There will probably not be a single person who is ready to give up a modest and crunchy cucumber on a hot summer day. And if they exist, then they just don't know what vitamins are in cucumbers!
Affordable vegetable and easily digestible, he becomes the king of spring-summer dishes. Its composition for 8/9 is made up of water, but 1/9 is a storehouse of irreplaceable elements that the body cannot independently develop.
Vegetables are so loved by man that during the growing season they canned them in jars for consumption in winter.
Appearance story
Bearing fruit and oriented for growth in Russian latitudes, the cucumber has completely different roots and is not a Russian culture. The first references are found in Indian literature more than 5000 years ago. Knowing what vitamins are contained in cucumbers, the vegetable quickly fell in love in Egypt, Greece. Regarding Russia, there are opinions that it was imported from Asia and was widely used in the 16th century.

Today you can meet the wild relatives of cucumbers in India. There is a legend that when cucumbers were rare, the Turkish sultan ordered to cut the bellies of the court, in order to find out who ate the vegetable sent to him as a gift.
Composition of the product
To answer the question "what vitamins in cucumbers" it is necessary to analyze the composition of the vegetable on the shelves. Figures are given per 100 grams.
The main element is water, its 95.2 grams in a cucumber. Carbohydrates in the aggregate form 3.6 grams and consist of: sugar 1.7 g; starch 0.8 g; fiber 0.5 gr. The proportion of starch is so small that in comparison with potatoes it is 1:20, that is, in the latter it is 20 times more. Low-calorie vegetable also contains fats (0.1 g.); proteins (0.7 gr.) and plant sterols.
Vitamins: B 1,2,3,6,9; A, E, C, K, PP.
Macronutrients: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium.
Trace elements: selenium, iron, fluorine, zinc.
All together form a total of 14 kcal in 100 grams of cucumber.
What is the most vitamin in cucumber?
Among these vitamins, the place of honor belongs to ascorbic acid (C), which contains 10 mg of vegetable. Vitamin is known for its antioxidant, protective properties, a positive effect on the psyche and help in the fight for slim forms. Of course, cucumber containing ascorbic acid is not a competitor to lemon, but it is not much behind it (vitamin C lemon contains 40 mg per 100 grams of product).

The presence of vitamins A, E promotes the production of collagen, protects the body from viruses and infections. Thanks to these vitamins, cucumber is used in cosmetology as a component of masks for whitening the skin and cleansing the face.
Vitamins of group B in terms of specific gravity in the composition of the vegetable occupy the last positions among the other benefits, however, their small number can positively affect the metabolic processes.
Having figured out what vitamins are contained in cucumbers, it will not be fair to leave aside potassium, which in the composition of the vegetable is 141 mg. This macrocell provides normal human activity: it regulates the level of acids and salts; supports kidney function; struggling with fatigue; normalizes blood pressure and detoxifies.

The amount of potassium in cucumbers is comparable to its presence in strawberries, onions and tangerines. The daily requirement for this element for a person is 2 grams / day, that is, eating 300 grams of cucumbers, you can provide the body with 21% potassium from the average daily rate. This is more than enough, because, in addition to cucumbers, a person eats meat, potatoes, fruits (bananas, citrus fruits), which also contain this macrocell, in a day.
The benefits of cucumbers
When brewing coffee, especially in the hot season, remember which vitamins are in fresh cucumbers, set aside a cup with a drink and eat a crisp and healthy vegetable better. The benefits of cucumbers are as follows:
- The high liquid content in cucumbers helps the body avoid dehydration, remove toxins.
- Under the supervision of a doctor, the use of juice from cucumbers can in some cases split stones in the gall bladder.
- The risk of cancer of the breast and prostate, uterus, ovaries is reduced.
- Salvation is losing weight. People who are forced to go on diets, no doubt, can consume low-calorie vegetable, without fear of weight gain. Of course, in moderation.
- The medicine for diabetes. Cucumber juice contains a hormone necessary for pancreatic cells to produce insulin.
- Normalization of pressure. The leader among vitamins - potassium, in combination with magnesium, helps people suffering from high / low blood pressure.
- In everyday life, a wiped mirror in the bathroom with a cucumber will become less foggy. A creaky door with blurry hinges of a cucumber will become quieter to function.
Female salvation
What vitamins in cucumbers is defined, but their effect on female attractiveness is not. As it turns out, you can not only enjoy the taste of green vegetables, but also apply externally, saving money on beauty news.
A couple of circles of cucumber will help to quickly and easily remove puffiness of the eyelids and relieve fatigue from a long stay at the computer. It is only necessary to remove makeup from the eyes and, applying cucumber slices on the eyelids, lie down for 10 minutes. This method also helps to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

In pursuit of a beautiful tan, skin burns occur. To remove unpleasant sensations on sensitive areas of the body (face, neck), a mask of cucumber helps.
Tighten the skin of the face, smooth wrinkles, remove age spots, rejuvenate also under the power of cucumber-based procedures and products.
Knowing what vitamins a cucumber contains, many do not realize that the use of a vegetable as a food product or cosmetic product can affect the elimination of cellulite.
Salted cucumbers
The product is indisputably delicious and indispensable on the festive table. Pickled cucumbers increase appetite and add a spicy flavor to dishes. What vitamins are in cucumbers after their preservation? Unfortunately, when a vegetable is salted and subjected to heat treatment, vitamins are destroyed, but trace elements remain.

During fermentation (this applies to salted, not pickled cucumbers) , lactic acid is formed, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, the creation of glucose and the provision of energy to the body.
Due to the high salt content, cucumbers prepared in this way are not recommended for people with hepatitis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Also, pickles are excluded from the diet for atherosclerosis, kidney disease, hypertension and chronic nephritis.
Knowing what vitamins are in cucumbers, it is worth knowing about their contraindications. Vegetable grown with top dressing with nitrates and pesticides is not recommended for anyone. If there is uncertainty about their origin, but really want to enjoy an early cucumber, it is proposed to protect the vegetable by removing the skin from it.

This product is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the stomach: gastritis, ulcer, high acidity . Pregnant women should be wary of eating fresh, and even more so pickled cucumbers. When overeating, upset stomach, bloating and belching are possible. In a small amount, it is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and just a delicious addition to dishes.