In the article, we consider for what reasons there is a delay in menstruation with menopause.
For women after the age of 40-45, the symptoms of delayed menstruation are normal as a signal of a transition to the menopause phase. This phenomenon is normal and even correct, and therefore urgent medical advice, a pregnancy check, or any disease are not required. However, all of the above cannot be excluded, as well as not paying attention to changes in your body.

Many women are interested in whether there may be a delay in menstruation with menopause.
What processes occur in the female body?
To understand what changes the female body is experiencing, you can imagine a flower that grows from a bulb, turns into a bud, opens up, gives its beauty to others and soon fades.
A similar cyclical nature is also observed in the reproductive female function:
- puberty is the appearance and opening of a bud (the arrival of the first menstruation);
- flowering period - flowering, maturity, when the body is able to fully continue the genus;
- wilting is the termination of such a female ability.
How long can menstruation delay with menopause? This is a common question.
Closer to the fiftieth anniversary (from 45 to 55), every woman has a delay in menstruation, signaling the beginning of the menopause, when the full activity of the reproductive system ceases.
Endocrine system
The endocrine system ceases to produce hormones (progesterone, estrogen) in the required amount for the functioning of the reproductive system and the ability to conceive. However, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to become pregnant, since the ovulation process can still occur. In addition, the period of menopause is quite long and "sets in" normal gradually, gradually depriving a woman of the ability to continue the birth. There are three main stages of menopause:
- premenopause
- Menopause itself
- postmenopause.

Consider the symptoms of menstruation delay in menopause.
The specifics of premenopause
Climax predominantly begins in the period from 45 to 55 years, but if this happens earlier, then we can talk about early menopause, that is, physiological characteristics or pathology that require medical attention. On average, premenopause lasts about six years and gradually a woman loses her reproductive ability.
Menstruation delay with menopause is noted at the very beginning of the period, that is, it is regarded as a symptom of a woman's body entering the menopause. A delay can have several types:
- Menstruation delays occur in a smoothly increasing sequence, there is no sudden absence of secretions and recovery after. In the menstrual cycle, almost an order of magnitude is observed, as in the reproductive period, but with a noticeable fading. Allocations become smaller in number, they become thinner, and after they cease altogether. This type of delay shows the healthy work of the womanโs body, it is noted in the predominant number of women in the menopause.
- The regularity of the menstrual cycle has noticeable irregularities, delays constantly occur. Menstruation has different uncontrolled intervals, can be meager and plentiful. Thus, the imbalance and "anxiety" of the hormonal system is expressed, and therefore medical consultation is required.
- What can be the delay of menstruation with menopause? It occurs for a long time, for example, for 3-4 months. After this, spotting appears and disappear again for a rather long time. This indicates a sudden transition of the menopause and a hormonal jump in the body of a woman.
- There is a one-time delay of critical days, after which the menstrual cycle stops. Menstruation is no longer restored, go away completely.
How does menstruation delay during menopause manifest?
Menses at the beginning of menopause
The onset of menopause, that is, premenopause, lasts about six years, and the onset of this stage is characterized by normal menstruation, but with delays. The likelihood of fertilization still exists due to the incomplete termination of the reproductive system, but only extinction, and therefore we must not forget about protection.
Delayed menstruation at the beginning of menopause is the absolute norm.
Over the years, and sometimes at the beginning of the menopause, critical days may already be bleeding due to the use of hormonal drugs. It is a pseudo-monthly.
In addition, the uterus can bleed, in which the walls weaken and are injured due to loss of tone and vaginal dryness. Excessive bleeding over 80 ml indicates health problems and is not within normal limits.
Women need to be careful about the discharge if they are too long, plentiful, because they can talk about various diseases.
The delay of menstruation with menopause at its beginning is not an explanation of their duration or profusion. When delays increase, poverty also increases, the duration of critical days is reduced, which is a normal indicator of menopause.

Is the delay normal?
Menopause with menopause happens, and it happens last. After such critical days, a true climax occurs.
The methods for determining the last selection are as follows.
During menopause, the delay of critical days ranges from three weeks to three months, and therefore the absence of them longer than this period indicates a real menopause.
All this indicates a complete cessation of ovarian function and reproductive female function. This period occurs from about 47 to 52 years.
Postmenopause: what is its essence?
Postmenopause is a period of menstruation in which critical days are not allocated throughout the year, and therefore a delay in this situation is excluded.
Thus, a delay during menopause is normal if everything happens gradually. The slightest hormonal changes and uncontrolled discharge indicate problems, in which case it is important to contact a medical institution.

Reasons for delayed menstruation except pregnancy and menopause
What are the reasons for the absence of menstruation if the pregnancy test is negative? Almost every woman asks this question at least once in her life. Even the most effective contraceptive methods do not give an absolute guarantee, which is why any delay should be a warning signal for a woman and make him pass a simple pregnancy test. The menstrual cycle is violated, and the reasons for the absence of menstruation can be different:
- frequent weight jumps, severe dietary restrictions;
- serious emotional shock, stressful situations;
- climate change;
- the beginning of the use of hormonal drugs for contraception, the transition to another method of birth control;
- hormonal pathologies;
- recent surgical interventions on the genitals;
- obesity or, conversely, a lack of body weight;
- genitourinary tract inflammation;
- abortion;
- neoplasms of the ovaries and uterus.
The main reason for delayed menstruation with a negative test is a cycle failure caused by hormonal changes and stress. If such a problem appears periodically, then we can say that there is a persistent violation of the cycle. Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis when he receives information after a comprehensive diagnosis. Turning to the clinic, the patient will undergo laboratory blood tests, examination, ultrasound.
The sooner a woman seeks qualified help, the faster the effective treatment of cycle failures and diseases found will be prescribed. Information about past examinations should be taken to the doctorโs appointment. Sometimes experts ask women to show a calendar of critical days, which reflects the duration, constancy and other features of its cycle.
Recently, women are not serious and easy about the periodic absence of menstruation. They postpone the visit to the gynecologist, because of which the treatment begins late, and the result is deplorable. Often benign formations grow without discomfort and pain, but sometimes they slow down the cycle due to hormonal disorders.
If your periods are delayed and the test is negative, you should worry. The regularity of the female cycle is an indicator of health. With the omission of alarming symptoms and the lack of close attention in the future, problems may arise with conceiving a child, bearing and giving birth.

Hormonal background
The female hormonal background is acutely responsive to all adverse effects: antibiotic treatment, stress, drinking, climate change and smoking. Menstruation can disappear if you get involved in sports, with serious stress, especially when combined with diet. Violations of the cycle often appear on vacation if a woman spends a lot of time under the scorching rays of the sun and abruptly switches to a new diet.
Menstrual irregularities almost always appear due to malfunctioning of the glands involved in the regulation of the main functions of the body, imbalance of hormones. As you know, the latter directly affect the female state - her mood, beauty, life expectancy and performance. The longer menstruation lasts, the better the woman will feel. When the production of sex hormones stops, the risk of arthrosis (articular deformation with age), arthritis (articular deformation regardless of age) and other diseases of the joints, as well as pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, is greatly increased.