Today, our focus is on protein products. A list, a table helps to perceive the material, so we will try to structure it as much as possible. In fact, you just have to print them and place them on the door of your refrigerator. Now you will know for sure which of the products are useful, necessary and important for you in the morning, in the evening, on holidays and fasting days. Now let's go directly to our topic.

The practical use of the list
It is needed for everyone who wants to be healthy and full of energy, those who are engaged in hard physical or mental work, as well as those who want to lose weight. Such a diet has a positive effect on the health of each person, and in particular determines half the athlete’s success, the normal health of the pregnant woman, and also creates favorable conditions for weight loss. Here I want to make a reservation that protein is present in all food products without exception. However, we are only interested in those where these numbers are significant. For example, chicken breast and cottage cheese are protein foods. The list (table) always displays them in the first position. Whereas a similarly weighted serving of bread will give you very little protein. That is, you can always choose several products that, being similar in size, give a different amount of energy and nutrients.

Protein diet
It is clear that not all people care about their diet and specifically isolate protein products for themselves. The list, the table that you compile for yourself, serve certain purposes, and most often it is either a set of muscle mass or a decrease in body fat. Why is the protein diet so popular? First of all, because her diet consists of a large number of products and does not have strict restrictions. If you do not tolerate fasting days on vegetable salads and constantly want to eat, then this is an option suitable for you. Meat, eggs and milk perfectly saturate, which means that hunger will not bother you. In this case, it is protein that is necessary for the collection of "dry" muscle mass, it is also a source of energy. What is still very important, protein is digested long enough, which contributes to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Of course, this rule works if protein foods (list, table will be presented below) are consumed without significant fat content. An example is fatty meat with cheese and mayonnaise, with french fries.

Protein Mix
Let's take a closer look at what protein foods are. The list of products (table) gives us an idea of what you need to consume from 1.5 to 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. It should be remembered that protein is not only meat. The most complete for our body are proteins of animal origin.
Sources of protein from vegetables and grains, fruits and nuts are inferior. They are devoid of one or more amino acids that are necessary to create new proteins. That is, the body parses them into "bricks", which must combine with amino acids from other products to make a new protein.
When choosing products in the supermarket, be sure to read the information on the back of the package. It is desirable that the protein content in 100 g of the product is maximum, but fat - on the contrary, minimum.
Useful Tips
Below we will deal with the fact that we will consider individually protein products. A list, a slimming table is something that will be very useful for both the athlete and the housewife. However, I want to give some more practical advice. If you are looking for herbal analogues of protein foods, then pay attention to soy. This is a complete protein, which is an alternative to red meat. Soybeans or tofu very well raise the level of protein in the diet. These are very satisfying foods, a piece of tofu can become an excellent snack during the day.
It is necessary to consider the diet not only from the position of protein content. Nuts, beans and whole grains are high in fiber. Dietary fiber allows foods to be better absorbed and also dulls hunger. You need to think about the fact that beef and whole milk contain a lot of saturated fats, so it is better to choose chicken meat and skim milk. But semi-finished products, sausages and sausages are best avoided. There is little protein in them, but salt and preservatives are more than enough.
Another important rule is the balance between carbohydrates and protein consumed. Carbohydrates should account for about 55% of the diet, and protein - 30%. Finally, it is very important to schedule a meal. The protein diet is based on this. The list of products (table) should be studied, a menu is created from it, which is broken down by the hour. So you will avoid private snacks and long breaks between meals.

Products to watch out for
This, of course, is protein food. The list of products (table) should hang on each refrigerator, and in order to compile it, you need to understand this issue well. It is customary to single out several sources of protein, in particular meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, eggs and dairy products. They are presented in decreasing order of nutritional value. We will go through each group of these products to make it easier for you to create a truly balanced diet.
Meat and poultry
On the one hand, many people consider meat to be a bad source of protein due to its high fat content. On the other hand, who's stopping you from choosing low-fat varieties? That is, it is recommended first of all to include lean beef and chicken in your diet. These are steaks, as well as chicken breast. A great option for you would be turkey fillet and rabbit meat. Deer meat is also considered dietary, although in urban conditions it is more a luxury than a product for everyday diet. Let's compare these protein products (list). The calorie table is distributed as follows. Beef steak contains 28 g of protein and 11 g of fat per 100 g of product. For beef stroganoff, this ratio is 18/6, for turkey fillet - 19/3, for chicken breast - 23/2, for chicken fillet - 23/1, rabbit meat - 21/11, venison - 19/8. That is, the more protein and the less fat, the more attractive this product will be.

Fish and seafood
Not far behind meat in protein and fish. This is probably the best food. The table says that this is the best source of amino acids that are necessary for the restoration and growth of muscle tissue. At the same time, muscle growth does not mean that you need huge bumps like an athlete. A normally developed muscle corset makes it possible to accelerate the metabolism and thereby improve the condition of your figure. The tightened muscles themselves will make the figure more harmonious.
So fish. It contains six times more protein than dairy products. This makes it one of the richest sources of building material for every cell of our body. You can put natural tuna in the first place: 23 grams of protein and just 1 gram of fat are per 100 grams of product. Next is the salmon filet: the ratio of protein to fat is 20/6. Then sardines - 19/10, mackerel - 18/3, anchovies - 20/6, mullet - 17/2, tilapia - 20/2, shrimp - 17/2, squid - 18/7, lobster - 19/1.

Essential Sources of Fiber and Vitamins
These are fruits and vegetables that we so often forget about. Cutlets and pasta often become the basic diet, and sweets are the most popular dessert. It is necessary to change the emphasis, to eat more vegetables for a side dish, and fruits instead of dessert. In addition, these foods contain protein and other nutrients. Soy asparagus should be put in the first place : the ratio of protein to fat is 45/20. In second place is tofu - 8/4, then soybeans - 13/7, chickpeas - 19/6, beans - 21/2, brown rice - 6/4, spinach - 3 / 0.5, asparagus - 2 / 0.1, dried apricots - 5 / 0.3, banana - 1.5 / 0.1.
Tasty and healthy nuts
Their peculiarity lies in the fact that it is enough to eat 5 nuts - and it is very difficult to stop, and a handful of nuts is already the daily number of calories. The fact is that they contain not only a lot of protein, but also a huge amount of fat, which are useful for the brain and nervous system. About 60% of the brain consists of just such fats. Therefore, they must be eaten constantly, but little by little. In the first place you need to put pumpkin seeds: the ratio of protein to fat - 42/46. Then there are sunflower seeds - 21/53, peanut butter - 25/50, almonds - 21/49, hazelnuts - 16/67, walnuts - 15/65, Brazil nut - 14/66.

Dairy and Eggs
Another huge group that is an excellent source of protein. Egg protein is needed to build muscle, and dairy products contain a lot of calcium and vitamin D. So, eggs contain 13 g of protein and 11 g of fat per 100 g of product. Cottage cheese - up to 5%, the ratio of 16/5, skim yogurt - 3 / 0.5, skim milk - 33/1, finally, the cheese is considered the fattest. Even the most dietary 9% option contains 31 g of protein and 9 g of fat per 100 g of product.
The Importance of Pregnant Protein Products
They are needed by all people, without exception, however, during the bearing of the baby, this question arises especially sharply. Therefore, we will separately consider what constitutes the ideal protein food for pregnant women. The list of products, the table will be your good helpers when going to the supermarket. The main foods you need are rice and beans, meat and fish. You need about 100 g of protein per day, you can get this amount easily by eating 2 large eggs, 70-90 g of meat or fish, 70 g of hard cheese, a glass of boiled beans or lentils and ½ cup of cottage cheese.
Ducan's most popular diet to date
Let's look at exactly which protein products it includes. The list, the table according to Dukan is regulated by a number of rules, but the main one is to give preference to protein products and not to use fat in their preparation. At the first stage, it is necessary to load the body with proteins in order to stimulate a change in metabolism. This is primarily chicken fillet, low-fat veal and pork, liver and tongue. In addition, the diet contains eggs and seafood, cheese and cottage cheese. It should be remembered that there are no restrictions on food, the most important thing is to adhere to the permitted diet.
At the second stage, the listed protein products are also present in the diet, however, fresh and stewed vegetables are allowed to be introduced into it. Potatoes and corn, beans and soybeans, carrots and beets are prohibited. At the third stage, the menu becomes more diverse, because it is allowed to introduce one portion of starchy foods and fried meat. Once a week you can arrange a holiday for yourself, on this day you can allow yourself any products. The basis of this diet are protein foods. The table above allows you to choose the optimal set of products.