Psychologists around the world argue that human happiness does not depend on weight, nor on height, nor on other physical parameters. But we persistently continue to strive for beauty standards, and when this process somehow stalls, we panic. In most cases, weight gain is triggered by overeating and lack of physical activity. But sharp unmotivated weight fluctuations, which, of course, upset any woman, indicate various malfunctions in the body.

The reasons can be different: a change in eating behavior, the onset of a disease, taking medications, various deviations in the functioning of the body systems. In such cases, the problem can be avoided only by eliminating the cause. Consider the causes of abrupt weight gain in women and how to eliminate it.
Hormonal disorders
According to experts, the largest number of cases of abrupt weight gain occurs as a result of hormonal failure provoked by a disease. Such a picture can, for example, be observed with polycystic ovary. The sharp jump in the level of the male hormone testosterone provoked by the disease is the reason for the sharp weight gain in women. Which doctor should I go to? This question interests many, because you can not self-medicate. To begin, make an appointment with a gynecologist. With the elimination of polycystic, weight can be returned to normal, but not immediately.
The causes of abrupt weight gain in women at 25 years old will be considered below.

It is also necessary to remember the early diagnosis of diseases of this kind. Noticing some symptoms (hair loss and brittleness, the appearance of vegetation in atypical places, acne, irregular menstruation, inability to get pregnant), you must consult a doctor. In this case, there is a chance to avoid the development of the disease and cure it at an early stage, before weight problems arise. With strict adherence to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, in about a year the normal structure of the ovary is restored. This, of course, will not lead to weight loss, but will suspend its further increase. Getting rid of extra pounds, as in all other cases, is possible only if you follow a diet and daily physical activity. Losing weight also favorably affects the restoration of the hormonal background with a sharp weight gain in women. Reasons are always interconnected.
A disease such as hypothyroidism can also trigger weight gain. This ailment arises as a result of disturbances in the thyroid gland, and more precisely because of its low activity and insufficient synthesis of thyroid hormones, which are the main regulators of metabolic processes in the body. Deficiency of these hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and this, in turn, provokes an increase in body weight.

The root cause in this case is usually a lack of iodine. It is he who is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. A characteristic symptom of the disease is not only weight gain, but also other signs. They can be expressed in a constant feeling of cold, brittle hair and nails, excessive dryness of the skin. If you notice something like this, you need to consult an endocrinologist for advice. After appropriate treatment, thyroid hormones return to normal, and excess weight gradually begins to go away. However, one must take into account the fact that if body weight increased by more than 10 kg, then only the thyroid gland is hardly to blame. The problem must be sought in something else.
What else could be the reason for abrupt weight gain in women?
Excess fluid in the body
To initiate an increase in extra pounds can excess fluid in the body. Water accumulates in the cells and between them, which provokes the appearance of edema, cellulite, the accumulation of excess weight. You can determine the presence of edema by resorting to the simplest procedure: press on the skin with your finger and release. If there is a dimple after pressure, this means that edema is available. Any woman is familiar with this problem. Before the onset of menstruation, all women have edema, which disappears without treatment with the onset of menstruation.
However, if puffiness bothers you constantly, then this indicates a rather serious pathology. The cause may be cardiovascular disease or impaired renal function. Untimely treatment of these pathologies can lead to disability, and sometimes death. Accordingly, if you undergo a course of treatment and eliminate swelling, then the weight will quickly return to normal. The causes of abrupt weight gain in women at 25 years old may differ from those in women over 40-50 years old. In people under 25 years old, the metabolism is very good, but with age, against the background of hormonal changes in the body, all processes, including metabolism, slow down. Therefore, losing weight to a woman aged 35-40 can be more difficult.

Sometimes, an increase in body weight occurs due to the appearance of neoplasms in the abdominal cavity. Such diseases do not happen so often, but you should not lose sight of this scenario. The development of the tumor in this case is provoked by the so-called dermoids, consisting of various types of tissues. They grow very quickly and actively multiply in the abdominal cavity. In some cases, neoplasms gave a weight gain of more than 30 kg. The slightest disproportionate increase in tissues in the abdomen should alert you and serve as a reason for going to the doctor.
Action of antidepressants

Weight fluctuations can also occur as a result of exposure to certain medications, such as antidepressants. The most typical drug with this effect is Paroxetine. Its use in most cases entails a sharp increase in weight. Another drug in this group is Prozac. It causes obesity only with prolonged use. The same can be said of Setralin. Experts say that taking antidepressants provokes obesity only in case of prolonged (more than 12 months) use.
Diabetic drugs
The drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes, which usually develops as a result of a massive increase in body weight, can also provoke an even greater weight gain. A peculiar vicious circle is formed, from which it is not so easy to get out. According to the latest medical data, modern diabetes medications prevent this cause of abrupt weight gain in women. Which doctor should I go to? Let's figure it out.
If there is a hormonal malfunction in the body, then you need to contact an endocrinologist, but it will not be superfluous to visit a gynecologist and other narrow-profile specialists. A nutritionist consultation will also be needed.
The drug βSioforβ, which has a double effect, belongs to a new generation of drugs. It helps to reduce blood sugar and normalize the body's metabolic processes, which prevents the accumulation of extra pounds. But do not ignore the classic ways to help lose weight: diet and exercise. In this regard, it should be recalled that nutritionists strongly object to the use of drugs that contribute to weight loss by preventing the absorption of fat. Such medicines are taken only in case of emergency and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Steroid hormones can also cause abrupt weight gain in women. In this case, how to treat bronchial asthma, skin tuberculosis, inflammation of some internal organs without them? After all, the use of steroid hormones is often due to vital necessity. Experts say that short-term use of steroids does not increase weight much, but even in the case of a strong increase in weight, when the medicine is canceled, it quickly returns to normal. Long-term use of drugs of this group is not recommended, you should think about alternative means.
What to do

Whatever the reason for the sharp weight gain in women after 35 years, it should be actively fought, since its presence leads to the development of serious pathologies. In obese people, in most cases, cholesterol is elevated, which provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases. Obesity has a beneficial effect on the development of diabetes. In addition, the load on the liver increases, since it is she who is responsible for the process of processing and utilization of fat. The risk of developing various pathologies also arises for the kidneys, pancreas, digestive organs. Particularly dangerous is the fat located on the internal organs, it is very difficult to eliminate. This condition provokes the accumulation of toxins, toxins and the appearance of stagnant foci. Fat people have a significantly higher risk of developing malignant tumors of certain types, including colon cancer, endometriosis, and pathologies of the mammary glands. An increase in the load on the skeleton and joints entails damage to the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis).
In the article, we examined the main causes of abrupt weight gain in women. In order to avoid all these negative consequences, you need to monitor your weight, and with a steady change in body weight indicators, you need to consult a doctor and clearly follow his recommendations.