Drupalテーマの作成に関するいくつかの記事をインターネットで見つけることができます( 良い記事です。読むことをお勧めします )が、通常はすべて、テンプレートの簡単なセットと情報ファイルで終わります。 このトピックでは、最も単純なトピックではなく、柔軟なトピックを作成する方法について、アクセスしやすい方法で説明します。
まず、 sites / all / themesディレクトリに、 テーマの名前でディレクトリを作成する必要があります。 テーマにmythemeという名前を付け、 sites / all / themes / mythemeディレクトリを作成しました。
作成されたディレクトリに、スタイル用のcssディレクトリ、スクリプト用のjs 、 写真用の画像、 テンプレート用のテンプレートを作成します。これについては後処理します。 また、トピックのすべてのロジックとトピックを説明するmytheme.infoを記述するtemplate.phpファイルを作成します。 favicon.icoとlogo.pngを追加することもできます。
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
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Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
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Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
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Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
Copy Source | Copy HTML ; , name = MyTheme ; description = ; core = 6.x ; , phptemplate engine = phptemplate ; version = 6.x-1.01 ; screenshot = images/screenshot.png ; , regions[sidebar_right] = Right sidebar regions[sidebar_left] = Left sidebar regions[header_line] = Line in header regions[footer_line] = Line in footer regions[content_top] = Content top regions[content_bottom] = Content bottom regions[content_right] = Content right regions[comments_rigth] = Comments right regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom ; , ;features[] = name features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = search ;features[] = favicon ;features[] = primary_links ;features[] = secondary_links ; stylesheets[ all ][] = css/blocks.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/comments.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/fields.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/forms.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/html-reset.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/messages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/navigation.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/nodes.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/pages.css stylesheets[ all ][] = css/tabs.css ;stylesheets[ print ][] = css/ print .css ;stylesheets[handheld][] = css/mobile.css ;stylesheets[ only screen and ( max -device-width: 480px)][] = css/iphone.css ; ;scripts[] = js/script.js
これは、Drupalがトピックを確認して認識するのに十分です。 このスタイルと地域のセットを選んだのは、 便利だと思います。 好みに合わせて変更できます。
トピックの最もおいしい部分。 このファイルでは、すべてのロジック-フックを記述します。
まず、 HOOK_theme()を定義します。
Copy Source | Copy HTML
- function mytheme_theme(& $ existing 、 $ type 、 $ theme 、 $ path ){
- //テーマが子の場合、ベーステーマを定義します
- static $ base_themes = array ();
- $ base_themes [] = $ theme ;
- // "preprocess"の後に呼び出されるフック "process"を追加します。
- if ( $ type == 'theme' ){
- foreach (array_keys( $ existing ) as $ hook ){
- if (function_exists( $ theme 。 '_preprocess' )){
- $ existing [ $ hook ] [ 'preprocess functions' ] [] = $ theme 。 '_preprocess' ;
- }
- if (function_exists( $ theme 。 '_preprocess_' 。 $ hook )){
- $ existing [ $ hook ] [ 'preprocess functions' ] [] = $ theme 。 '_preprocess_' 。 $フック ;
- }
- foreach ( $ base_themes as $ base_theme ){
- if (function_exists( $ base_theme 。 '_process' )){
- $ existing [ $ hook ] [ 'preprocess functions' ] [] = $ base_theme 。 '_process' ;
- }
- if (function_exists( $ base_theme 。 '_process _ ' 。 $ hook )){
- $ existing [ $ hook ] [ 'preprocess functions' ] [] = $ base_theme 。 '_process_' 。 $フック ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //このトピックにのみ前処理を追加します。子テーマには適用されません
- if ( $ theme == 'mytheme' ){
- 配列を返す (
- //領域を追加します。 これは、地域のテンプレートを使用できるようにするために必要です
- 'region' => 配列 (
- //利用可能な引数
- '引数' => 配列 ( '要素' => NULL)、
- //テンプレートへのパス
- 'path' => drupal_get_path( 'theme' 、 'mytheme' )。 '/テンプレート' 、
- //テンプレートの名前。 完全なファイル名はregion.tpl.phpになります
- 'template' => 'region' 、
- //標準化のために変数を準備する関数
- '前処理関数' => 配列 (
- 'template_preprocess' 、
- 'mytheme_preprocess' 、
- 'mytheme_preprocess_region' 、
- 'mytheme_process' 、
- )、
- )、
- //ヘッダーとフッターを別々のテンプレートに入れます
- 'header' => 配列 (
- '引数' => 配列 ( '要素' => NULL)、
- 'path' => drupal_get_path( 'theme' 、 'mytheme' )。 '/テンプレート' 、
- 'template' => 'header' 、
- '前処理関数' => 配列 (
- 'template_preprocess' 、
- 'mytheme_preprocess' 、
- 'mytheme_preprocess_header' 、
- 'mytheme_process' 、
- )、
- )、
- 'footer' => 配列 (
- '引数' => 配列 ( '要素' => NULL)、
- 'path' => drupal_get_path( 'theme' 、 'mytheme' )。 '/テンプレート' 、
- 'テンプレート' => 'フッター' 、
- '前処理関数' => 配列 (
- 'template_preprocess' 、
- 'mytheme_preprocess' 、
- 'mytheme_preprocess_footer' 、
- 'mytheme_process' 、
- )、
- )、
- );
- }
- return array ();
- }
theme_blocks($ region)を定義します。 この関数は、指定された領域の現在のユーザーが使用できるブロックのセットを返します。
Copy Source | Copy HTML
- function mytheme_blocks( $ region ){
- if ( $ region ){
- $ output = '' ;
- if ( $ list = block_list( $ region )){
- foreach ( $ key => $ block としての $ list ){
- $ output 。= theme( 'block' 、 $ block );
- }
- }
- //この地域のコンテンツ
- $ output 。= drupal_get_content( $ region );
- $ elements [ '#children' ] = $ output ;
- $ elements [ '#region' ] = $ region ;
- //テーマ領域をブロックで返します。 region.tpl.phpによって使用されます
- $ outputを 返し ますか? テーマ( 'region' 、 $ elements ): '' ;
- }
- }
template_preprocess(&$ variables、$ hook)を定義します 。 この関数は、テンプレートに渡される変数を準備します。
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- 関数 mytheme_preprocess(& $ vars 、 $ hook ){
- $ key =( $ hook == 'page' || $ hook == 'maintenance_page' )? 'body_classes' : 'classes' ;
- if (array_key_exists( $ key 、 $ vars )){
- if (is_string( $ vars [ $ key ])){
- $ vars [ 'classes_array' ] = explode( '' 、 $ vars [ $ key ]);
- unset ( $ vars [ $ key ]);
- }
- }
- その他 {
- $ vars [ 'classes_array' ] = array ( $ hook );
- }
- //ここにはちょっとした魔法があります。
- //フックタイプhook_preprocess_anything()ごとに、対応するファイルを探します
- //プリプロセスディレクトリで呼び出します
- $ name = 'preprocess / preprocess-' 。 str_replace( '_' 、 '-' 、 $ hook )。 '.inc' ;
- if (is_file(drupal_get_path( 'theme' 、 'mytheme' )。 ' /'。$ name )){
- include ( $ name );
- }
- }
Copy Source | Copy HTML
- 関数 mytheme_process(& $ vars 、 $ hook ){
- if (array_key_exists( 'classes_array' 、 $ vars )){
- //要素のすべてのスタイルを文字列にマージします
- $ vars [ 'classes' ] = implode( '' 、 $ vars [ 'classes_array' ]);
- }
- }
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- function _mytheme_path(){
- static $ path = FALSE;
- if (! $ path ){
- $ matches = drupal_system_listing( 'mytheme \ .info $' 、 'themes' 、 'name' 、 0 );
- if (! empty ( $ matches [ 'mytheme' ]-> filename)){
- $ path = dirname( $は [ 'mytheme' ]-> filenameに一致します);
- }
- }
- $ pathを 返し ます 。
- }
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- if (!function_exists( 'drupal_html_class' )){
- 関数 drupal_html_class( $ class ){
- $ class = strtr(drupal_strtolower( $ class )、 array ( '' => '-' 、 '_' => '-' 、 '/' => '-' 、 '[' => '-' 、 '] ' => ' ' ));
- $ class = preg_replace( '/ [^ \ x {002D} \ x {0030}-\ x {0039} \ x {0041}-\ x {005A} \ x {005F} \ x {0061}-\ x { 007A} \ x {00A1}-\ x {FFFF}] / u ' 、 ' ' 、 $ class );
- return $ class ;
- }
- }
- if (!function_exists( 'drupal_html_id' )){
- 関数 drupal_html_id( $ id ){
- $ id = strtr(drupal_strtolower( $ id )、 array ( '' => '-' 、 '_' => '-' 、 '[' => '-' 、 ']' => '' ));
- $ id = preg_replace( '/ [^ A-Za-z0-9 \ -_] /' 、 '' 、 $ id );
- $ idを 返します。
- }
- }
パート2 、 パート3