
毎回手を書くのにうんざり。 引数の配列を持つ関数と、これに依存しないfireメソッドを持つオブジェクトのコンテキストを理解する簡単なスクリプトを書いたので、「クリーン」コードだけでなく、onclickまたはタイマーにもコールバックをフックできます。 実行可能関数のセットと、それぞれの引数/コンテキストは任意です。



function _callback(fn, args, ctx, decorators) {

// -

// fn - ():

// , {fn: function, args: [], ctx: {}},

// ,

// args -

// ctx - (this)

// decorators - ,


var ret = new _callback.Def(fn, args, ctx);

if (decorators) {

var d = _callback.decorators;

for ( var key in decorators) {

if (key in d) ret = new d[key](ret, fn, args, ctx, decorators[key]);



return ret;


_callback.Def = function (fn, args, ctx) {

var dublicate = this ; // myClb.fire dom-,


var arrayOrNull = function (ar) { return ar && ar.constructor == Array ? ar : null ; };


this .updateFn = updateFn;

//this.__defineSetter__("fn", setFn); // ie

//this.__defineGetter__("fn", function() { return fn; });

function fireByFn(myArgs, myFn, myCtx) {

// -

(myFn || fn).apply(myCtx || ctx || null , arrayOrNull(myArgs) || arrayOrNull(args) || []);

return dublicate;


function fireByArray(myArgs, myFn, myCtx) {

// ,

for ( var i=0, ar=myFn||fn, c=myCtx||ctx, a=arrayOrNull(myArgs) || arrayOrNull(args), l=ar.length; i<l; i++) getFireFn(ar[i])(a, ar[i], c);

return dublicate;


function fireByJSON(myArgs, myJson, myCtx) {


var json = myJson || fn;

getFireFn(json.fn)(arrayOrNull(json.args) || arrayOrNull(myArgs), json.fn, json.ctx || myCtx);

return dublicate;


function getFireFn(fn) {


var type = dublicate._getTypeofFireFn(fn), fireFn;

switch (type) {

case "json" : return fireByJSON; break ;

case "array" : return fireByArray; break ;

case "function" : return fireByFn; break ;


return fireFn;


function setFn(val) {

// fire

dublicate.fire = getFireFn(fn = val);


function updateFn(transformFn) {


return dublicate;



_callback.Def.prototype._err = function () { this ._err.withoutFn(); };

_callback.Def.prototype._err.withoutFn = function () {

throw "_callback: wrong fn argument" ;


_callback.Def.prototype._getTypeofFireFn = function (fn) {

// : , ,

if (!fn) this ._err.withoutFn();

if ( typeof fn == "function" ) return "function" ;

if (fn.constructor == Array) {

for ( var i=fn.length; i--;) this ._getTypeofFireFn(fn[i]);

return "array" ;

} else {

// {}

this ._getTypeofFireFn(fn.fn);

return "json" ;


this ._err.withoutFn();


_callback.decorators = {};

_callback.decorators._copy = function (component, orig, instance) {

for ( var key in component) orig[key] = instance[key] = component[key];

//instance.__defineSetter__("fn", function(val) { component.fn = val; }); // ie

//instance.__defineGetter__("fn", function() { return component.fn; });


_callback.decorators.count = function (component, fn, args, ctx, misc) {

var orig = {};

_callback.decorators._copy(component, orig, this );

var fired = misc;

this .fire = fire;

function fire() {

if (!fired) return ;





_callback.decorators.stopThrow = function (component, fn, args, ctx, misc) {

var orig = {};

_callback.decorators._copy(component, orig, this );

this .fire = fire;

function fire() {

try {


} catch (er) {}



_clb = _callback;

* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .


var res = "" ;

addLine = function (str) {

res += str + "\n" ;


function f1(q, w, e) {

addLine( "f1: " + q + ", " + w + ", " + e + "; this.q = " + this .q);


function f2(q, w, e) {

addLine( "f2: " + q + ", " + w + ", " + e + "; this.q = " + this .q);


function f3(q, w, e) {

addLine( "f3: " + q + ", " + w + ", " + e + "; this.q = " + this .q);


function f4(q, w, e) {

addLine( "f4: " + q + ", " + w + ", " + e + "; this.q = " + this .q);


function f5() {


addLine( "f5" );


* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

// :

q = _clb(

f1, // , ...

[1,2,3], // ... ...

{q:5} // ... (this.q==5)


q.fire(); //

// f1: 1, 2, 3; this.q = 5

q.fire([8]); //

// f1: 8, undefined, undefined; this.q = 5

q.fire( false , false , {q:11}); // , this

// f1: 1, 2, 3; this.q = 11

q.fire([]); //

// f1: undefined, undefined, undefined; this.q = 5

addLine( "----" ); //


q = _clb([f1, f2, f3], [1,2,3], {q:5}); // ,


// f1: 1, 2, 3; this.q = 5

// f2: 1, 2, 3; this.q = 5

// f3: 1, 2, 3; this.q = 5

q.fire([8]); // ""

// f1: 8, undefined, undefined; this.q = 5

// f2: 8, undefined, undefined; this.q = 5

// f3: 8, undefined, undefined; this.q = 5

addLine( "----" );

// JSON :

q = _clb(


f1, // f1: 1, 2, 3; this.q = 5

{fn: f2, args: [4, 5, 6]}, // f2: 4, 5, 6; this.q = 5


fn: [

f2, // f2: 7, 8, 9; this.q = 0

{fn: f2, args: [4, 5, 6]}, // f2: 4, 5, 6; this.q = 0

f3 // f3: 7, 8, 9; this.q = 0


args: [7, 8, 9], //

ctx: {q: 0} //



[1,2,3], //

{q:5} //


addLine( "----" );

// :

q.updateFn( function (fn) {

// ,

fn.splice(1, 5);

fn.push(f1, f1);

return fn;

}).fire(); // : f1: 1, 2, 3; this.q = 5

addLine( "----" );

// ie, __defineSetter__ __defineGetter__ :

//q.fn = [f2, {fn: f2, args: [], ctx: {}}, {fn: f3, args: [7, 8, 9], ctx: {q: 0}}];



// :

q = _clb(f5, false , false , {stopThrow: true }).fire(); //

// - :

q = _clb(f1, [1,2,3], {q:5}, {count: 1});

q.fire(); // f1: 1, 2, 3; this.q = 5

// 1 0

q.fire(); //


* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .


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