SwiftUI for the last contest assignment Telegram Charts (March 2019): everything is simple

I’ll start with the remark that the application discussed in this article requires Xcode 11 and MacOS Catalina if you want to use Live Previews

, and Mojave

if you use the simulator. The application code is on Github .

This year at WWDC 2019 , Apple

announced SwiftUI

, a new declarative way to build a user interface (UI) on all Apple

devices. This is almost a complete departure from the usual UIKit

, and I - like many other developers - really wanted to see this new tool in action.

This article presents the experience of solving with SwiftUI

a problem whose code within UIKit

incomparably more complex and cannot be UIKit

in my opinion in a readable way.

The task is related to the last Telegram competition for Android

, iOS

and JS

developers, which was held from March 10 to March 24, 2019. In this competition, a simple task was proposed to graphically display the intensity of use of a certain resource on the Internet depending on time based on JSON

data. As an iOS

developer, you should use Swift

to submit code written from scratch to the competition without using any extraneous specialized graphing libraries.

This task required skills for working with the graphics and animation capabilities of iOS: Core Graphics , Core Animation , Metal , OpenGL ES . Some of these tools are low-level, non-object-oriented programming tools. Essentially, in iOS

there were no acceptable templates for solving such seemingly light at first glance graphical tasks. Therefore, each competitor invented his own animator ( Render ) based on Metal , CALayers , OpenGL , CADisplayLink . This generated tons of code from which it was not possible to borrow and develop anything, since these are purely “copyrighted” works that only authors can really develop. However, this should not be so.

And in early June at WWDC 2019 , SwifUI

appears - a new framework

developed by Apple

, written in Swift

and designed to declaratively describe the user interface ( UI

) in the code. You determine which subviews

shown in your View

, what data causes these subviews

to change, what modifiers you need to apply to them, to make them position in the right place, to have the right size and style. An equally important element of SwiftUI

is the control of the flow of user-modifiable data, which in turn updates the UI


In this article I want to show how the very task of the Telegram contest on SwiftUI

is solved quickly and easily. In addition, this is a very exciting process.

The task

The competitive application should simultaneously display on the screen 5 "sets of Charts" using the data provided by Telegram

. For one “set of Charts”, the UI

as follows:

In the upper part there is a “Chart zone” with a common scale along the normal Y axis with marks and horizontal grid lines. A “creeping line” with timestamps along the X axis in the form of dates is located a little lower.

Even lower is the so-called “mini map” (as in Xcode 11

), that is, a transparent “window” that defines that part of the time period of our “Charts”, which is presented in more detail in the upper “Charts zone”. This “mini map” can not only be moved along the X

axis, but also its width can be changed, which affects the time scale in the “Charts area”.

With the help of checkboxs

painted in the colors of “Charts” and provided with their names, you can refuse to show the “Graphics” corresponding to this color in the “Charts zone”.

There are many such “sets of Charts”, in our test example there are 5 of them, for example, and they should all be located on one screen.

In the UI

designed using SwiftUI

there is no need for a button to switch between Dark

and Light

modes, this is already built into SwiftUI

. In addition, SwiftUI

far more options for combining “sets of Charts” (that is, the sets of screens presented above) than just a scrolling table down, and we will look at some of these very interesting options.

But first, let's focus on displaying one “ SwiftUI

set” for which SwiftUI

will create a ChartView



allows you to create and test a complex UI

in small pieces, and then it is very easy to assemble these pieces into a puzzle. We will do so. Our ChartView

very well into these small pieces:


user can interact with ChartView

in three ways:

1. control the “mini map” using the DragGesture

gesture - it can shift the temporary “window” to the right and left and decrease / increase its size:

2. move the indicator in the horizontal direction, showing the values ​​of the "Charts" at a fixed point in time:

3. hide / show certain “Charts” using buttons colored in the “Charts” colors and located at the bottom of the ChartView


We can combine various “Chart Sets” (we have 5 of them in test data) in different ways, for example, by placing them all simultaneously on one screen using the List

list (like a table scrollable up and down):

or using ScrollView

and the horizontal HStack

stack with a 3D effect:

... or in the form of a ZStack

“cards” superimposed on one another, the order of which can be changed: the upper “card” with ““ a set of Charts ”can be pulled down far enough to look at the next card, and if you continue to drag it down, then it“ goes "to the last place in ZStack

, and this next" card "" goes ahead ":

In these complex UI

- a “scrollable table”, a horizontal stack with a 3D

effect, a ZStack

“cards” superimposed on one another — all means of user interaction work fully: moving along the timeline and changing the “scale” of the mini - map

, indicator and hide buttons "Charts".

Further we will consider in detail the design of this UI

using SwiftUI

- from the simplest elements to their more complex compositions. But first, let's understand the data structure that we have.

So, the solution to our problem was divided into several stages:

Download data

At our disposal, Telegram provided JSON data containing several “sets of Charts." Each individual “ chart

set” of a chart

contains several “Charts” (or “Lines”) of chart.columns

. Each "Graphics" ("Lines") has a mark at position 0

- "x"

, "y0"

, "y1"

, "y2"

, "y3"

, followed by either time values ​​on the X axis ("x") , or the values ​​of "Graphics" ("Lines") ( "y0"

, "y1"

, "y2"

, "y3"

) on the Y


The presence of all “Lines” in the “chart set” is optional. The values ​​for the "column" x are UNIX timestamps in milliseconds.

In addition, each individual “ chart

set” of the chart

is supplied with chart.colors

colors in the format of 6 hexadecimal digits (for example, “#AAAAAA”) and chart.names


To build the Data Model located in the JSON

file, I used the excellent quicktype service. On this site, you insert a piece of text from a JSON

file and specify the programming language ( Swift

), the name of the structure ( Chart

), which will be formed after the “parsing” of this JSON

data and that’s it.

A code is generated in the central part of the screen, which we copy into our application in a separate file named Chart.swift

. This is where we will place the JSON format Data Model. Using the Loader of data from the JSON

file to the Model borrowed from the SwiftUI Generic

demo examples , I got an array of columns: [ChartElement]

, which is a collection of “ columns: [ChartElement]

sets” in the Telegram


The ChartElement

data ChartElement

, containing arrays of heterogeneous elements, is not very suitable for intensive interactive work with charts, in addition, timestamps are presented in UNIX

format in milliseconds (for example, 1542412800000, 1542499200000, 1542585600000, 1542672000000

), and colors are in 6 hexadecimal format digits (for example, "#AAAAAA"


Therefore, inside our application we will use the same data, but in a different “internal” and rather simple format [LinesSet]

. The [LinesSet]

array is a collection of LinesSet


Sets”, each of which contains xTime

timestamps in the format "Feb 12, 2019"

( X

axis) and several “Charts” lines

( Y


Data for each Line Chart (Line) is presented

In addition, any “Graph” can be hidden or shown depending on the value of isHidden: Bool

. The lowerBound

and upperBound

adjusting the time range take values ​​from 0

to 1

and show not only the size of the “mini map” temporary window ( upperBound

- lowerBound

), but also its location on the time axis X



data structures [ChartElement]

and the data structures of the "internal" LinesSet

and Line


are in the Chart.swift file. The code for loading JSON

data and converting it to an internal structure is located in the Data.swift file. Details about these transformations can be found here .

As a result, we received data about the “Chart sets” in the internal format as an array of chartsData


This is our Data

, but to work in SwiftUI

it is necessary to make sure that any changes made by the user in the chartsData

array (changing the temporary “window”, hiding / showing “Charts”) lead to automatic updates of our Views


We will create @EnvironmentObject

. This will allow us to use the Data

wherever it is needed, and in addition, automatically update our Views

if the data changes. This is something like Singleton

or global data.


requires us to create some final class UserData

, which is located in the UserData.swift file, stores the chartsData

data and implements the ObservableObject


The presence of @Published

"wrappers" will allow you to post "news" that these properties of the charts

of the UserData

class have changed, so that any Views

"subscribed to this news" in SwiftUI

will be able to automatically select new data and update.

Recall that in the charts

property the isHidden

values ​​can change for any “ isHidden

” (they allow you to hide or show these “Charts”), as well as the lower lowerBound

and upper upperBound

the time interval for each individual “set of Charts”.

We want to use the charts

property of the UserData

class throughout our application and we don’t have to synchronize them with the UI

manually thanks to @EnvironmentObject


To do this, when starting the application, we must create an instance of the UserData ()

class so that subsequently we can access it anywhere in our application. We will do this in the SceneDelegate.swift

file inside the scene (_ : , willConnectTo: , options: )

method. This is where our ContentView

is created and launched, and it is here that we must pass the ContentView

any @EnvironmentObject

we @EnvironmentObject

so that SwiftUI

can make them available to any other View


Now, in any View

to access the @Published

data of the UserData

class, we need to create the var

variable using the @EnvironmentObject

wrapper. For example, when setting the time range in RangeView

we create the var userData

variable, which has the UserData


So, as soon as we have implemented some @EnvironmentObject

into the "environment" of the application, we can immediately start using it either at the highest level or at the 10th level below - it does not matter. But more importantly, whenever a View

changes the "environment", all Views

that have this @EnvironmentObject

will automatically @EnvironmentObject

, thereby ensuring synchronization with the data.

Let's move on to designing the user interface ( UI


User Interface (UI) for one “set of Graphs”


offers a composite technology for creating SwiftUI

from many small Views

, and we have already seen that our application falls very well on this technology, as it splits into small pieces: the “ ChartView

Charts”, “Graphs” GraphsForChart

, the Y

-axis marks - YTickerView

, user-driven indicator value for “Charts” IndicatorView

, “ TickerView


with time TickerView

on the X

axis, user-controlled “time window” RangeView

, marks for hiding / showing “Charts” CheckMarksView

. We can not only create all these Views

independently of each other, but also immediately test in Xcode 11

using Previews

(preliminary “live” views) on test data. You will be surprised how simple the code is to create them from other more basic Views



- “Graph” (“Line”)

The first View

, with which we will begin, is actually the “Graph” itself (or “Line”). We will call it GraphView


Creating a GraphView

, as usual, starts with creating a new file in Xcode 11

using the menu File




Then we select the desired TYPE of the file - this is the SwiftUI


... give the name "GraphView" to our View

and indicate its location:

Click on the "Create"

button and get a standard View

with Text ( "Hello World!")

In the middle of the screen:

Our task is to replace the text Text ("Hello World!")

With "Graph", but first, let's see what initial data we have to create the "Graph":

Add these properties to the GraphView


If we want to use for our "Graphics" Previews

(previews), which are possible only for MacOS Catalyna

, then we must initiate a GraphView

with the range of indexes rangeTime

and the line

data of the "Graphics" itself:

We already have the chartsData

test data that we got from the chart.json


file, and we used it for Previews


In our case, this will be the first " chartsData[0]

set" chartsData[0]

and the first "Chart" in this set chartsData[0].lines[0]

, which we will provide GraphView

as the line


As the time interval rangeTime

we will use the full range of indices 0..<(chartsData[0].xTime.count - 1)


The rangeY

and lineWidth

can be set externally, or not, since they already have initial values: rangeY

is nil

, and lineWidth

is 1


We intentionally made a TYPE of the rangeY


property with a TYPE, because if rangeY

not set externally and rangeY = nil

, then we calculate the minimum minY

and maximum maxY

the “Graphics” value directly from line.points


This code compiles, but we still have a standard View

on screen with the text Text ("Hello World!")

In the middle of the screen:

Because in the body

we have to replace the text Text ("Hello World!")

With Path

, which on the line.points

using the addLines(_:)

command (almost like in Core Graphics

) will build our “Graph:

We will circle stroke (...)

our Path

line whose thickness is lineWidth

, and the color of the stroke line will correspond to the color “default” (that is, “black”):

We can replace the black color for the stroke line with the color specified in our particular “Line” line.color


In order for our “Graph” to be placed in rectangles of any size, we use the GeometryReader

container. In the Apple

documentation Apple


is a “container” View

, which defines its contents as a function of its own size, size

and coordinate space. Essentially, GeometryReader

is another View

! Because almost EVERYTHING in SwiftUI

is View

! GeometryReader

will allow YOU, unlike other Views

to access some additional useful information that you can use when designing your custom View


We use the GeometryReader

and Path

containers to create GraphView

adaptable to any size. And if we look carefully at our code, we will see in the closure for the GeometryReader

variable called geometry


This variable has the GeometryProxy

TYPE, which in turn is a struct

structure with many "surprises":

 public var size: CGSize { get } public var safeAreaInsets: EdgeInsets { get } public func frame(in coordinateSpace: CoordinateSpace) -> CGRect public subscript<T>(anchor: Anchor<T>) -> T where T : Equatable { get }

From the GeometryProxy

definition, we see that there are two computed variables var size

and var safeAreaInsets

, one function frame( in:)

and a subscript getter

. We only needed the size

variable to determine the width of the geometry.size.width

and the height of the geometry.size.height

“Graphics” drawing area.

In addition, we enable our “Graph” to animate using the animation (.linear(duration: 0.6))

modifier animation (.linear(duration: 0.6))



allows us to very easily test any “Charts” from any “set”. Below is the “Chart” from the “chart set” with index 4: chartsData[4]

and index 0 “Graphics” in this set: chartsData[4].lines[0]


We set the height

“Graphics” to 400 using frame (height: 400)

, the width remains the same as the width of the screen. If we did not use frame (height: 400)

, then the "Graph" would occupy the entire screen.We did not specify a range of values rangeY

and GraphView

used the nil

default value , in this case the “Chart” takes its minimum and maximum values ​​in the time interval rangeTime


Although we used a Path

modifier for our model animation (.linear(duration: 0.6))

, no animation will occur, for example, when changing the rangeY

value range “ Graphic arts". A “chart” will simply “jump” from one value of a range rangeY

to another without any animation.

The reason is simple: we taught SwiftUI

how to draw a “Graph” for a specific range rangeY

, but we did not teach SwiftUI

how to reproduce a “Graph” multiple times with intermediate values ​​of the range rangeY

between the start and end, and for that inSwiftUI

meets protocol Animatable


Fortunately, if yours View

is a “figure,” that is View

, that implements a protocol Shape

, then a protocol has already been implemented for it Animatable

. This means that there is a computed property animatableData

with which we can control the animation process, but by default it is set to EmptyAnimatableData

, that is, no animation occurs.

In order to solve the problem with animation, we first need to turn our “Graph” GraphView

into Shape

. It is very simple, we only need to implement the function func path (in rect:CGRect) -> Path

that we essentially already have and indicate with the help of the calculated property animatableData

what data we want to animate:

Note that the theme of animation control is an advanced topic inSwiftUI

and you can learn more about it in the article “Advanced SwiftUI Animations - Part 1: Paths” . We can use the

resulting “figure” Graph

in a much simpler GraphViewNew

“Graphics” with animation:

you see that we did not need GeometryReader

our new “Graphics” GraphViewNew

, because thanks to the protocol Shape

our “figure” Graph

will be able to adapt to any size of the parent View


Naturally, Previews

we got the same result as in the case with GraphView


In the following combinations, we will use the GraphViewNew

same “Graphics” to display the values.


- set of “Graphs” (“Lines”)

The task of this View

is to display ALL “Charts” (“Lines”) from the “set of Charts” chart

in a given time range rangeTime

with a common axis Y

, and the width of the “Lines” is lineWidth


As for GraphView

and GraphViewNew

, we will create a GraphsForChart

new file for GraphsForChart.swift

and define the initial data for “Chart Set”:

The range of values rangeY: Range

for the “chart set” ( Y

) is calculated as the union of the ranges of the individual unhidden ( isHidden = false

) “Charts” included in this “set”:

For this, we use the function rangeOfRanges

: We show

all NOT hidden “Charts” ( isHidden = false

) in ZStack

the construction ForEach

, giving each “Graph” the possibility of appearing on the screen and leaving the screen “using the“ move ”modifier transition(.move(edge: .top))


Thanks to this modifier, the process of hiding and returning the“ Graphics ” ChartView

to the screen will take place on the screen with animation and will make it clear to the user why the scale has changed Y


Use drawingGroup()

means useMetal

for drawing graphic shapes. On our test data and on the simulator, you will not feel the difference in the speed of drawing with Metal

and Metal

, but if you reproduce a lot of rather cumbersome graphs on any iPhone

, then you will notice this difference. For a more detailed introduction, when to use it drawingGroup()

, you can see the article "Advanced SwiftUI Animations - Part 1: Paths" or watch the video session 237 WWDC 2019 ( Building Custom Views with SwiftUI ).

As in the case with GraphViewNew

testing GraphsForChart

using previews, Previews

we can set any “set of Charts”, for example, with an index 0



- horizontally moved indicator "Graphics".

This indicator allows you to get the exact values ​​of the “Charts” and time for the corresponding point on the time on X


The indicator is created for a specific “set of Charts” chart

and consists of a moving along the X

vertical LINE with MARKs on it in the form of “circles” in the place of the values ​​of “Charts”. A small "POSTER" is attached to the top of this vertical line, containing the numerical values ​​of the "Charts" and time.

The indicator glides by the user using a gesture DragGesture


We use the so-called “incremental” gesture execution. Instead of a continuous distance from the starting point value.translation.width

, we will onChanged

constantly receive the distance from the place where we were the last time we performed the gesture in the handler :value.translation.width - self.prevTranslation

. This will provide us with a smooth movement of the indicator.

To test the indicator IndicatorView

with the help of a Previews

given “set of Charts”, chart

we can attract the ready-made View

construction of “Charts” GraphsForChart


We can set any, but coordinated with each other, time range for rangeTime

both the indicator IndicatorView

and “Charts” GraphsForChart

. This will allow us to make sure that the "circles" indicating the values ​​of the "Charts" are in the right places.


- X

with marks.

So far, our “Charts” are depersonalized in the sense that they DO NOT X Y

have the appropriate scales and marks. Let's draw X

with timestamps TickerMarkView

on it. Sami mark TickerMarkView

are very simple View

vertical stack VStack

in which are arranged Path

and Text


The set of marks on the time axis for a specific "Graphs set" chart : LineSet

is formed TickerView

in accordance with the user-selected time range rangeTime

and approximate quantity of marks estimatedMarksNumber

, which must be in the field of view of the user:

For arrangement “Running” timestamps we use a ScrollView

horizontal stackHStack

, which will shift as the time range changes rangeTime


In TickerView

we form a step step

with which time stamps appear TimeMarkView

, based on a given time range rangeTime

and screen width widthRange


... and then select timestamps in increments step

from the array chart.xTime

using indexes indexes


Actually X

- a horizontal line - we will put overlay


... on a horizontal stack HStack

, with timestamps TimeMarkView

, which we advance with offset


In addition, we can set the colors of the X

- itself colorXAxis

, and the marks - colorXMark



- Y

with marks and a grid.

This one View

draws Y

with digital marks YMarkView

. The marks themselves YMarkView

are very simple View

with a vertical stack VStack

in which they are placed Path

(horizontal line) and Text

with a number:

A set of marks on Y

for a certain “set of Charts” chart

is formed in YTickerView

. The range of values ​​is rangeY

calculated as the union of the ranges of values ​​of all "Charts" included in this "set of Charts" using the function rangeOfRanges

. The approximate number of marks on the Y-axis is set by the parameter estimatedMarksNumber



we monitor the change in the range of “Graphs” values rangeY

. Actually the Y-axis - the vertical line - we impose overlay

on our marks ...

In addition, we can set the colors of the Y - axis itself colorYAxis

, and the - marks colorYMark



- setting the time range using the "mini-map".

The most moving part of our user interface is setting the time range ( lowerBound

, upperBound

) for displaying the “chart set”:


it’s kind of mini - map

for highlighting a certain time section for the purpose of more detailed consideration of the “chart set” in others Views


As in the previous ones View

, the initial data for RangeView


Unlike the others discussed above Views

, we must change the DragGesture

time range ( lowerBound

, upperBound

) with a gesture and immediately see its change, so the user-defined time range ( lowerBound

, upperBound

) with which we will work is stored in a variable variable @EnvironmentObject var userData: UserData


Any change to the variable var userData

will lead to redrawing all Views

that depend on him.

The main character in RangeView

is a transparent “window”, the position and size of which are regulated by the user with a gesture DragGesture


1. if we use the gesture inside a transparent “window”, the POSITION of the “window” along X

changes, and its size does not change:

2. if we use a gesture in the left darkened part, then only the LEFT BORDER of the “window” changes lowerBound

, allowing us to decrease or increase the width of the transparent “window”:

3. if we use a gesture in the right darkened part, only the RIGHT BORDER of the “window” changes upperBound

, allowing you to decrease or increase the width of the transparent “window”:


consists of 3 basic very simple elements: two rectangles Rectangle ()

and an image Image

, the borders of which are determined by the properties lowerBound

and upperBound

from @EnvironmentObject var userData: UserData

and are adjusted using gestures DragGesture


We “overlay” ( overlay

) the familiar to this construction ( ) us GraphsForChartView

with “Charts” from a given “set of Charts” chart


This will allow us to monitor how much of the “Charts” gets into the “window”.

Any change in the transparent "window" (it is moved entirely or change of borders) is a consequence of changes in the properties lowerBound

and upperBound

in userData in the functions of onChanged

sign processing DragGesture

in the two boxes Rectangle ()

and picture Image


This is, as we already know, will automatically lead to redrawing the other Views

(in this case, “Charts”, X-axis with marks, Y-axis with marks and indicator c hartView


Since ours View

contains a variable @EnvironmentObject userData: UserData

, for previews Previews

, we must set its initial value using .environmentObject (UserData())



- “hiding” and showing “Graphs”.


it is a horizontal stack HStack

with a row checkBoxes

for switching the properties of isHidden

each individual “Graphics” in the “set of Graphs” chart



in our project it can be implemented either using a regular button Button

and called CheckButton

, or using a simulating button SimulatedButton


The button Button

had to be imitated because when placing several of these buttons in the List

one located higher in the hierarchy, they “refuse” to work correctly. This is a long-standing bug that has been stuck in Xcode 11 since beta 1 to the current version . The current version of the application uses a simulated button SimulatedButton


Both the simulated button SimulatedButton

and the real buttonCheckButton

use the same thing View

for their "appearance" - CheckBoxView

. This HStack

containing Tex

and Image


Note that the initialization parameter CheckBoxView

is a @Binding

variable var line: Line

. The property of isHidden

this variable defines the “appearance” CheckBoView


When using CheckBoView

in SimulatedButton

and in, CheckButton

you must use the sign $

for line

during initialization:

The isHidden

variable property is line

switched in SimulatedButton

with onTapGesture


... and in CheckButton

- with the usual action

button Button


Note that the initialization parameter for SimulatedButton

and is CheckButton


a variable var line: Line

. Therefore, their use should be applied $

to the CheckMarksView

switching variable userData.charts[self.chartIndex].lines[self.lineIndex(line: line)].isHidden

, which is stored in a variable global variable @EnvironmentObject var userData


We have kept unused in the project is currently CheckButton

on the case, if you suddenly Apple

will correct this error. In addition, you can try using CheckButton

in CheckMarksView

instead SimulatedButton

and make sure that it does not work for the case of composing many “sets of Charts” ChartView

using List

c ListChartsView


Since ours View

contains a variable @EnvironmentObject var userData: UserData

, for previews Previews

, we must set its initial value with .environmentObject(UserData())


Combination of various Views



- this is, first of all, a combination of various small ones Views

into large ones, and large ones Views

into very large ones, etc., as in a game Lego

. In SwiftUI

there are many means of such a combination Views


We start our combination with the simplest one GraphsViewForChart

, which gives the “faceless” “chart set” GraphsForChart

AXIS Y and an indicator moving along the X-axis using the “deep” stack ZStack


We added a Previews

new GraphsViewForChart

container NavigationView

to our new container in order to display it in Dark

mode using a modifier .collorScheme(.dark)


We continue the combination and attach to the “chart set” obtained above with AXIS Y and an indicator, AXIS X in the form of a “creeping line”, as well as controls: the “mini-map” time range RangeView

and the CheckMarksView

“Charts” display switches .

As a result, we get the one stated above ChartView

, which displays a “set of Charts” and allows you to control its display on the time axis:

In this case, we perform the combination using the vertical stack VStack


Now we will consider 3 options for combining the set of already received ChartView “Chart Sets”:

  1. "Scrollable table" List

  2. horizontal stack HStack

    with 3D effect,
  3. ZStack

    superimposed "cards"

A “scrollable table” isListChartsView

organized using a list List

: A

horizontal stack with a 3D effect is organized using a ScrollView

horizontal stack HStack

and a list in the form ForEach


In this view, all means of user interaction work fully: moving along the timeline and changing the “scale” mini- map

, indicator and hide buttons "Charts".


superimposed "cards".

First, we create CardView

for the “map” - this is a “set of Charts” with the AXIS X and Y, but without controls: without a “mini - map” and without buttons to control the appearance / hiding of charts. CardView

very similar to ChartView

, but since we are going to overlay “cards” on top of each other, we need them to be opaque. To this end, we use an additional ZStack

color to be placed in the “background” cardBackgroundColor

. In addition, we will make a frame with rounded edges for the “card”:

Overlaid “cards” are organized using stacks VStack

, ZStack

and a list in the form ForEach


But we will overlap not just “cards” but “3D-scalable” on top of each other cards CardViewScalable

, the size of which decreases with increasing indexindexChat

and they shift a little vertically.

The order of “3D-scalable cards” can be changed using the sequence ( sequenced

) of gestures LongPressGesture

and DragGesture

, which acts only on the topmost “card” with indexChat == 0


You can click ( LongPress

) on the top “card” with a “set of Charts”, and then pull it ( Drag

) down far enough to look at the next card, and if you continue to drag it down, then it “goes” to the last place in ZStack

, and the next “card” comes forward:

In addition, for the upper “card” we can apply TapGesture

which will act along with gestures LongPressGesture

and a DragGesture



a gesture will show the modal "set of graphics" ChartView

with e ementami management RangeView



Application TabView

for combining on one screen all 3 variants of the composition “chart set” ChartView


We have 3 bookmarks with image Image

and text Text

, a vertical stack VStack

is not needed for their joint presentation.

They correspond to our 3 ways of combining “sets of Charts” ChartViews


  1. "Scrollable table" ListChartViews

  2. horizontal stack with 3D effect HStackChartViews

  3. ZStack superimposed "cards OverlayCardsViews

    . "

All elements of user interaction: moving along the timeline and changing the “scale” using mini - map

, indicator and buttons to hide the “Charts”. fully work in all 3 cases.

The code is on Github .



You should get acquainted with video tutorials, books and blogs:

Mang To , Lets Build That Application , as well as a description of some SwiftUI applications ,

- a free book "SwiftUI by example" and a video www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui

- paid book but half of it can be downloaded for free www.bigmountainstudio.com/swiftui-views-book

- 100-day course with SwiftUI www.hackingwithswift.com/articles/201/start-the-100-days-of-swiftui , which starts now and will end on December 31, 2019,

- impressive things in SwiftUI are done on swiftui-lab.com

- Majid blog ,

- on pointFree.cowww.pointfree.co the “marathon” of posts about using Reducers in SwiftUI (super interesting)

is a wonderful MovieSwiftUI application that has borrowed a few ideas.

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