos, 2)) * (1.0f / (bloomIntense + 1e-5f))); uint8_t R = colorField[pos + 0]; uint8_t G = colorField[pos + 1]; uint8_t B = colorField[pos + 2]; uint8_t maxval = max(R, max(G, B)); colorField[pos + 0] = min(255.0f, R + maxval * e); colorField[pos + 1] = min(255.0f, G + maxval * e); colorField[pos + 2] = min(255.0f, B + maxval * e); } // fills output image with corresponding color __global__ void paint(uint8_t* colorField, Particle* field, size_t xSize, size_t ySize) { int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; float R = field[y * xSize + x].color.R; float G = field[y * xSize + x].color.G; float B = field[y * xSize + x].color.B; colorField[4 * (y * xSize + x) + 0] = min(255.0f, 255.0f * R); colorField[4 * (y * xSize + x) + 1] = min(255.0f, 255.0f * G); colorField[4 * (y * xSize + x) + 2] = min(255.0f, 255.0f * B); colorField[4 * (y * xSize + x) + 3] = 255; }
// main function, calls vorticity -> diffusion -> force -> pressure -> project -> advect -> paint -> bloom void computeField(uint8_t* result, float dt, int x1pos, int y1pos, int x2pos, int y2pos, bool isPressed) { dim3 threadsPerBlock(sConfig.xThreads, sConfig.yThreads); dim3 numBlocks(xSize / threadsPerBlock.x, ySize / threadsPerBlock.y); // curls and vortisity computeVorticity<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(vorticityField, oldField, xSize, ySize); applyVorticity<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(newField, oldField, vorticityField, xSize, ySize, config.vorticity, dt); std::swap(oldField, newField); // diffuse velocity and color computeDiffusion(numBlocks, threadsPerBlock, dt); // apply force if (isPressed) { timeSincePress = 0.0f; elapsedTime += dt; // apply gradient to color int roundT = int(elapsedTime) % colorArraySize; int ceilT = int((elapsedTime) + 1) % colorArraySize; float w = elapsedTime - int(elapsedTime); currentColor = colorArray[roundT] * (1 - w) + colorArray[ceilT] * w; Vec2 F; float scale = config.forceScale; Fx = (x2pos - x1pos) * scale; Fy = (y2pos - y1pos) * scale; Vec2 pos = { x2pos * 1.0f, y2pos * 1.0f }; applyForce<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(oldField, xSize, ySize, currentColor, F, pos, config.radius, dt); } else { timeSincePress += dt; } // compute pressure computePressure(numBlocks, threadsPerBlock, dt); // project project<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(oldField, xSize, ySize, pressureOld); cudaMemset(pressureOld, 0, xSize * ySize * sizeof(float)); // advect advect<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(newField, oldField, xSize, ySize, config.densityDiffusion, dt); std::swap(newField, oldField); // paint image paint<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(colorField, oldField, xSize, ySize); // apply bloom in mouse pos if (config.bloomEnabled && timeSincePress < 5.0f) { applyBloom<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(colorField, xSize, ySize, x2pos, y2pos, config.bloomIntense / timeSincePress); } // copy image to cpu size_t size = xSize * ySize * 4 * sizeof(uint8_t); cudaMemcpy(result, colorField, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaError_t error = cudaGetLastError(); if (error != cudaSuccess) { std::cout << cudaGetErrorName(error) << std::endl; } }