. : PHP 7.2.0 Alpha 2, RFC, YiiConf FWDays, PHP , .
- PHP 7.2.0 Alpha 2 — feature-freeze 20 . .
- Phalcon 3.2.0 — .
PHP Internals
- RFC: Retry functionality — try-catch-finally retry. retry, try :
try { somethingSketchy(); } retry 3 (RecoverableException $e, $attempt) { echo "Failed doing sketchy thing on try #{$attempt}. Retrying..."; sleep(1); } catch (RecoverableException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
try { somethingSketchy(); } catch (RecoverableException $e) retry; // Go to top of try block }
- RFC: Unary null coalescing operator —
, PHP 7.0:
if ($_POST["action"]?? === "submit") { // Form submission logic } else { // Form display logic }
- amphp/amp 2.0.0 — . : mysql postgres , DNS-, HTTP/WebSocket , .
- wapmorgan/ServerAvailabilityMonitor — . http, mysql, pgsql, memcache redis. wapmorgan.
- paragonie/sapient — API, TLS . .
- genkgo/mail — . PHPMailer Swift Mailer.
- prooph/event-store — EventStore PHP 7.1 Event Sourcing.
- jonathantorres/construct — PHP-.
- wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin — Composer, composer.json . .
- Symfony Webpack Encore — -, WebPack Symfony.
Symfony 4:
Symfony 4: Symfony Flex
- Symfony #546 (12-18 2017)
- Symfony #547 (19-25 2017)
- c Laravel Twilio, SMS
- nunomaduro/laravel-zero — Laravel.
- Laravel
- Laravel
- — PHP — , PHP .
- PHP Internals Book — PHP 7.
- Maybe PHP.
- - PHP? — spatie/phpunit-snapshot-assertions.
- Event Sourcing
- ReactPHP
- Doctrine
- CakePHP
- — .
- AWS, Kubernetes, React, PHP, Elixir
PHP- Docker
PHP fwdays '17:
— , , .
← : PHP- № 110