We analyze the listening history in Yandex.Music

For almost a year now I have been using the Yandex Music service and everything suits me. But there is one interesting page in this service - history. It stores all the tracks that have been listened in chronological order. And of course, I wanted to download it and analyze what I had heard there all the time.

First attempts

Starting to deal with this page, I immediately ran into a problem. The service does not download all the tracks at once, but only as you scroll. I did not want to download the sniffer and understand the traffic, and I had no skills in this business at that time. Therefore, I decided to go more simply by emulating the browser using selenium.

The script was written. But he worked very unstable and for a long time. But he did manage to load the story. After a simple analysis, I left the script without modifications, until after some time I again did not want to download the story. Hoping for the best, I launched it. And, of course, he gave an error. Then I realized that it was time to do everything humanly.

Working option

For the analysis of traffic, I chose Fiddler for myself because of a more powerful interface for http traffic, unlike wireshark. By running the sniffer, I expected to see requests for api with a token. But no. Our goal was at music.yandex.ru/handlers/library.jsx

. And requests to it required full authorization on the site. We’ll start with her.


Nothing complicated here. We go to passport.yandex.ru/auth

, find the parameters for the requests and make two requests for authorization.

 auth_page = self.get('/auth').text csrf_token, process_uuid = self.find_auth_data(auth_page) auth_login = self.post( '/registration-validations/auth/multi_step/start', data={'csrf_token': csrf_token, 'process_uuid': process_uuid, 'login': self.login} ).json() auth_password = self.post( '/registration-validations/auth/multi_step/commit_password', data={'csrf_token': csrf_token, 'track_id': auth_login['track_id'], 'password': self.password} ).json()

And so we logged in.

Download History

Next we go to music.yandex.ru/user/<user>/history

, where we also pick up a couple of parameters that are useful to us when receiving information about the tracks. Now you can download the story. We get the music.yandex.ru/handlers/library.jsx

at music.yandex.ru/handlers/library.jsx

with parameters {'owner': <user>, 'filter': 'history', 'likeFilter': 'favorite', 'lang': 'ru', 'external-domain': 'music.yandex.ru', 'overembed': 'false', 'ncrnd': '0.9546193023464256'}

. I was interested in the ncrnd parameter here. When prompted, Yandex always assigns different values ​​to this parameter, but everything works with the same. Back we get the history in the form of id tracks and Detailed information about the top ten tracks. From the detailed track information, you can save a lot of interesting data for later analysis. For example, release year, track duration and genre. Information on the rest of the tracks is obtained from music.yandex.ru/handlers/track-entries.jsx

. We save all this business in csv and we pass to the analysis.


For analysis, we use standard tools in the form of pandas and matplotlib.

 import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = pd.read_csv('statistics.csv') df.head(3)

No. artist artist_id album album_id track track_id duration_sec year genre
0 Coldplay 671 Viva La Vida - Prospekt's March Edition 51399 Death and all his friends 475739 383 2008 rock
one Coldplay 671 Hypnotized 4175645 Hypnotized 34046075 355 2017 rock
2 Coldplay 671 Yellow 49292 No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground 468945 271 2000 rock

Change the python's None to NaN and throw them away.

 df = df.replace('None', pd.np.nan).dropna()

Let's start with a simple one. Let's see the time we spent listening to all the tracks

 duration_sec = df['duration_sec'].astype('int64').sum() ss = duration_sec % 60 m = duration_sec // 60 mm = m % 60 h = m // 60 hh = h % 60 f'{h // 24} {hh}:{mm}:{ss}'

 '15 15:30:14'

But here you can argue about the accuracy of this figure, because it is not clear which part of the track you need to listen to, Yandex added it to the story.

Now let's look at the distribution of tracks by year of release.

 plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [15, 5] plt.hist(df['year'].sort_values(), bins=len(df['year'].unique())) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.show()

Here, the same is not so simple, as the diverse collections of “Best Hits” will have a later year.

Other statistics will be built on a very similar principle. I will give an example of the most listened tracks

 df.groupby(['track_id', 'artist','track'])['track_id'].count().sort_values(ascending=False).head()

track_id artist track
170252 Linkin park What I've done 32
28472574 Coldplay Up & up 31
3656360 Coldplay Charlie brown 31
178529 Linkin park Numb 29th
289675 Thirty seconds to mars ATTACK 27

and most played tracks of the artist

 artist_name = 'Coldplay' df.groupby([ 'artist_id', 'track_id', 'artist', 'track' ])['artist_id'].count().sort_values(ascending=False)[:,:,artist_name].head(5)

artist_id track_id track
671 28472574 Up & up 31
3656360 Charlie brown 31
340302 Fix you 26
26285334 A head full of dreams 26
376949 Yellow 23

Full code can be found here.

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