Ssh-chat, part 2

Hello, Habr. This is article 2 of the ssh-chat loop.

What we will do:

Custom layout features

Currently implemented support for the following design features:

 // parserExec.js at end module.exports.registerMethod = function(name, func) { methods[name] = func }

You also need to return this method after creating the server.

 // index.js at require part const { registerMethod } = require('./parserExec') // index.js at end module.exports.registerMethod = registerMethod

Now, when creating a server, we can register formatting methods. Example:

 const chat = require('.') const { formatNick } = require('./format') chat({}) chat.registerMethod('hello', function(p, name){ return 'Hi, ' + formatNick(name) + '!' })

Markdown support

Markdown is very convenient, so add it using marked terminal

 // format.js near require const marked = require('marked'); const TerminalRenderer = require('marked-terminal'); marked.setOptions({ renderer: new TerminalRenderer() }); // format.js line 23 message = marked(message)


How it will work

 let writeBotBob = chat.registerBot({ name: 'botBob', onConnect(nick, write){ write('@hello{' + nick + '}') }, onDisconnect(nick, write){}, onMessage(nick, message, write) { if(message == 'botBob!') write('I\'m here') }, onCommand(command, write) { write('Doing ' + command) } })


can be called using @bot(botBob){Command}

Everything for working with bots is described in the file:

 let bots = []; //   let onWrite = () => {}; function getWrite(bot) { //       return msg => { onWrite(, msg); }; } module.exports.message = function message(nick, message) { // index.js       bots.forEach(bot => { try { bot.onMessage(nick, message, getWrite(bot)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); }; module.exports.connect = function message(nick) { //   bots.forEach(bot => { try { bot.onConnect(nick, getWrite(bot)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); }; module.exports.disConnect = function message(nick) { //   bots.forEach(bot => { try { bot.onDisconnect(nick, message, getWrite(bot)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); }; module.exports.command = function message(name, message) { //    bots.forEach(bot => { if ( == name) { try { bot.onCommand(message, getWrite(bot)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } }); }; module.exports.registerBot = function(bot) { bots.push(bot); return getWrite(bot) }; module.exports.onMessage = func => { onWrite = func; };

What can be done with bots:

Hash and salt

Why not ssh keys? Because ssh keys will be different on different devices

Create a file in which will be responsible for checking and creating passwords

 // crypto.js const crypto = require('crypto'); function genRandomString(length) { return crypto .randomBytes(Math.ceil(length / 2)) .toString('hex') .slice(0, length); } function sha512(password, salt){ const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', salt); /** Hashing algorithm sha512 */ hash.update(password); const value = hash.digest('hex'); return value }; function checkPass(pass, obj){ return obj.password == sha512(pass, obj.salt) } function encodePass(pass){ const salt = genRandomString(16) return JSON.stringify({ salt, password: sha512(pass, salt) }) } module.exports.encodePass = encodePass module.exports.checkPass = checkPass

Also a script for salting and hashing a password

 // To generate password run node ./encryptPassword password const { encodePass } =require('./crypto') console.log(encodePass(process.argv[2]))

We update in users.json and instead of comparison in lobby.js we use checkPassword


As a result, we have ssh chat with design capabilities and bots.

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