More amenities for JSON-RPC followers



Once, on one project where I worked only on the front, I had to deal not with the ubiquitous REST, and not with the hyperscript GraphQL, but with the old RPC, namely, its version of JSON-RPC 2.0.

And you know, since then (when I do backing) I almost always use it.

We will not holivarit, but if you are also a supporter of the use of JSON-RPC, then you know that in the case of HTTP, watching requests, for example in Chrome DevTools / Network, is not very convenient. We almost always have one endpoint, the status is always 200 (well, if the server did not fail at all). Conclusion - you need an extension to devtools. And so, a small sketch (pull-quests are welcome):

Useful and good will pause and update the version in the store, but in general, fork and screw preferences and courtesans at will.

It is planned:

The extension itself can be installed both unpacked from the dist folder of the turnip and from the Chrome Web Store .


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