Segway-Ninebot has provided more detailed information about the device and operating modes of its new KickScooter T60 electric scooter, which can independently roll on to a charging station.
Attention, under the cut a lot of pictures.
This material is a continuation of the news publication on Habré: "
An electric scooter with the function of returning to the charging station has been created. "
section on the KickScooter T60 electric scooter has been made publicly available on the Segway-Ninebot website.
The unusual KickScooter T60 electric scooter has three wheels - two in front and one in the back, which enables it to be stable without a user and roll back to the location of the nearest charging station without damage and falls.
The highlight of this device is a remote control system using a video camera in front of the electric scooter steering wheel, with which the rental service operator or special software can remotely analyze the situation on the road and return the electric scooter back to the charging station in manual or automatic mode using GPS and mobile data .
KickScooter T60 electric scooter connected to a stationary wireless charger
Key Features of the KickScooter T60 Electric Scooter:
- the maximum speed is 32 kilometers per hour (the parameter can be programmatically limited in accordance with the rules of the country or region);
- maximum load on the chassis is 120 kilograms;
- the mass of the electric scooter is about 30 kilograms;
- lithium battery with remote locking system and the ability to quickly replace;
- range on one battery charge 60-70 kilometers;
- protection level for IPX5 core components, for IPX7 core components;
- three blocks of independent brake systems (regenerative braking, drum brake, parking brake);
- chassis with a protected battery compartment, rear-wheel drive system and special suspension for front wheels and their steering gear;
- support for stationary charging stations with a wireless charging system (optional);
- the cost of the device is $ 1,420 (especially for large rental services, given the savings on the manual transportation of scooters at a charging station);
- start of sales in early 2020.

Additional components of the KickScooter T60 electric scooter:
- an on-board computer with a six-core processor with a frequency of 1.8 GHz;
- in the center of the steering wheel there is a camera with a wide-angle lens for autonomous navigation, data from which is transmitted to the operator’s console, which monitors the status of electric scooters and is controlled;
- in front of the bottom there is an ultrasonic sensor for scanning obstacles on the road, which is paired with a camera;
- Specially developed cloud service for real-time remote control and monitoring system of electric scooters.
A technical engineer checks the battery condition of the KickScooter T60 electric scooter.
KickScooter T60 electric scooter front suspension assembly.
Cloud Management System for KickScooter T60 Electric Scooter Rental Services.
KickScooter T60 Electric Scooter Visual Navigation System
The developers equipped the electric scooter with a hardware-software complex (on-board computer, wide-angle camera, ultrasonic sensor, remote control system), which recognizes the types of surfaces on which the scooter can go (for example, sidewalk, bicycle path, pedestrian crossing) and which are forbidden (road) and then paves the route for the next few meters ahead with the catch that you can make quick changes when an obstacle appears in front.
In addition, the electric scooter has a global planner that allows it to build a longer route in the area based on local map data and a cloud-based management system. Thus, the electric scooter can use navigation independently over short distances and with the involvement of an operator remotely over long distances, which is a safe, accurate and efficient solution.
An example of the operation of the visual navigation system KickScooter T60.
In the pictures below: the left part is the data from the scooter camera; middle part - surface recognition, where the violet zone is the permitted area for movement; right part - the navigation system builds a route by points.
If the scooter deviates from the route, the navigation system recounts the route and redirects it.
If there are pedestrians in the path of the electric scooter, the navigation system monitors them and passes or calculates the detour route.
Stand-alone modes of the KickScooter T60 electric scooter:
Return to charging station with low battery.
Moving workers and charged electric scooters between parking lots to replenish empty spaces in a parking lot more demanded by users (for example, from the suburbs to the city center at lunchtime).
Stages of working with the KickScooter T60 electric scooter service.
In the application, select the device next to us:
We activate access to the electric scooter:
Now you can go about your business:
The operator in the monitoring center monitors the situation with the electric scooter fleet (on the map, often the scooter performs the procedure for moving to more popular areas):
On a large monitor, you can monitor several devices at once, and in the event of a problem, the operator switches and manually drives around a difficult obstacle on the footpath:
The place where the ultrasonic sensor and camera visibility are located:
The navigation system also recognizes markings and warning labels:
If necessary, the operator manually allows the device to drive through a difficult place:
But in the evening, electric scooters are already waiting for their new customers: