In the continuation of a series of articles on how we are going to unveil the three most important blocks of team lead at Saint TeamLead Conf - teamwork,
team lead tools and
awareness development - today I will talk about topics that we will discuss in the format of chamber meetings, meetings, workshops, round tables.
Last time at TeamLead Conf in Moscow we tried to separate all the round tables into a separate stream. It turned out pretty well (judging by the participants' assessments), but many of the listeners wrote in the reviews that it would be nice to narrow the topic of conversations, reduce the number of speakers, make events more chamber, but at the same time get an opportunity to more deeply consider the topic, ask questions, listen to the opinion of colleagues.
No sooner said than done. In St. Petersburg, on the 23rd and 24th, within the framework of
Saint TeamLead Conf there will be two separate tracks for this, in which we have already posted
9 mitaps . About them and will be discussed below.
Building your professional path
The workshop on self-determination will be conducted by
Maxim Tsepkov . Max is a unique person. Dozens of conferences per year as a listener, numerous reports on completely different topics (for example,
knowledge management ,
responsibility and
soft skills ) and divine
reports . In principle, if you carefully read his posts on fb and the blog, you can not go anywhere :) And Max can listen to two reports at the same time, plying between the halls :)))

This time, in addition to the project planning
report from the demonstrations, Max will conduct a
master class on the topic “Building our professional path - a workshop on self-determination”. In modern life it is necessary to make decisions very often: which one to choose the next project and in which company, which conference is worth attending, and many others. These decisions can be made each time situationally, or you can keep in mind the long-term development goals. At TeamLead Conf last year, there was a story about
circuit assembly that helps Max make decisions. And now he offers the participants to work with their self-determination on their basis in practice. The event is designed for 2 hours - consider this when planning your time at the conference.
If you are programming C, C ++, C # or Java, you must have heard about this product. During the meeting, we’ll hear first-hand about the principles of the analyzer. The guys will show how to most effectively use PVS-Studio in a new project or implement it in an existing one. You probably could see their stands at our and not only conferences, but this meeting is a reason to find out more.
By the way, an important point. PVS-Studio does not have personal licenses, because they believe that the benefit of static code analysis is the entire project, and not the individual user who runs the tool. It doesn’t matter whether he runs it on his local machine or on a build server - the benefits of introducing a static analysis tool will certainly be for the whole project as a whole and for the whole team, even if not all developers in the project are aware of PVS-Studio.
Z.Y. It will also be possible to leave tomatoes :)
DIY Review
This time, George Mogelashvili from and our Program Committee suggests looking at Performance Review from the side of its preparation. Indeed, many of us have heard about the process of evaluating performance, but not everyone understands to the end what it is and why it is needed.

At this
workshop, George offers together with you:
- Understand why a process for evaluating performance is needed (or not needed)
- develop several indicators for the assessment matrix;
- Practice evaluations based on fictional (or not so?) cases.
From my point of view, it sounds interesting. If this topic is completely incomprehensible or not catchy, read the
article by Yegor Tolstoy from Avito (with a similar topic, Yegor spoke at one of the previous TeamLead Conf) and Igor Tsupko from Flant following the footsteps of the
report on Knowledge Conf. I’m very curious to invite you to read
an article by Alexey Rybak about the Badoo experience.
Why do you need CBT in IT?
The next
mitap I asked
Andrei Stepenko to
conduct on the basis of repeated conversations and disputes in chat rooms about the Theory of Constraints. Why do you need CBT in IT? You ask, and we help find the answer. Here is what Andrei writes about his event:
Among IT teams, there is interest in the topic and an intuitive feeling that it is useful. But few people figured out the scope. I have 20 years of experience in this area and a Goldratt School certificate. Since 2010, I am mainly engaged in IT projects.
At the mitap, it will be about the Drum-buffer-rope and the logic of the TOC material flow. This will help to understand the basic elements of the concept. And there will be cases. Theory and practice.
For example, most complaints from custom development sound like this. “Our analysts are on the customer side. We understand that they do not understand, but cannot explain. ”
If you understand the logic of your customer’s business, and your colleagues are not very good, you can seize the initiative (there will be TDRs and clouds). And the tasks will come from you.
Cases will help to understand how resource bandwidth is justified and how the load on them changes during projects. Why is it better to alternate kanban with scrum, and where in general to transfer everything to the production scheme.
Many tried to approach this machine, but did not achieve decent results. Come if you are interested in this topic. Andrei, by the way, translated “Goal” Goldratt. Yes, yes, that same “Goal”.
Roadmap timber
If you are subscribed to channels with the word “team lead” (for example,
Team lead pain ), you probably already heard about the roadmap launched by
Egor Tolstoy and Stas Tsyganov . If not, read Yegor's
article .

The story of the creation is this: a few months ago Stas was faced with the problem of structuring the development of team lead. Questions arose around the following:
- what skills should be downloaded first;
- what knowledge and skills are generally needed;
- like others.

Research on the Internet and literature did not give an answer to these questions, and Stas, together with Yegor Tolstoy, took on the difficult work of describing and clustering lead skills. The guys quite quickly came to the idea of ​​attracting the community and at the moment the repository has almost 2,000 stars, more than 30 PRs were accepted.
At the
meeting, the guys want to talk about this endeavor and show on a volunteer how to draw up a development map for themselves and their leads.
By the way, I also adhered to the formation of the roadmap :)
Product Oriented Developer
Dmitry Sherstinin suggests discussing in real-life cases how to develop “productivity” in employees. So that the developer sees not only the code, but also the product that he is developing. I tried to look through the eyes of real users on the results of my work and applied this vision to create a better product. We will discuss on cases that worked or did not work in practice.
According to the format of the event, the “leader” sets the topic and outlines a couple of his cases, expectations and what results this led to. Participants discuss and talk about 1-2 cases from their practice. If you have something to share with colleagues, come. It will be interesting!
Relative Score Game Paint the Story Point
Alexander Baptizmanskaya proposes to consider another eternal topic, repeatedly raised in completely different conversations, as part of a game about relative assessments.
It's no secret that studies show that people evaluate work very poorly in hours, and in IT project evaluation is almost the most painful place and often resembles the program “Battle of Psychics”. The goal of Paint the Story Point is to show the benefits of relative ratings for long-term planning and greater team predictability.
Timlid Construction and Interview in 15 Minutes
And finally, two whole meetings from our great friend and speaker Philip Delgyado. Phil received high marks on the past Teamlead Conf with the
report “Methodology as a Constructor”. If you have not seen it, be sure to check it out.

This time, the subject is also associated with the construction, but already a Timlida. Recently, questions often slip “I’ve become a team leader - and what to do, where to develop”. As part of the discussion of this topic above, I talked about the mitaps from Yegor and Stas. But in different companies and even in different projects, “team lead” means completely different things and there
is no
single answer to this question and it cannot be.
At the meeting, as part of a joint seminar, Phil and the audience will try to figure out:
- what are the “roles” of a timlid using life examples;
- what "roles" are needed in various situations ("SCRUM", "Agile", enterprise, etc.);
- Is it possible to sort out some basic things behind a list of 100,500 different competencies (well, for example, systemic thinking or the ability to put yourself in the place of another).
Z.Y. At the meeting, the active participation of listeners in the process is very expected.
The second
mitap is dedicated to interviewing. The program included two reports on this topic from Stas Tsyganov and Neil Podolsky, but we decided to develop this topic also through communication with students.
Many love long interviews. Talk to the candidate thoroughly for a couple of hours, give him several tasks, ask him to take the test, then send him to future colleagues, team leader of the neighboring group, HR and half of the directors. This approach may be reliable and high-quality, but very expensive for both the candidate and the hiring company.
At the meeting, Phil, together with the audience, will try to understand why the interview is being held, what we need to learn about the candidate, how we can verify the information received in the shortest time (both ours and the candidate).
In general, my friends, the program was mega-rich and useful. I invite you to take an active part and communicate with colleagues and experts. See you on September 23 and 24 at ARTPLAY SPb in St. Petersburg.