オペラでは、ページに入るときにスクリプトを実行できます。これは非常に便利なことです。不要なブロックや同様の悪霊を取り除くことができます。 一般的に、あまり説明しません。設定でスクリプトを接続できます(ツール->設定->コンテンツ-> Javascriptオプション[右側のボタン]->ユーザーJavaScriptファイル[これは一番下のテキストフィールド])

そこで、オペラがスクリプトを取得するパスを入力できます。ブラウザはすべてのファイルをスキャンし、可能であればそれらのファイルでコードを実行しようとします。 サイトごとに独自のスクリプトを作成しようとしていますが、この場合は次のコードを使用します。
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
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if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
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if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
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if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
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if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
if ( location.href.indexOf( '' ) !== -1 ) { var buttons = [ { caption: 'pre' , openTag: '<pre %%%>' , closeTag: '</pre>' }, { caption: 'A' , openTag: '<a href="%%%">' , closeTag: '</a>' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'user' , openTag: '<hh user="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } }, { caption: 'img' , openTag: '<img src="%%%" />' , correctTag: function (){ return prompt( " " ); } } ] function addText() { var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); var button = buttons[ event]; textarea.value += button.openTag.replace( '%%%' , button.correctTag || '' ); if ( button.closeTag ) { textarea.value += button.closeTag; } } function drawButtons() { for ( q = 0; q < buttons.length; q++ ) { var element = buttons[q]; var btn = document .createElement( 'input' ); var textarea = $( 'js-field-comment' ); btn.type = 'button' ; btn.value = element.caption; = q; btn.onclick = addText; textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( btn, textarea ); } var br = document .createElement( 'br' ); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( br, textarea ); } document .onload = drawButtons; } * This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .
