サーバーのディストリビューションとして、CentOS 7 + epelとその中の現在のパッケージバージョンを使用します。 Pacemakerと連携するための主なツールは、PCS(pacemaker / corosync configuration system)です。

- サーバーの準備
- PacemakerとCLVMのインストールと基本セットアップ
- クラスターでLXCを操作する
- OpenVZコンテナーをLXCに転送します
- クラスターでDockerを使用する
- チートシート
- 参照資料
2つのノードの構成を使用しましたが、必要に応じてその数を増やすことができます。 サーバーには、SASを介して接続された共有共有ストレージがあります。 これが手元にない場合は、FCまたはiSCSIに接続されたストレージを使用できます。 2つのボリュームが必要です。1つは一般的なニーズ用で、もう1つはDocker用です。 1つのボリュームを2つのセクションに分割できます。
CentOS 7、epelリポジトリをインストールし、ネットワークを構成します。 ネットワークインターフェイスにボンディングを使用し、SASにマルチパスを使用することが望ましいです。 さまざまなVLANを使用するには、適切なブリッジbr0.VIDを構成し、LXCコンテナーをバインドします。 詳細は説明しません-すべてが標準です。
LXCとDockerを使用するには、通常のfirewald を切断する必要があります。
# systemctl stop firewalld.service # systemctl disable firewalld.service # setenforce Permissive
また、セットアップと大胆な実験を容易にするために、selinuxをpermissiveモードにしました。 後で、デバッグするときに、元に戻してください。
すべてのノードの/ etc / hostsに必要なアドレスと名前をすぐに追加します。
#nodes, vlan 10 cluster-1 cluster-2 #nodes ipmi, vlan 314 ipmi-1 ipmi-2 #docker, vlan 12 docker dregistry
動作させるには、STONITHメカニズム(「ヘッド内の他のノードを撮影する」)が必要になります。これにはipmiを使用します。 ipmitoolを使用して構成します。
# ipmitool shell impitool> user set name 2 admin impitool> user set password 2 ' ' # <uid> < privilege level> <channel number>) impitool> user priv 2 4 1
adminユーザー(id = 2)を取得し、ネットワークインターフェイスに関連付けられたチャネル(channel = 1)で管理者権限(livel = 4)を付与します。
ipmiのネットワークを別のVLANに移動することが望ましいです。まず、それを分離できるようにします。次に、IPMI BMC(ベースボード管理コントローラー)がサーバーとネットワークインターフェースを共有する場合、接続の問題はありません。
impitool> lan set 1 ipsrc static impitool> lan set 1 ipaddr impitool> lan set 1 netmask impitool> lan set 1 defgw ipaddr impitool> lan set 1 vlan id 314 # : impitool> lan set 1 access on impitool> lan set 1 auth ADMIN MD5 ipmitool> channel setaccess 1 2 callin=on ipmi=on link=on privilege=4
# ipmitool -I lan -U admin -P ' ' -H bmc info
Pacemakerが何であるかわからない場合は、まずそれについて読むことをお勧めします。 ペースメーカーに関するロシア語の良い説明がここに書かれています 。
# yum install pacemaker pcs resource-agents fence-agents-all
すべてのノードで、haclusterクラスター管理者のパスワードを設定します。 PCSはこのユーザーの下で機能し、Webベースの管理インターフェイスも利用できます。
echo CHANGEME | passwd --stdin hacluster
# pcs cluster auth cluster-1 cluster-2 -u hacluster -p CHANGEME --force
# pcs cluster setup --force --name Cluster cluster-1 cluster-2 # pcs cluster start --all
# pcs cluster status Cluster Status: Last updated: Wed Jul 8 14:16:32 2015 Last change: Wed Jul 8 10:01:20 2015 Stack: corosync Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum Version: 1.1.12-a14efad 2 Nodes configured 17 Resources configured ( ) PCSD Status: cluster-1: Online cluster-2: Online
注意点が1つあります。https_proxyが環境変数で指定されている場合、 pcsはノードのステータスについて嘘をつき、明らかにプロキシを使用しようとします。
# systemctl start pcsd # systemctl enable pcsd

インターフェイスを使用すると、クラスターの状態を確認したり、パラメーターを追加または変更できます。 些細なことですが、素晴らしい。
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
クラスターノードを自動起動するには、 ペースメーカーを起動に追加するだけです:
# systemctl enable pacemaker
CLVMおよびGFS2が機能するには、DLM(Distributed Lock Manager)が必要です。 スタンドアロンデーモンとしてのRHEL7(CentOS 7)のCLVMとDLMはどちらも存在せず、クラスターリソースです。 同時に、DLONが動作するにはSTONITHが必要です。そうでない場合、対応するクラスターリソースは起動しません。 カスタマイズ:
# pcs property set stonith-enabled=true # pcs stonith create cluster-1.stonith fence_ipmilan ipaddr="ipmi-1" passwd=" ipmi" login="admin" action="reboot" method="cycle" pcmk_host_list=cluster-1 pcmk_host_check=static-list stonith-timeout=10s op monitor interval=10s # pcs stonith create cluster-2.stonith fence_ipmilan ipaddr="ipmi-2" passwd=" ipmi" login="admin" action="reboot" method="cycle" pcmk_host_list=cluster-2 pcmk_host_check=static-list stonith-timeout=10s op monitor interval=10s # pcs constraint location cluster-1.stonith avoids cluster-1=INFINITY # pcs constraint location cluster-2.stonith avoids cluster-2=INFINITY
なぜそうなのか、 ここで詳しく説明しています 。 要するに、2つのstonithリソースを起動し、それぞれが独自のノードを担当し、それらが撃つ必要があるノードで作業することを禁止します。
# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=100
# pcs resource op defaults on-fail=restart
# yum install lvm2 lvm2-cluster
# lvmconf --enable-cluster
# pcs resource create dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op monitor interval=30s on-fail=fence clone interleave=true ordered=true # pcs resource create clvmd ocf:heartbeat:clvm op monitor interval=30s on-fail=fence clone interleave=true ordered=true
これらはクラスターにとって重要なリソースであるため、障害が発生した場合は、stonith( on-fail = fence ) ポリシーを明示的に設定します。 リソースはクラスターのすべてのノードで実行されている必要があるため、クローンとして宣言されます。 リソースを順番に起動し、並列ではありません( ordered = true )。 リソースが他のクローンリソースに依存している場合、すべてのリソースサンプルがすべてのノードで実行されるのを待つのではなく、ローカルのサンプル( interleave = true )を使用します。 最後の2つのパラメーターに注意してください。これらは、クラスター全体の動作に大きな影響を与える可能性があり、クローンリソースは引き続き使用できます。
リソースが起動される順序を設定します。clvmdは dlmの後にのみ起動されます 。 コマンドは、特定のノード上のリソースを示すサービス名* -cloneを既に使用しています。
# pcs constraint order start dlm-clone then clvmd-clone # pcs constraint colocation add clvmd-clone with dlm-clone
また、 clvmd-cloneリソースとdlm-cloneを同じノードで実行する必要があります。 2つのノードの場合、これは不要なように見えますが、一般的な場合* *-リソースのクローンはノードの数より少ない場合があり、その場合、共同配置が重要になります。
リソースを作成するとすぐに、それらはすべてのノードで起動され、すべてが正常であれば、共有論理ボリュームとファイルシステムの作成を開始できます。 clvmdはメタデータの整合性を追跡し、すべてのノードに変更を通知するため、1つのノードで操作を実行します。
# pvcreate /dev/mapper/mpatha1 # pvcreate /dev/mapper/mpatha2
一般に、クラスター化されたLVMでの作業は、通常のLVMでの作業とほとんど変わりません。唯一の違いは、ボリュームグループ(VG)がクラスター化済みとしてマークされている場合、clvmdがそのメタデータを制御することです。 ボリュームグループを作成します。
# vgcreate --clustered y shared_vg /dev/mapper/mpatha1 # vgcreate --clustered y shared_vg-ex /dev/mapper/mpatha2
クラスターの一般的な構成が完了したら、リソースを追加します。 Pacemakerの観点からのリソースは、スクリプトで制御できるIPアドレスのサービス、プロセスです。 リソーススクリプト自体はinitスクリプトに似ており、start、stop、monitorなどの一連の機能も実行します。 従う基本原則は、1つのノードで実行されるリソースに必要なデータを、必要に応じてshared_vgグループの共有パーティションと任意のファイルシステムに配置することです。 両方のノードで同時に必要なデータをGFS2に配置します。 前者の場合、Pacemakerはデータの整合性を監視し、使用するファイルシステムを含む実行中のリソースの数と場所を制御します。 2番目のケースでは、GFS2の内部メカニズム。 shared_vg-exグループは、Dockerの論理パーティションの下に完全に付与されます。 実際、Dockerは、単一ノードで排他モードでのみアクティブにできるシンプロビジョニングボリュームを作成します。 また、このボリュームを別のグループに配置すると、さらに作業と構成を行うのに便利です。
lxcパッケージに含まれているlxc- *ユーティリティを使用して作業します。 私たちは置きます:
# yum install lxc lxc-templates
# cat /etc/lxc/default.conf lxc.start.auto = 0 lxc.network.type = veth lxc.network.link = br0.10 lxc.network.flags = up # memory and swap lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes = 256M lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes = 256M
ネットワークタイプはvethになります-eth0はコンテナの内部にあり、コンテナの外部にはbr0.10ブリッジに接続されます。 メモリからのみ使用する制限のうち、それらを示します。 必要であれば、原則lxc.cgroup.state-object-name = valueに従って、カーネルでサポートされているものを登録できます 。 lxc-cgroupを使用してオンザフライで変更することもできます。 ファイルシステムでは、これらのパラメーターはパス/sys/fs/cgroup/TYPE/lxc/CT-NAME/object-name
沿って提示されます。 制限に関する重要な点: memory.limit_in_bytesパラメーターは、 memory.memsw.limit_in_bytesの前に指定する必要があります。 また、2番目のパラメーターはメモリとスワップの合計であり、最初のパラメーター以上でなければなりません。 そうしないと、メモリ制限なしでマシンが起動します。
各LXCコンテナは、shared_vgグループの論理ボリュームに存在します。 デフォルトのVG名を設定します。
# cat /etc/lxc/lxc.conf lxc.bdev.lvm.vg = shared_vg
このような配置により、クラスターの任意のノードでコンテナーを起動できます。 コンテナ構成ファイルも共有する必要があるため、共通のファイルシステムを作成し、すべてのノードでその使用を構成します。
# lvcreate -L 500M -n lxc_ct shared_vg # mkfs.gfs2 -p lock_dlm -j 2 -t Cluster:lxc_ct /dev/shared_vg/lxc_ct
ストレージが共有されているため、 lock_dlmロックプロトコルを選択します。 ノードの数に応じて2つのログを開始します( -j2 )。 ロックテーブルに名前を設定します。Clusterはクラスターの名前です。
# pcs resource create fs-lxc_ct Filesystem fstype=gfs2 device=/dev/shared_vg/lxc_ct directory=/var/lib/lxc clone ordered=true interleave=true # pcs constraint order start clvmd-clone then fs-lxc_ct-clone
Filesystemなどの次のclone-resourceを開始します。デバイスとディレクトリのフィールドは必須で、マウントする場所と場所を記述しています。 また、clvmdがないとファイルシステムがマウントされないため、リソースの起動順序を示します。 その後、すべてのノードで、LXCがコンテナ設定を保存するディレクトリがマウントされます。
# lxc-create -n lxc-racktables -t oracle -B lvm --fssize 2G --fstype ext4 --vgname shared_vg -- -R 6.6
ここで、 lxc-racktablesはコンテナの名前、 oracleは使用されるテンプレートです。 -Bは、使用されるストレージのタイプとオプションを決定します。 lxc-createは、テンプレートに従ってLVMパーティションを作成し、そこにベースシステムを展開します。 「-」の後に、テンプレートのパラメーターが表示されます。私の場合はバージョンです。
debパッケージに基づいてシステムを展開する必要がある場合は、最初にdebootstrapユーティリティをインストールする必要があります。 準備されたシステムは最初に
デプロイされ、その後の起動ごとにlxc-createはシステムパッケージを現在のバージョンに更新します。 必要なすべてのプリセットを使用して、独自のテンプレートを作成すると便利です。 標準テンプレートは、
特別な「 ダウンロード 」テンプレートを使用することもできます。このテンプレートは、準備済みのシステムアーカイブをリポジトリからダウンロードします。
コンテナの準備ができました。 lxc- *ユーティリティを使用してコンテナを管理できます。 バックグラウンドで実行し、その状態を見て、停止します。
# lxc-start -n lxc-racktables -d # lxc-info -n lxc-racktables Name: lxc-racktables State: RUNNING PID: 9364 CPU use: 0.04 seconds BlkIO use: 0 bytes Memory use: 1.19 MiB KMem use: 0 bytes Link: vethS7U8J1 TX bytes: 90 bytes RX bytes: 90 bytes Total bytes: 180 bytes # lxc-stop -n lxc-racktables
これで、Pacemakerに制御を渡すことができます。 しかし、最初に、 GitHubから新しいリソース管理ファイルを取得します 。
# wget -O /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/lxc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ClusterLabs/resource-agents/master/heartbeat/lxc # chmod +x /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/lxc
pcs resource list
pcs resource list
全体を表示できます。 特定のリソースの説明を表示
pcs resource describe <standard:provider:type|type>
# pcs resource describe ocf:heartbeat:lxc ocf:heartbeat:lxc - Manages LXC containers Allows LXC containers to be managed by the cluster. If the container is running "init" it will also perform an orderly shutdown. It is 'assumed' that the 'init' system will do an orderly shudown if presented with a 'kill -PWR' signal. On a 'sysvinit' this would require the container to have an inittab file containing "p0::powerfail:/sbin/init 0" I have absolutly no idea how this is done with 'upstart' or 'systemd', YMMV if your container is using one of them. Resource options: container (required): The unique name for this 'Container Instance' eg 'test1'. config (required): Absolute path to the file holding the specific configuration for this container eg '/etc/lxc/test1/config'. log: Absolute path to the container log file use_screen: Provides the option of capturing the 'root console' from the container and showing it on a separate screen. To see the screen output run 'screen -r {container name}' The default value is set to 'false', change to 'true' to activate this option
# pcs resource create lxc-racktables lxc container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config # pcs constraint order start fs-lxc_ct-clone then lxc-racktables
pcs status
コマンドで確認できます。 起動に失敗した場合、考えられる理由があります。
pcs resource debug-start <resource id>
# pcs resource debug-start lxc-racktables Operation start for lxc-racktables (ocf:heartbeat:lxc) returned 0 > stderr: DEBUG: State of lxc-racktables: State: STOPPED > stderr: INFO: Starting lxc-racktables > stderr: DEBUG: State of lxc-racktables: State: RUNNING > stderr: DEBUG: lxc-racktables start : 0
ただし、注意が必要です。リソース割り当てのクラスター設定は無視され、現在のノードで実行されます。 また、リソースがすでに別のノードで実行されている場合は、驚くかもしれません。
Pacemakerコンテナを管理しますが、もちろん、それが現在動作しているノード上でのみPacemakerに注目して、すべてのlxc- *ユーティリティを使用して作業できます。
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
残念ながら、LXCにはまともなライブマイグレーションツールはありませんが、その場合、マイグレーションを構成することも可能になります。 これを行うには、GFS2に別の共通パーティションを作成し、ダンプを配置して、lxcリソーススクリプトを変更し、関数migrate_toおよびmigrate_fromを実行する必要があります。
CRIUプロジェクトを見ましたが、CentOS 7で作業できませんでした。
# lvcreate -L 2G -n lxc-openvz shared_vg # mkfs.ext4 /dev/shared_vg/lxc-openvz # mount /dev/shared_vg/lxc-openvz /mnt/lxc-openvz # rsync -avh --numeric-ids -e 'ssh' openvz:/vz/private/<containerid>/ /mnt/lxc-openvz/
# mkdir /var/lib/lxc/lxc-openvz # cp /var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config /var/lib/lxc/lxc-openvz/
lxc.rootfs = /dev/shared_vg/lxc-openvz lxc.utsname = openvz #lxc.network.hwaddr
必要に応じて、制限と目的のネットワークブリッジを構成します。 また、コンテナでは、 eth0インターフェイスでネットワーク設定を上書きして変更し、
原則として、この後、コンテナはすでに起動できますが、LXCとの互換性を高めるには、コンテンツを完成させる必要があります。 例として、テンプレートを使用してcentosコンテナー(
関数の内容を少し改良して作成しました。 スクリプト
、それなしでは、コンテナは正しくシャットダウンできません。 または、コンテナのinittabに
"p0::powerfail:/sbin/init 0"
exec / sbin / shutdown -h now“ SIGPWR received”
exec / sbin / shutdown -h now“ SIGPWR received”
誰かが怠yourselfすぎて自分で理解できない場合(でも無駄に)、あなたは(自分の危険とリスクで) 私を使うことができます。 コンテナのMACアドレスは、構成ファイルで固定するのが最適です。
を使用して取得することはできません。 スクリプトを使用して、
(代替Linux getty)を使用してこの問題を解決します
はポータブルコンテナーに入っています。 そして、フォームのプロセスを開始する
レシピとスクリプト/sbin/agetty -8 38400 /dev/console /sbin/agetty -8 38400 /dev/tty1
#このファイルを直接編集しないでください。 動作を変更する場合は、
停止rc RUNLEVEL = [2345]で開始
env ACTIVE_CONSOLES = / dev / tty [1-6]
env X_TTY = / dev / tty1
。 / etc / sysconfig / init
tty for $(echo $ ACTIVE_CONSOLES); する
["$ RUNLEVEL" = "5" -a "$ tty" = "$ X_TTY"] &&続行
initctl start tty TTY = $ tty
#このファイルを直接編集しないでください。 動作を変更する場合は、
停止rc RUNLEVEL = [2345]で開始
env ACTIVE_CONSOLES = / dev / tty [1-6]
env X_TTY = / dev / tty1
。 / etc / sysconfig / init
tty for $(echo $ ACTIVE_CONSOLES); する
["$ RUNLEVEL" = "5" -a "$ tty" = "$ X_TTY"] &&続行
initctl start tty TTY = $ tty
停止rc RUNLEVEL = [2345]で開始
#exec / sbin / mingetty --nohangup --noclear / dev / console
exec / sbin / agetty -8 38400 / dev / console
停止rc RUNLEVEL = [2345]で開始
#exec / sbin / mingetty --nohangup --noclear / dev / console
exec / sbin / agetty -8 38400 / dev / console
CentOS 6.6で #tty-ゲッティ
#このファイルを直接編集しないでください。 動作を変更する場合は、
インスタンス$ TTY
#exec / sbin / mingetty --nohangup $ TTY
exec / sbin / agetty -8 38,400 $ TTY
使用法 'tty TTY = / dev / ttyX-XはコンソールID'
#このファイルを直接編集しないでください。 動作を変更する場合は、
インスタンス$ TTY
#exec / sbin / mingetty --nohangup $ TTY
exec / sbin / agetty -8 38,400 $ TTY
使用法 'tty TTY = / dev / ttyX-XはコンソールID'
# /sbin/mingetty --nohangup /dev/console console: no controlling tty: Operation not permitted
スクリプトリソースがあり、ドライバーに応じて任意のVMを制御できます。 機能には、KVMのライブマイグレーションが含まれます。 Pacemakerを使用してKVMを制御することも似ていると思いますが、必要ありませんでした。
まず、Dockerをインストールします。これはRHEL / CentOS 7ディストリビューションに含まれているため、問題はありません。
# yum install docker
DockerにLVMの操作方法を教えます。 これを行うには、次の内容のファイル
Dockerがプールを作成するボリュームグループを指定する場所。 ここで追加のパラメーターを設定できます(VG=shared_vg-ex
man docker-storage-setup
# docker-storage-setup Rounding up size to full physical extent 716.00 MiB Logical volume "docker-poolmeta" created. Logical volume "docker-pool" created. WARNING: Converting logical volume shared_vg-ex/docker-pool and shared_vg-ex/docker-poolmeta to pools data and metadata volumes. THIS WILL DESTROY CONTENT OF LOGICAL VOLUME (filesystem etc.) Converted shared_vg-ex/docker-pool to thin pool. Logical volume "docker-pool" changed. # lvs | grep docker-pool docker-pool shared_vg-ex twi-aot--- 17.98g 14.41 2.54
Dockerはシンプロビジョニングされたボリュームを使用します。これにより、クラスターでの使用に制限が課されます。 このようなボリュームは、同時に複数のノードでアクティブにすることはできません。 shared_vg-exグループのボリュームが自動的にアクティブ化されないようにLVMを構成します。 これを行うには、(すべてのノードで)
auto_activation_volume_list = [ "shared_vg" ]
# pcs resource create lvm-docker-pool LVM volgrpname=shared_vg-ex exclusive=yes # pcs constraint order start clvmd-clone then lvm-docker-pool # pcs constraint colocation add lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone
これで、 lvm-docker-poolリソースが実行されているノードでshared_vg-exグループのボリュームがアクティブになります。
Dockerは、外部ネットワークからのNATコンテナーに専用IPを使用します。 設定で修正しましょう:
# cat /etc/sysconfig/docker-network DOCKER_NETWORK_OPTIONS="--ip= —fixed-cidr="
個別のブリッジを設定せず 、デフォルトでdocker0を使用し、コンテナのネットワークを修正します。 コンテナの便利なネットワークを教えてみましたが、理解できないエラーが発生しました。 Googleは私が一人ではないことを示唆したので、Dockerが自分で選んだネットワークを修正するだけで満足しました。 Dockerは、ブリッジがオフになってもブリッジを停止せず、IPアドレスを削除しませんが、ブリッジは物理インターフェースに接続されていないため、これは問題ではありません。 他の構成では、これを考慮する必要があります。
Dockerがプロキシサーバー経由でインターネットにアクセスできるように、環境変数を構成します。 これを行うには、次の内容を含むディレクトリとファイル
[Service] Environment="http_proxy=http://ip_proxy:port" "https_proxy=http://ip_proxy:port" "NO_PROXY=localhost,,dregistry"
基本的なセットアップが完了したら、適切なリソースでクラスターを満たします。 一連のリソースがDockerを担当するため、それらをグループにまとめるのが便利です。グループのすべてのリソースは1つのノードで起動され、グループ内の順序に従って順番に起動されます。ただし、グループのリソースの1つに障害が発生した場合、グループ全体が別のノードに移行しようとしていることに留意する必要があります。また、グループのリソースをオフにすると、後続のすべてのリソースもオフになります。グループの最初のリソースは、LVMによって作成されたボリュームになります。
# pcs resource group add docker lvm-docker-pool
# pcs resource create dockerIP IPaddr2 --group docker --after lvm-docker-pool ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=br0.12
# lvcreate -L 500M -n docker-db shared_vg # mkfs.xfs /dev/shared_vg/docker-db # pcs resource create fs-docker-db Filesystem fstype=xfs device=/dev/shared_vg/docker-db directory=/var/lib/docker --group docker --after dockerIP
# pcs resource create dockerd systemd:docker --group docker --after fs-docker-db
# docker info Containers: 5 Images: 42 Storage Driver: devicemapper Pool Name: shared_vg--ex-docker--pool Pool Blocksize: 524.3 kB Backing Filesystem: xfs Data file: Metadata file: Data Space Used: 2.781 GB Data Space Total: 19.3 GB Data Space Available: 16.52 GB Metadata Space Used: 852 kB Metadata Space Total: 33.55 MB Metadata Space Available: 32.7 MB Udev Sync Supported: true Library Version: 1.02.93-RHEL7 (2015-01-28) Execution Driver: native-0.2 Kernel Version: 3.10.0-229.7.2.el7.x86_64 Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) CPUs: 4 Total Memory: 3.703 GiB Name: cluster-2
# lvcreate -L 10G -n docker-registry shared_vg # mkfs.ext4 /dev/shared_vg/docker-registry # mkdir /mnt/docker-registry # pcs resource create docker-registry Filesystem fstype=ext4 device=/dev/shared_vg/docker-registry directory=/mnt/docker-registry --group=docker –after=dockerd # pcs resource create registryIP IPaddr2 --group docker --after docker-registry ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=br0.12
# docker create -p -e REGISTRY_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_ROOTDIRECTORY=/var/lib/registry -v /mnt/docker-registry:/var/lib/registry -h dregistry --name=dregistry registry:2
docker ps -a
# wget -O /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/docker https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ClusterLabs/resource-agents/master/heartbeat/docker # chmod +x /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/docker
すべてのノードでリソーススクリプトのIDを監視することが重要です。そうしないと、驚きが生じる可能性があります。 Dockerリソーススクリプト自体は、レジストリからダウンロードすることにより、指定されたパラメーターで必要なコンテナーを作成できます。したがって、共通のレジストリと個人リポジトリを持つクラスターノードで常に実行されているDockerを使用できます。また、Pacemakerは個々のコンテナのみを制御できますが、これはそれほど面白くなく、冗長です。 1つのDockerで何をすべきかはまだわかりません。
# pcs resource create dregistry docker reuse=true image="docker.io/registry:2" --group docker --after registryIP
再使用= trueは重要なパラメーターです。そうでない場合、コンテナーは停止後に削除されます。imageレジストリとタグを含むコンテナの完全な座標を指定する必要があります。リソーススクリプトは、dregistryという名前の完成したコンテナを選択して実行します。
ADD_REGISTRY='--add-registry dregistry' INSECURE_REGISTRY='--insecure-registry dregistry'
systemctl restart docker
pcs resource restart dockerd
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # , # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml
- Dockerグループリソースと同じノード上にある
- すべてのdockerグループリソースの後に実行する
- コンテナはお互いのステータスに依存しない
pcs constraint
# docker pull nginx:latest # docker push nginx:latest # pcs resource create doc-test3 docker reuse=false image="dregistry/nginx:latest" --disabled # pcs resource create doc-test2 docker reuse=true image="dregistry/nginx:latest" --disabled # pcs resource create doc-test docker reuse=true image="dregistry/nginx:latest" --disabled
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation> ( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order> , docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90 , , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node] clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node] , Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>] Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>] / , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node] - , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker) c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set , id="docker-col"
) ( score="INFINITY"
). ( id="docker-col-0"
) :
( sequential="false"
) ( require-all="false"
) ( role="Started"
resource_ref , . role="Started"
( id="docker-col-1"
), docker
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, docker
, .
, / . . , - . pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ( ):
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
Pacemaker- crmsh
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU
<rsc_colocation id="docker-col" score="INFINITY"> <resource_set id="docker-col-0" require-all="false" role="Started" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="docker-col-1"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> </rsc_colocation>
( colocation set ,id="docker-col"
) (score="INFINITY"
). (id="docker-col-0"
) :
) (require-all="false"
) (role="Started"
resource_ref , .role="Started"
role , ( ).
Ordering set , :
<rsc_order id="order_doc"> <resource_set id="order_doc-0"> <resource_ref id="docker"/> </resource_set> <resource_set id="order_doc-1" require-all="false" sequential="false"> <resource_ref id="doc-test"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test2"/> <resource_ref id="doc-test3"/> </resource_set> </rsc_order>
, .
, / . . , - .pcs
# pcs constraint --full | grep -i set Resource Sets: set docker (id:order_doc-0) set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false (id:order_doc-1) (id:order_doc) Resource Sets: set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false (id:docker-col-0) set docker (id:docker-col-1) setoptions score=INFINITY (id:docker-col)
. LXC ():
<template id="lxc-template" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="lxc"> <meta_attributes id="lxc-template-meta_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-template-meta_attributes-allow-migrate" name="use_screen" value="false"/> </meta_attributes> <operations> <op id="lxc-template-monitor-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-start-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="20s"/> <op id="lxc-template-stop-0" interval="0" name="start" timeout="90s"/> </operations> </template>
. :
<primitive id="lxc-racktables" template="lxc-template"> <instance_attributes id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes"> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-container" name="container" value="lxc-racktables"/> <nvpair id="lxc-racktables-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config"/> </instance_attributes> </primitive>
# pcs resource show lxc-racktables Resource: lxc-racktables (template=lxc-template) Attributes: container=lxc-racktables config=/var/lib/lxc/lxc-racktables/config
LXC , Docker-.
opensuse.org , , , .
# pcs status Cluster name: Cluster
Last updated: Thu Jul 16 12:29:33 2015
Last change: Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cluster-1 (1) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
19 Resources configured
Online: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Full list of resources:
cluster-1.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-2
cluster-2.stonith (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started cluster-1
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
Clone Set: fs-lxc_ct-clone [fs-lxc_ct]
Started: [ cluster-1 cluster-2 ]
lxc-racktables (ocf::heartbeat:lxc): Started cluster-1
Resource Group: docker
lvm-docker-pool (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started cluster-2
dockerIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
fs-docker-db (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
dockerd (systemd:docker): Started cluster-2
docker-registry (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started cluster-2
registryIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster-2
dregistry (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started cluster-2
doc-test3 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
PCSD Status:
cluster-1: Online
cluster-2: Online
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
# pcs constraint Location Constraints:
Resource: cluster-1.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-1 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: cluster-2.stonith
Disabled on: cluster-2 (score:-INFINITY)
Resource: doc-test
Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
Ordering Constraints:
start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start fs-lxc_ct-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start fs-lxc_ct-clone then start lxc-racktables (kind:Mandatory)
start clvmd-clone then start lvm-docker-pool (kind:Mandatory)
Resource Sets:
set docker set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 sequential=false require-all=false
Colocation Constraints:
clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
fs-lxc_ct-clone with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
lvm-docker-pool with clvmd-clone (score:INFINITY)
Resource Sets:
set doc-test doc-test2 doc-test3 role=Started sequential=false require-all=false set docker setoptions score=INFINITY
# pcs resource show <resource id>
, :
# pcs resource update <resource id> op start start-delay="3s" interval=0s timeout=90
, , update .
# pcs resource restart <resource id> [node]
clone- , , .
# pcs resource failcount show <resource id> [node] # pcs resource failcount reset <resource id> [node]
, Pacemaker - .
# pcs resource cleanup [<resource id>]
Pacemaker .
/ - :
# pcs resource disable [<resource id>] # pcs resource enable [<resource id>]
/ , .
# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node]
- , . , , . , constraint :
Resource: docker Enabled on: cluster-2 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-docker)
c . .
# pcs constraint –full
- id, :
# pcs constraint remove <constraint id>
# pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cluster.xml # pcs cluster cib-push /tmp/cluster.xml<source lang="bash">
Pacemaker, Clusters from Scratch Configuration Explained Pacemaker: Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster Linux Containers with libvirt-lxc (deprecated) High Availability Add-On Reference High Availability Add-On Administration Docker Docs Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images on Red Hat Systems LXC 1.0. GitHub ClusterLabs CRIU