Nature has created many plants that have unique properties, one of them is sea buckthorn. It grows in the form of a bush or small tree. Its branches are elongated and with thorns. The berries of a sea-buckthorn are small oval in shape. The main wealth of the plant is sea buckthorn berries, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a long time.
Nutrients in Sea Buckthorn
Useful qualities of the berry are in its rich vitamin composition:
- carotenes and carotenoids;
- vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, K;
- fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic);
- micro and macro elements (titanium, manganese, aluminum, sodium, calcium, silicon, iron);
- tannins.

What is the use of sea buckthorn for the body? A small number of berries of sea buckthorn or its juice per day will help offset the daily intake of vitamins and necessary substances for the body.
The healing properties of sea buckthorn
What is the use of sea buckthorn for the human body? The berries of the plant in folk medicine have been used for a long time. It cures many diseases. Indications for use:
- decreased protective functions of the body;
- vitamin deficiency and exhaustion - diseases that can be cured by eating sea buckthorn;
- plant bark due to its antitumor properties can be used in the treatment of joints;
- the fruits of sea buckthorn can be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- heart and vascular disease;
- regular intake of decoction from the bark of the plant will help normalize the psycho-emotional state and prevent the development of depression;
- bark is used in the treatment of cancer, because its composition can inhibit the development of the disease;
- berries assist in the healing of wounds, burns and pressure sores;
- sea buckthorn increases potency in men due to the increased content of vitamin E;
- regular consumption of fruits in food helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels due to its antioxidant properties.

For the treatment of sea buckthorn, you can use it fresh or frozen, and also make jam, syrups, jams, juices and decoctions from it.
Also, oil is prepared from the skin, pulp and seeds of the plant, which contains many useful substances in its composition. Oil helps in such cases:
- promotes healing of wounds, burns and scratches on the skin;
- heals trophic ulcers;
- promotes hair growth;
- helps treat conjunctivitis and eye burns;
- It is used for inhalation to treat respiratory diseases, especially for diseases of a professional nature.

It has benefits for the skin of the face if you apply it with massage movements before going to bed. With systematic use, the dermis can get rid of dryness.
Sea buckthorn oil and berries are used for various diseases due to the healing and bactericidal properties of the plant.
The benefits of sea buckthorn for a woman’s body
During pregnancy, a woman is not recommended to take medicines, so as not to harm her own health and the health of the unborn child. However, no one is safe from the occurrence of colds.
In this case, many plants can help, including sea buckthorn. 100-150 g of berries per day can replace antibacterial drugs, and cure rhinitis - plant oil.
For diseases of the throat, you can use 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil, which is added to a glass of water and drunk.
If a cough occurs, the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body will be to add a small spoonful of honey to a glass of broth.

With a rich vitamin composition, sea buckthorn will help women strengthen their immunity and provide the body with the right amount of vitamins and minerals.
The healing properties of plant oil can be used by women not only during pregnancy, but also for the treatment of gynecological diseases. It is used for cervical erosion, colpitis and cervicitis.
Is it possible to give sea buckthorn berries to children?
What are the benefits of sea buckthorn berries for the baby? The fruits of a plant with its healing properties are rarely used to treat a child’s body. Many parents believe that it can cause allergic reactions in babies. Before giving berries to a child, this also applies to other herbs, you must make sure that there are no reactions from the baby's body.
Be sure to consider that sea buckthorn is not recommended for those children who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.
Including drinks in the form of fruit drinks, juices or syrups in the child’s diet, you can significantly enrich the baby’s nutrition with vitamins and useful substances.
The use of sea buckthorn oil for sore throats and runny nose will significantly improve the health status of the child. Effectively oil and in diseases of the ears in children.
The benefits of sea buckthorn for the eyes
What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body? Sea buckthorn oil can be used as an ointment or drops for damage to the cornea of the eye. With eye inflammation and decreased vision, oil along with glycerin can be used as follows. Initially, instill 1 drop of glycerin, and after 5 minutes - 2 drops of sea buckthorn oil.
The benefits of sea buckthorn in cosmetology
What is the use of sea buckthorn for the body? It has been widely used in cosmetology. Plant oil can be used by both men and women to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. Sea buckthorn stimulates their growth. After using masks from the plant, the hair becomes healthy and shiny.

Currently, many manufacturers use the benefits of sea buckthorn in their cosmetics, so you can often find a cream or shampoo based on the fruits of this plant.
Sea buckthorn oil can be used for different types of skin. It helps moisturize dry skin, and in case of oily skin it tightens pores and removes shine.
The benefits of sea buckthorn for weight loss
What is the use of sea buckthorn for the human body? Currently, the plant is becoming an effective tool for weight loss. For a long time, evidence of this theory was not found.

Some time ago, scientists discovered the presence of omega-7 fatty acids in sea buckthorn berries, which help regulate lipid metabolism. Therefore, the fruits will help maintain weight in good condition, but are not able to reduce it.
It is well known that fatty acids do not allow the subcutaneous fat layer to grow, but they do not affect the fat in the body at all.
To stay in shape, some time before eating, you need to eat 100 g of berries in fresh or frozen form. A glass of sea buckthorn juice diluted with water has the same effect.
Useful sea buckthorn recipes
What harm and benefit of sea buckthorn for the body? Recipes with it differ in variety and useful properties.
Due to its healing properties, sea buckthorn can be used in the preparation of various dishes and drinks. From it you can make: tinctures, jelly, marmalade, compotes, etc.
Sea buckthorn, even frozen, retains most of its beneficial qualities. Children especially like grated fruits along with sugar.
From them you can make delicious jam, which will help fill the lack of vitamins in the winter. For its preparation, 1 kg of berries and 1.5 kg of sugar are taken. Then it is prepared as a regular jam.
Sea buckthorn juice with honey is very popular. For its preparation are used: 10 walnuts, 2 glasses of sea buckthorn and a glass of honey. Grate the fruits and add honey with chopped nuts.

One of the common recipes is a sea buckthorn drink, which should be drunk by residents of ecologically unfavorable areas. To do this, you must:
- pour a small amount of dried sea buckthorn and mint leaves with hot water (5 liters) and insist for at least 6 hours;
- strain and add 0.5 cups of honey;
- Store in a convenient dish.
You can use as water or tea.
Sea buckthorn has many useful properties, but it also has some contraindications.
The harm of sea buckthorn
What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body, we have already considered. But, despite many healing qualities, sea buckthorn, like any other product, has some contraindications. It is worth giving up on its use:
- people who have individual intolerance to the plant itself or the substances that make up its composition;
- with a disease of the stomach in the form of gastritis with high acidity;
- with inflammation in the bladder and pancreas;
- with the occurrence of peptic ulcer and gallstone disease.
Sea buckthorn has various healing properties that contribute to the treatment of many diseases. Despite this, she has some contraindications that can lead to a negative effect on the human body.