The combination of the two products that are in every home turns for everyone who wants to lose weight into a real miracle. Who would have thought that by adding milk to green tea , one can get not only a tasty and pleasant drink, but also be transformed externally. Euphorbia for weight loss, and this is the name of the resulting drink, is prepared easily and does not require any financial and time costs in large quantities. This is what attracts this method of losing weight.

The benefits of a unique drink are indispensable, but understandable. These two products complement each other perfectly. Milk reduces the activity of caffeine, and tea helps the absorption of calcium and carbohydrates contained in the dairy product. Thus, the body is saturated for several hours ahead, as a result of which the feeling of hunger does not visit you. Calcium is actively involved in the breakdown of fat cells. In addition, the drink removes excess fluid from the body and eliminates toxins. Therefore, milk milk for weight loss has become widely known.
There are practically no contraindications to this method, with the exception of individual characteristics and intolerance to the products. Euphorbia for weight loss, reviews of which are only positive, is useful to absolutely everyone. The opinions of those who tested the method on themselves completely coincide, confirming its effectiveness and the ability to lose about a kilogram every day. Some women like milk milk so much that they replace them with one of the meals. To withstand a fasting day on a wonderful drink is much easier than just on kefir or green apples.

To prepare milk milk for weight loss, you need to take 10 grams of green tea (2 teaspoons) and one liter of milk. Of course, it is best to use high-quality green tea, but if it is absent or unwilling to use, you can replace it with a black analog or mix two varieties together. The possibility of using tea with fruit additives is not excluded, but it must always be loose, and not in bags.

There are several ways to cook milk milk for weight loss. For example, brew tea in milk, or mix the prepared tea with milk in equal amounts, or transfer the proportions to the volume of a glass and prepare fresh milk tea immediately before drinking. No matter which method you choose, the result and effectiveness of this does not change.
As a fasting day, milk milk is used either 200 ml every two hours, or when you want to eat. On this day, you need to drink plenty of clean water to avoid dehydration.
If it is difficult to stand all day on one product, then the observance of proper and rational nutrition is recommended, and for dinner there should be milk milk. A diet of such a plan can last for a month or more. The body receives all the substances necessary for life and activity, and the evening meal consists of a protein drink with a low fat content, but enriched with calcium and antioxidants.