Cirrhosis is a serious liver disease. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, untreated hepatitis - these are the main causes of the disease. With such an ailment as cirrhosis, healthy liver cells begin to die, the body ceases to cope with the performance of its basic functions. This leads to the beginning of destruction processes. Naturally, this condition greatly affects human health.

Can this be prevented
You can avoid the development of the disease. Features of liver cirrhosis are being studied by many specialists worldwide. As a result of painstaking work, drugs appeared that could deal with the onset of destructive processes. In addition, many doctors prescribe a diet for cirrhosis. Menus and dishes of a similar diet are selected individually. The effectiveness of such preventive measures has long been proven and verified. Compliance with simple nutritional rules in combination with taking certain medications allows you to gradually restore the tissue of the affected organ, as well as prevent the development of the disease.
Do not forget that the liver is a kind of filter. If any malfunctions occur in the body, disturbances in the work of the body occur. Diets for liver cirrhosis can stabilize the digestive system. Properly selected products restore organ tissue, while normalizing metabolic processes.
Diet for liver cirrhosis
Diet 5 is prescribed for certain diseases of the body. At the same time, all foods that can harm the liver are excluded from the diet. In this case, they are simply replaced with more useful ones that are not able to irritate the digestive system. In addition, some products can affect the condition of the liver parenchyma. Such food is also recommended to be excluded from the diet.
What is a diet for cirrhosis of the liver? Menus and dishes should be selected in accordance with all the rules. Products should not only not irritate the digestive tract, but also be nutritious. With such a diet, the burden on the digestive system should be minimal. Do not overload the intestines and stomach. With such a diet, the amount of food, which contains more carbohydrates and proteins, increases. As for fats, their amount is reduced by about 30%.

Diet rules
So what is a 5 table diet? What is possible? What is impossible? Such a diet should be prescribed by the attending physician. Only a qualified specialist is able to correctly adjust the patient's diet. With such a diet, almost everything is taken into account: fluid intake, cooking method, as well as food processing, a set of main components for dishes, calorie content and so on. Do not forget that cirrhosis occurs in every person in different ways. Therefore, when prescribing a diet, the doctor pays attention to the stage, form and type of the disease. However, there are general rules:
- The diet for cirrhosis in women and men should be not only balanced, but also fractional. On the day, the patient should consume from 2500 to 3000 calories. Portions should be small.
- During the day, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid.
- It is necessary to control the use of salt. A diet with biliary cirrhosis or alcoholic liver allows the use of 2 teaspoons of such an additive during the day.
- Hard, hard foods must be ground or ground before use.
- Do not eat hot or cold food. Products must be warm.
- Forget about pans. Fried foods with cirrhosis are strictly prohibited. From his diet, the patient should exclude dishes baked in the microwave, as well as on the grill.
- Cooking should only be steamed. Allowed to bake in the oven, as well as cooking. Stewed foods should be consumed no more than 2 times within 7 days.
- There must be fasting days. During the day, the patient should eat only fruits, dairy products, vegetable soups. The main thing is that the dishes are allowed by diet.
Diet 5 table: what can, what cannot
So, what is allowed to eat with cirrhosis of the liver:
- Flour products: stale wheat bread made from only the highest grade flour, unbread cookies , unbread baked goods stuffed with boiled fish or meat, apples, cottage cheese.
- Soups: dairy with pasta, vegetable, cereals, cooked in vegetable broth, fruit soups, vegetarian borsch and cabbage soup. When cooking such dishes, it is forbidden to fry vegetables and flour. They can only be dried.
- Dishes from fish: boiled, low-fat, steam fish served in slices or in the form of cutlets.
- Meat: fat-free or low-fat poultry, skinless poultry, lamb, pork, beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit. All these products should be prepared in the form of soufflés, knelles or steam cutlets. The use of dairy sausages is allowed.
- Eggs: baked or steam protein omelettes.
- Vegetables can be eaten stewed, boiled and raw, pickled non-acidic cabbage, mashed green peas, boiled onions.
- Milk products: dairy products, low-fat, fresh cottage cheese, low-fat and mild cheese, milk.
- Snacks: salad made from fresh vegetables and seasoned with vegetable oil, squash caviar, aspic or stuffed fish, low-fat soaked herring, salad from boiled fish or meat, non-fat ham.
- Desserts: sweet soft berries and fruits in mashed and raw form, dried fruits, marmalade, mousse, jelly, honey, sugar, marshmallows, pastille, jam.
- Drinks: jelly, compote, a decoction of rose hips, vegetable, as well as fruit juices, tea.
- Sauce: vegetable, sour cream, sweet fruit, sour cream.
- Fats: vegetable-based butter, as well as butter in dishes or in kind.
What is worth giving up
What does the diet prohibit in cirrhosis? Menus and dishes for such a disease should be thought out to the smallest detail. There are a number of prohibited products:
- Rye and fresh bread, puff and pastry, fried pies.
- Bean soups, cabbage soup green, okroshka, fish, mushroom or meat broth.
- Fatty meat, liver, goose, duck, sausage, smoked meats, brains, kidneys, canned food.
- Canned fish, salted, smoked and fried fish.
- Cream, sour cream, fatty and sour cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, spicy and salty cheese.
- Hard boiled and fried eggs.
- Turnips, pickled vegetables, mushrooms, garlic, green onions, radish, radishes, sorrel, spinach, legumes.
- Caviar, smoked meats, canned foods, fatty, as well as spicy snacks.
- Sour fruits, ice cream, cream and chocolate products.
- Pepper, horseradish, mustard.
- Alcohol, chilled drinks, cocoa and black coffee.
- Cooking fat, lamb, beef, pork.
All of the above products with cirrhosis are strictly prohibited. Their regular use can adversely affect not only the work of the organ, but also the condition of the patient as a whole.

Diet for liver cirrhosis: a menu for a week
You will have to get used to diet food gradually. With this diet, the patient does not deprive himself of diversity. With the right approach, nutrition can bring not only benefits, but also satisfaction. Here is a sample menu.
- Breakfast: green tea, dried fruits with oatmeal, sweet cottage cheese.
- Lunch: baked honey and apple.
- Lunch: compote, vegetables with rice, chicken breast, soup on vegetable broth with barley.
- Snack: fruit jelly, steamed omelet.
- Dinner: white baked fish, boiled rice, berry fruit drink or compote.
- Breakfast: tea, boiled pasta, boiled meat.
- Second breakfast: milk, cottage cheese.
- Lunch: jelly, cabbage rolls with turkey, potato soup.
- Snack: apple.
- Dinner: mineral water, low-fat cheese, rice porridge.
- Breakfast: tea, oatmeal.
- Second breakfast: casserole of potatoes and cheese, green tea.
- Lunch: compote, stewed carrots, boiled meat, soup with vermicelli.
- Snack: tea, oatmeal cookies.
- Dinner: unloading.
- Breakfast: tea with milk, semolina.
- Second breakfast: soft fruits.
- Lunch: fruit jelly, boiled rice, low-fat fish, vegetable soup.
- Snack: tea, crackers.
- Dinner: a decoction of rose hips, boiled fish.
- Breakfast: tea, rice porridge, steamed omelet.
- Second breakfast: curd mass with low-fat sour cream.
- Lunch: compote, boiled meat, mashed potatoes, vegetarian borscht.
- Snack: jelly, unsweetened cookies.
- Dinner: mineral water, boiled carrots, pasta.
- Breakfast: tea, steamed low-fat fish, potatoes.
- Second breakfast: low-fat kefir, apples or pear.
- Lunch: compote, pasta, steam cutlets, cabbage soup on vegetable broth.
- Snack: cookies, low-fat kefir.
- Dinner: mineral water, chicken breast, cheesecakes.
- Breakfast: tea, buckwheat porridge, steam cutlet.
- Second breakfast: applesauce and carrot puree.
- Lunch: compote, baked apple, cottage cheese pudding, mashed potatoes.
- Snack: berry jelly.
- Dinner: still mineral water, rice or semolina porridge.
If there is ascites and swelling
What diet number for cirrhosis is prescribed if the patient has severe edema and ascites? In this condition, a person accumulates a large amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity. In this case, certain restrictions are required. First of all, the amount of salt consumed is reduced to 2 grams per day, and fluid intake is also limited.
It is worth considering that in the patient's body in this condition, the amount of potassium decreases. The situation is aggravated when taking diuretics. What should be the diet for cirrhosis of the liver? Menus and dishes should be enriched with potassium. Products should be selected very carefully. The patient should consume prunes, figs, raisins, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Nutrition for a disease accompanied by constipation
So, what kind of diet is prescribed for cirrhosis accompanied by constipation? In such situations, the doctor may recommend eating raw beets and carrots. In addition, the patient should include in his diet foods such as milk, honey, kefir, apricots and prunes.
If the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, then a diet adjustment is also required. The above products from the diet should be excluded.
If the patient is in serious condition
If the patient is in serious condition, then he is prescribed a diet in which it is allowed to eat easily digestible products containing vitamins and carbohydrates. In addition, a large amount of liquid is prescribed, only not carbonated.
It is worth considering that patients in serious condition should be served in small portions. In this case, it is necessary to observe the mode. Eating should be every two hours. It is best to give the patient fresh berries and fruits, as well as vegetable juices.
It is recommended to use a weak, but sweet tea with a slice of lemon, an infusion of rose hips, various kissels, compotes, berry and fruit juices. A certain variety of diets with jam and honey is also allowed.
When the patient's condition improves, it is allowed to use fresh cottage cheese, milk, grated soups, cream-based butter. Gradually, the diet can be expanded.

The most important thing is discipline
Diet for alcoholic liver cirrhosis requires strict adherence to all rules. Otherwise, therapy will not produce results. It is very difficult to discipline and diet, as the products are practically free of salt. The daily rate of this supplement for the patient is no more than 2 teaspoons of salt, and in some cases no more than 2 grams. Such a diet is not easy for many.
If it is impossible to limit the use of salt, then experts offer a compromise solution. In such situations, it is necessary to reduce the amount of products that contain sodium. After all, it is this substance that holds fluid in the human body. There are cases when the salt must be completely excluded, for example, with cirrhosis of the liver, which is accompanied by ascites.
Can salt be replaced?
It should be noted that 1 gram of sodium is about 2.5 grams of salt. This exceeds the dietary norm of the substance per day. 1 gram of this component is able to retain in the human body from 200 to 250 milliliters of liquid.
To improve the taste of dishes, it is allowed to include in the diet tomato or lemon juice, salt-free mustard, as well as a small amount of vinegar. However, such exceptions are applicable for uncomplicated cirrhosis.
In conclusion
Compliance with diet No. 5 with cirrhosis of the liver can significantly improve the patient's condition. Of course, using a special diet to cure the disease is impossible. However, this will exclude the development of complications. It is worth remembering that you can not prescribe a diet for yourself. This should be done by a qualified specialist, since there is a risk of worsening the course of cirrhosis.