Salt is a product that no man can do without. One way or another, we all use salt when we cook or when we eat (add salt to ready-made dishes, if they turn out to be somewhat fresh). For these purposes, both ordinary table salt and sea salt (edible) are used. The latter is becoming more and more fashionable, and there are reasons for it, because it really contains a lot of useful substances. The crude sea salt once used by our ancestors contained 40 elements; today it is used exclusively as a medicine (it is sold in a pharmacy called polygalite).

Sea salt: benefits
In ordinary life, we now use refined sea salt. Sea salt (food), as well as unrefined, contains a lot of useful substances, including: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, copper, silicon. Agree, not the entire periodic table, but quite a lot of substances necessary for the body. Potassium improves metabolic processes, it is necessary for bones and for the work of the heart, promotes the formation of new cells, improves well-being. Manganese is involved in the formation of bone tissue, strengthens the immune system. Magnesium helps the body absorb various vitamins and minerals. Phosphorus is used by body cells to build cell membranes. Zinc forms a healthy immune system and supports the functioning of the gonads. Selenium is a good antioxidant, used to prevent cancer. Iodine is needed for the thyroid gland; special iodized (saturated with iodine) salt is also sold in stores; it is advised to use it in regions where there is a lack of iodine in foods. It is impossible not to mention iron, it is involved in the movement of oxygen and promotes the production of red blood cells.

A few words about how to use sea salt in the kitchen
Coarse sea salt (food) is used in cooking (it can be added to soups, stewed vegetables, etc.). Ground salt is better for ready-made meals. It can be poured into a salt shaker and used as a regular salt. Recently, a mixture of sea salt and herbs has also been sold in supermarkets. It is perfect for preparing various dishes in which seasonings are added.
And a few words about when it is better to salt different dishes. Salads are usually salted before adding vegetable or olive oil. Salt is poorly soluble in oils, so if you added it at the very end, then such a salad will, as they say, "crackle on the teeth." Vegetable and fish broths are best salted after boiling water. Meat broths, on the contrary, are salted closer to the end of cooking, otherwise the meat will turn out tough. If you feel that the soup is getting too salted, donβt be upset, just at the very end of cooking, dip the rice in the pan in the bag, it will pick up the excess.
When you boil potatoes, water should be salted as soon as it boils. Fried potatoes are salted, on the contrary, at the very end, then it turns out to be hard and crispy. In order to properly cook pasta, you need to salt water before lowering them in boiling water, otherwise they will stick together. The same goes for dumplings and dumplings. The meat is salted during frying, otherwise juice will flow out of it, and it will be tough.

Sea salt: the benefits are not only internal but also external
Sea salt, due to its saturation with useful substances, promotes metabolism and, in general, the better functioning of the whole organism. Thanks to improved metabolism, it can also help in the treatment of acne, acne, rashes. However, as in any business, it is important not to overdo it. Try to use the usual amount of salt that is familiar to you when preparing meals or with ready-made meals. Just replace table salt with purified sea salt and be sure to watch your sensations. You can also take baths with sea salt to relax and strengthen your body. This is recommended to be done in the evening, 2 hours after eating and about 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. But you can take morning baths with sea salt, in this case, just slightly lower the temperature of the water so that the bath not only relaxes you, but also invigorates you. Does sea salt help with acne? The answer is definitely positive. If you add about 1 kg of salt to the bath, it naturally disinfects the skin throughout the body. To remove acne on the face, you can also make steam baths with sea salt (hold your face over the vapors, then rinse thoroughly with soap and peel with lotion). A very good remedy is a traditional scrub. It is only prepared from liquid soap and salt. Carefully apply the resulting mixture to areas of the skin that have acne and massage them well. Then rinse your skin with warm water and dry with a clean towel. The procedure can be repeated once every few days (the skin needs to be given time to recover).
In conclusion, I would like to add that sea salt (food) is a natural storehouse of useful substances, but it is not a panacea for all diseases and cannot replace a visit to a doctor and the use of other medications that you may need. If you have health problems, be sure to consult a doctor.