"Aevit", being a drug, is successfully used to get rid of acne. Assign it intramuscularly and inside can only be a specialist. This warning should be observed in connection with the content of high doses of vitamins in the preparation. Excessive use of the drug can cause intoxication. However, for external use, the drug is used independently. It allows you to get rid of existing skin problems.
Many people have black dots on their faces - comedones. These unpleasant phenomena are nothing more than plugs clogging the sebaceous glands. Especially often, such disorders occur in adolescence. Pathogenic microorganisms that multiply actively in clogged glands cause pustules. These neoplasms are acne. They are also called juvenile eels. Such acne occurs as a result of metabolic disturbances in the body associated with hormonal changes in adolescence.

It is quite difficult to get rid of youthful eels. This problem requires an integrated approach to the course of treatment. As a rule, a specialist prescribes antibacterial agents, as well as drugs that normalize metabolic processes that occur in the skin. The list of prescribed drugs, as a rule, includes the Aevit vitamins. For acne, this drug is recommended intramuscularly. It is also used as an internal or external agent.
Currently, Aevit vitamins for acne are increasingly prescribed by cosmetologists. This drug does not have any side effects. When using it, only individual intolerance of the components that are part of the composition is possible. The medicine "Aevit" eliminates acne by restoring impaired metabolic processes in the skin cells. Vitamins A and E, which are the main active ingredients of the drug, contribute to the normalization of sebum, as its increased viscosity is the direct cause of acne. In addition, the drug "Aevit" increases the local immunity of the skin.
At home, it is possible to carry out procedures to get rid of the immediate cause of acne. Thoroughly clean the skin with a fine-grained scrub. After this, a capsule of vitamin Aevit is pierced, and its contents, which is an oily solution, are applied to the face. The drug is perfectly absorbed, there is no need to remove its residues. Vitamins "Aevit" for acne in this procedure are used daily. The course of treatment should be fifteen to twenty days. After a three-month break, the procedure must be repeated.

How to drink "Aevit" should be recommended by a specialist. The drug is prescribed from the age of fourteen. As a rule, one capsule of the drug is recommended for daily use for a month. Repeated courses of therapy are prescribed twice a year. It should be borne in mind that the drug "Aevit" is most effective in small and local inflammatory processes. Remember that before using the medicine, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Aevit vitamins, the average price of which is thirty rubles per twenty capsules, can be purchased in the pharmacy network. The drug is sold without a prescription.