Clean skin is a sign of healthy internal organs. But if psoriasis is diagnosed, it is important to know how to live with this disease. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely cure it, but maintaining a condition so that itching does not bother you will help dieting for psoriasis. Consider several menu options, especially the Pegano diet.
Disease characteristics
Psoriasis refers to such an unpleasant phenomenon as chronic degenerative-dystrophic skin pathology. It is characterized by a state when reddish-pink rashes and peeling appear on the surface of the skin.
The term comes from the Greek psoriasis, meaning "itchy skin". It is these symptoms that can best characterize the manifestation of this non-infectious dermatological problem.

This type of dermatosis is characterized by a process when skin cells divide almost thirty times faster than normal. In the process of such high-speed division, they are not able to fully mature, therefore, the disappearance of contacts between them. For this reason, flaky flakes appear.
The forces of the immune system are connected to the course of this process. The strength of the protective elements will be directed at the fight against your own cells. Thus, a state of chronic inflammation characteristic of the lesion is manifested.
Features of the course of the disease
The emergence of this incurable disease is possible at any age, both adults and children suffer from psoriasis. A characteristic of the disease is the duration of the course, with a change in periods of exacerbation of improvements in the condition of the skin, called remission.
To keep this condition as long as possible, it is important to monitor your diet. For this, special dietary recommendations have been developed. They will help to develop a slightly alkaline skin environment in order to improve the condition.
A study of the causes of psoriasis allows us to conclude that there can be many. The leading position belongs to the cause of hereditary predisposition and the presence of such a phenomenon as a defective gene, which is responsible for the functionality of the skin.

What to eat for a person who has psoriasis
Do you need a diet for psoriasis? Definitely yes. Moreover, it is important to take care of its daily observance. We must decisively remove the mass of provocative products in the form of baked goods, confectionery, fatty and fried foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks. What should be the diet for psoriasis, we will talk about this later.
Features of diet
The main purpose of the diet is to solve the main problem - to provide full support for mechanisms that are alkaline in nature. Proper nutrition to prolong the state of remission requires compliance with a number of recommendations:
- As much as possible, exclude from the menu varieties of products, the intake of which leads to a decrease in skin pH. A list of products that are prohibited for consumption can be found below.
- Enter in the menu the types of products and dishes that enhance the process of alkalization of the skin. They should raise the pH to levels above 7.0.
- Drink a sufficient amount of liquid - water should be consumed in an amount of more than five to seven glasses of various drinks. The requirement for water is a sufficient level of purification and a large amount of dissolved salt. This will lead to processes to lower skin pH.
- Eat fractionally, about five times a day, provided that you can have dinner no later than 2 hours before you go to bed. So you can achieve a decrease in the load of the digestive system and ensure good digestibility of food in order to normalize the acid condition of the skin.
- To prepare all dishes, use steam, boiling or baking dishes in the oven. Fried foods are not recommended at all.

- Control how your intestines function. If you suffer from constipation, it is recommended to take medicines in the form of a light herbal remedy with a laxative effect, practice taking vegetable oil. It is optimal for the intestines to empty every day.
- Change black tea to herbal preparations - chamomile, with motherwort, St. John's wort, which will be favorable for the digestive system and the whole organism.
- Strictly exclude coffee drinks, any types of alcohol. This is an important condition of the diet for psoriasis.
- Give up nicotine.
Compliance with these simple recommendations of the diet in the treatment of psoriasis, the use of the right food set will ensure the extension of the remission process and improve the condition of the skin.

Permissions and contraindications diet Pegano
The Pegano diet for psoriasis provides normalization of the acidity of the skin. This is the basis of the Pegano principle. In fact, the diet is to provide for self-medication. This is achieved with proper nutrition and the selection of the necessary food.
According to this principle of nutrition, at least 70-80% of products such as fresh vegetables and fruits should be in the diet. This is alkaline food. The remaining 20-30% should be meat products and cereals - sour food.
Description of allowed products
It is also important to consider which products are allowed and which are prohibited. Allowed are:
- Meat - only varieties of low-fat varieties can be eaten: rabbit, chicken and lamb. Meat can be cooked exclusively by steam or cook. Moreover, it is important that there is no fat on it.
- Fish - it is the preferred source of natural protein and an essential amino acid. Such a diet for psoriasis is designed to lower the pH level by removing acid. The best varieties are sea fish in variants of the sea language, sardines, halibut, sturgeon, tuna, trout and coryfen. Fish should also be eaten boiled or stewed and included in the menu several times a week.
- Eggs are an indispensable source of the amino acid that the body needs so much. Diet for psoriasis involves control over the use of eggs. They can be eaten not often and exclusively in boiled form.
- Dairy products - they provide the replenishment of calcium reserves necessary for the immune system to function normally, and the foci of psoriasis on the skin are restored. A strict diet for psoriasis allows the use of such dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, milk. It is important to carefully select them taking into account the requirements for a minimum level of fat content.
- Cereals - the use of various cereals is practiced: barley, wheat, corn, buckwheat, rice.
- Water is exceptionally pure; it is not tea or juices. You can drink alkaline mineral water.
- Fruits - proper nutrition is based on their use in psoriasis. Moreover, almost all types of fruits are useful. Only citrus fruits can be an exception, because they lower the pH level of the skin. Eating apples is recommended only when baked. It is useful to get involved in pineapples, papaya, mangoes, grapes, cherries, raisins, in order to prevent the relapse of the disease.
- Vegetables - this is the second most important and useful product that will not allow to increase the level of acidity. It is important to eat vegetables fresh, if it is a variety of celery, cucumbers, beets, beans, broccoli, carrots.

What is forbidden
The Pegano diet for psoriasis requires the exclusion of foods from the diet that tend to cause skin irritation. In the list of prohibited foods, the following products are in the form:
- Fatty meat - pork, fatty poultry (turkey, duck, goose). It is imperative to exclude sausages, especially varieties of smoked sausages.
- White bread or products that use wheat flour of the highest grades.
- Citrus fruits, with the exception of only lemon. With its juice you can drink varieties of green tea, water.
- Fatty dairy products - cream, butter.
- Some seafood - lobster, crab, shellfish, shrimp.
- Salads to which vinegar is added is an organic acid that significantly reduces the pH level of the skin.
- Vegetables in the form of potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and pepper.
- Pickles, marinades, mushrooms, spicy dishes with hot spices.
- Sweets and pastries rich in the carbohydrates they contain.
- Coffee and black tea.
- Alcohol, including low alcohol drinks.
Acceptance of the listed products should be discontinued. It is important to take maximum care of the variety of the menu consisting of the food that is allowed.

Diet option
A diet for psoriasis with a daily menu is suggested next. It is designed for a seven-day period. You can choose the menu yourself, if you take as a basis a list of food that is allowed and prohibited. Be sure to consider your own tastes and personal preferences.
Day 1
We offer diet recipes for psoriasis:
- For breakfast - a portion of any porridge with honey and raisins, which was cooked using soy milk.
- Between the main meals there are several fruits from the list of allowed.
- You can have lunch with vegetable soup and salad, in which fresh vegetables are sliced.
- Snack - a baked apple.
- For dinner - cook sea fish, eat with salad, where there are fresh vegetables and lettuce.
Day 2
It is important to diversify food:
- For breakfast - a portion of omelet, for which two eggs and greens were taken.
- Between the main meals - any permitted fruit.
- You can have lunch with broccoli vegetable puree soup.
- Snack - any fruit.
- For dinner, boil chicken breast, green peas and asparagus.
Day 3
Change the diet again:
- For breakfast - fruit salad with apples, bananas and berries, herbal tea.
- Between the main meals - sour-milk unsweetened product.
- You can dine with a serving of brown rice and vegetables.
- An afternoon snack is a fruit.
- For dinner - a salad of cabbage and chicken.
Day 4
We introduce the following products:
- For breakfast - a serving of cottage cheese with raisins and low-fat sour cream.
- Between the main meals - herbal tea.
- You can have lunch with fish soup.
- Snack - a branch of grapes or a serving of baked apple.
- For dinner - vegetable salad, tea.
Day 5
We continue to follow a diet:
- For breakfast - a serving of salad with celery, an apple and grapes.
- Between the main meals - nuts.
- You can have lunch with a salad of pasta and vegetables.
- Snack - a fruit from the list of allowed.
- For dinner, a serving of mashed soup based on cauliflower. Add crackers.
Day 6
The diet for psoriasis of the scalp, as well as other parts of the body, requires strict restrictions. You can build the menu as follows:
- For breakfast - a portion of cottage cheese casserole.
- Between the main meals - a snack with one apple.
- You can have lunch with a salad of vegetables.
- Snack - yogurt.
- For dinner, a portion of fish baked in the oven trout and vegetables.

Day 7
At the end of the week, you can afford the following dishes:
- For breakfast - a serving of carrot salad with lemon juice.
- Between the main meals - any fruit from the list of allowed.
- You can dine with a portion of lean borsch with a piece of whole grain bread.
- Snack - raisins.
- For dinner - buckwheat and boiled chicken breast.
Review Overview
The best dietary efficiency for psoriasis, reviews of which we offer further, consists in eating fractionally, but often, so as not to overload the digestive system.
Patients indicate that the use of the Pegano diet helps prolong the state of remission. For additional recommendations, experienced people are advised to consult a nutritionist.
To summarize
Psoriasis is incurable, but you can live with it if you pay enough attention to your diet. For this, patients are offered a Pegano diet. Taking into account allowed and forbidden dishes, you can independently combine products. It is important to eat in small portions so as not to overload the stomach. Take care of yourself and be healthy!