What is the most important thing for every girl? This, of course, is her female health. Therefore, when the menstrual cycle fails, women usually begin to worry and worry about their body. After all, if the delay is 2 months and the test is negative, this can be a consequence of serious diseases. Therefore, we advise you to read this article to the end in order to find out about all sorts of causes of menstruation and understand how to fix this problem.

How to determine the delay of menstruation?
If menstrual bleeding does not occur within the estimated time period, we can safely say that this is a delay in menstruation. A delay of 2 months and a negative test can indicate that there is a pathology. But a delay of 5-6 days is not yet considered a pathology, but a completely normal phenomenon. Also, at certain periods of a woman's age, there may be, so to speak, “planned natural delays”. For example:
- Puberty (adolescence). At this age, the formation of the menstrual cycle occurs. Irregular periods may last for 1 year or 1.5 years.
- Reproductive phase. In this age period, pregnancy and lactation can be considered a natural cause of menstruation delay.
- Premenopause (after 40-50 years). In women of this age, menstrual function decreases (gradually, the intensity of secretions decreases until they are completely stopped).
If after a week of delay of menstruation they still do not occur, then this is clearly not a natural phenomenon and in this case it is recommended to urgently visit a gynecologist. In order to maintain the reproductive function and general condition of the female body, you need to understand the question of what is the norm and deviations in the characteristic of menstruation.

Menstruation characteristic
The woman’s body in the reproductive phase functions according to cyclical patterns. We can say that the woman did not fertilize the egg and she was not pregnant, only if monthly discharge appeared at the end of the menstrual cycle. But if, nevertheless, conception did not happen, and there is a delay of 2 months and a negative test, then this indicates a violation and malfunction of the menstrual cycle.
The first menstruation, as a rule, occurs at 11-15 years. If later 17 and earlier 11, then doctors say that this is a pathology of physical development. The reasons for the delay in the onset of menstruation up to 17 years can be:
- ovarian underdevelopment;
- dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
- general lag in physical development;
- uterine hypoplasia, etc.
The norm is considered the duration of the menstrual cycle of 28 days, this is 4 weeks. There is also a certain percentage of women whose cycle lasts 21 days. And only a very small part of women have a cycle lasting 30-35 days. The average continuation of menstrual bleeding is from 3 to 7 days. During menstruation, blood loss from 50 to 150 ml is allowed, if less or more, then this will be considered a pathology.
In order to track their menstrual cycle, gynecologists recommend that patients maintain a calendar of menstruation, in which you need to mark the start and end dates of menstrual flow. Thus, you can immediately determine if there is a delay or not.

Factors Affecting the Cycle
In the modern world, there are many external factors that can affect the menstrual cycle. The following is a list of key factors:
- Exercise stress. Girls who engage in professional sports most often experience a delay of more than 20 days. Also, a delay of more than 22 days is observed in women who have chosen hard work, where physical force must be used. And an active lifestyle - yoga, running, fitness or dancing - cannot affect the menstrual cycle.
- Stress. Too many stressful situations have been happening in the world lately, and their women have been especially hard hit. Therefore, a delay of 2 months and a negative test may be due to a nervous breakdown. When stress occurs, a signal is sent to the cerebral cortex that the development of the fetus cannot occur in a negative environment. After that, an impulse is sent from the cortex to the female body, and the reproductive function is inhibited.
- Another climate. Adaptation to other climatic conditions can last individually, depending on the characteristics of the organism. Therefore, when the climate changes, a delay of 2 weeks to six months is observed. Also, staying too long in the sun or in a tanning bed can affect the failure of the cycle.
- Diet or anorexia. Lack of weight affects the hormonal background, and the latter is involved in reproductive function. Therefore, if a person is sick with anorexia, in principle, menstruation ceases until the moment when the weight and nutrition of the body are normalized.
- Excess weight. Adipose tissue takes an active part in hormonal processes, therefore, if there is an excess of it in the body, it is difficult for the body to function at full strength, and it gives a malfunction in the menstrual cycle.

Gynecological causes
The reason for the delay in menstruation with a negative test can be different diseases at the gynecological level. For example:
- cyst (neoplasm in the form of a tumor, usually its contents are liquid);
- adnexitis and oophoritis (inflammation);
- cervical cancer (the most common malignant tumor);
- disorders of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
- uterine fibroids (benign tumor);
- polycystic ovary disease (endocrine disease);
- contraception (poorly inserted spiral).
Non-gynecological reasons
If there is a delay of 2 months and the test is negative, the reasons for this may not be at the gynecological level. As you know, the cerebral cortex is responsible for the menstrual cycle, and more precisely, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Therefore, possible violations in the brain can lead to a delay in menstruation.
In addition, there are other diseases of the body that can affect the menstrual cycle. For example:
- thyroid disease;
- diseases that are associated with the endocrine system;
- diabetes;
- adrenal disease.
The reason for the above diseases can be: weak immunity, unhealthy diet and excess weight, which creates a load and stress for the whole body.

Delay in teenage girls
As mentioned earlier, on average, menstruation occurs in girls at 12 years old. But in adolescents who are prone to fullness, they come earlier, and in thin ones - later.
Doctors say that the hormonal background of adolescents is unstable, so do not worry so much if the girl, of course, does not live sexually before adulthood. That is, if the delay is 2 months and the test is negative, there is no reason for concern. Such a delay is considered normal, and in the future the girl’s cycle will coincide with her mother’s menstrual cycle. But if this is not so, then in this case, the mother should reduce her daughter to a pediatric gynecologist.
Delay after 40 years
In the period of 40-45 years, a delay or even the absence of menstruation is a normal phenomenon. That is, a completely different cycle is built: delay, ovulation and menstruation. This can go on for 4 years. It is recommended in such a period to visit (every 3 months) a gynecologist more often in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases that are caused by the instability of the release of hormones.
At the age of 40-45, women are especially susceptible to diseases such as fibroids, cysts and other neoplasms of the uterus. Therefore, if there is a delay, the test is negative, the stomach is pulling or sore, and the color of the discharge has changed, you need to urgently sign up to the gynecologist.

What to do?
First of all, when you find a delay in your period, it’s worth not to panic, but to approach this problem sensibly. Girls and women who are already sexually active need to do the following:
- get a pregnancy test, and preferably several different companies;
- try to analyze other factors (stress during study or work, a different climate, poor nutrition and diet, etc.);
- if you have a negative pregnancy test with a delay, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.
For virgins follows this indication:
- eliminate stress factors, acclimatization, malnutrition;
- if the delay is more than 2 months, you should consult a gynecologist.
For women over 40:
- sign up for an examination if menstruation is not more than 4 months.
I have a stomachache
If the period is delayed, the test is negative and hurts in the lower abdomen - this can serve as a reason for excitement. In this case, immediate medical attention is required. The causes of abdominal pain can be:
- cystitis;
- erosion;
- false pregnancy.
False pregnancy is a purely psychological disease. This affects girls who have long dreamed of becoming pregnant, but they can not do it at all. There were even cases that the stomach grew and other characteristics of pregnancy were noted, but there was no fetus. But these are rare cases, and girls with such a problem are encouraged to contact psychiatrists.

In order for the gynecologist to determine the causes of menstrual delay for 2 months, the test is negative at the same time, he must collect the entire history and conduct a series of examinations, such as:
- measuring basal temperature to understand if there is ovulation or not;
- take tests for changes in the functioning of the ovaries and other glands;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs to determine if there are neoplasms or other organ lesions;
- MRI of the brain and CT to exclude tumors in the form of tumors of the cerebral cortex.
If any diseases are detected, the gynecologist will recommend visiting other doctors: a nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist, etc.
In conclusion, it must be said that if a woman has a delay of 2 months and the test is negative, this is a serious reason to beware. Do not let everything drift. After all, the reasons for this can be either harmless, for example, changing the weather, or dangerous - tumors, etc. Therefore, it is always better to prevent the development of a disease than to get rid of it all your life.