• Githubからダウンロード (またはgit clone github.com/illus0r/kruglendar2014.git )
•何か面白いことが起こりましたか? ラウンドランドは有名です! 年末までに、見るのが楽しみになります。

前のカレンダーと同様に、このカレンダーはCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unportedで公開されています。
今年は、すべてスケッチから始まりました。 付属の太陰暦で、空想的でフラクタルな何かをすることを考えました。 しかし、彼は最初のミニマルなスケッチに戻りました。

本当に残念なことに、私は仕事の大部分を分かち合うスクリプトを書くことにしました。 そのため、サイズ、厚さ、そしてもちろんフォントで遊ぶことが可能になりました。
私は花について長い間考えていませんでした。 Photoshopで、色選択ウィンドウを開いて、同じ明度のLab配色のモードに切り替えました(色の人間の知覚を考慮し、色の強さは似ています)。

いくつかのポイントがあり、残りは補間によって取得されます。 まあ、私は最も簡単な方法を選択しませんでした、そしてあなたはイラストレーターのマスクでうまくいくことができました。 でも、もっと楽しい!
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import svgwrite, math, numpy def frange(x, y, jump): while x < y: yield x x += jump if __name__ == '__main__': # Calendar parameters textAngleShift = -(0.26*math.pi*2/365) canvasSize = (500,707) mid = canvasSize[0]/2.0, canvasSize[1]/2.0 dayFontFamily = "PT Sans" dayFontSize = "1.8pt" svgFileName = 'calendar_03.svg' # we will interpolate rainbow gradient through these points rainbowGradient = [[ 0, 0, 0,239,255,255, 0, 0], # Red [254,248,246,194, 0, 0,211,254], # Green [255,193, 0, 0, 0,210,255,255]] # Blue rainbowGradientPoints = [math.pi*2/7*0, math.pi*2/7*1, math.pi*2/7*2, math.pi*2/7*3, math.pi*2/7*4, math.pi*2/7*5, math.pi*2/7*6, math.pi*2/7*7 ] #======================================= # Calendar circle parameters #======================================= k = 3.0 # multiplication koef. delta = 1.9 # first step in progression initRad = canvasSize[0]*0.3684 # initial size radiusProgression = [initRad] for i in range(4): nextValue = initRad-delta*pow(k,i) radiusProgression += [nextValue] R_dates = 1.2*canvasSize[0]*0.312 R_days_end, \ R_days_beg, \ R_weeks_beg, \ R_mounthes_beg, \ R_seasons_beg = radiusProgression #R_weekend_end = R_days_beg + 20; R_weekend_end = R_days_end; # Stroke width stroke_k = 1.8 stroke_thinest = 0.15 dayLineStrokeWidth, \ weekLineStrokeWidth, \ mounthLineStrokeWidth, \ seasonLineStrokeWidth = [0.1*(stroke_k**i) for i in range(4,0,-1)] weekendStrokeWidth = 6.7 #======================================= # Filling mounth arrays #======================================= dayAngle = math.pi*2/365 weekAngle = dayAngle*7 mounthes = [u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u'',\ u''\ ] mounthDays = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] # days in each mounth yearDays = ["%d %s"%(i+1, mounthes[index]) \ for index, m in enumerate(mounthDays) \ for i in range(m)] # array with marks for yearDays: # 1 means first day of mounth # 2 means first day of mounth and of season allFirstDates = [ 0 if i!=0 else \ 1 if (index+1)%3!=0 else \ 2 \ for index, m in enumerate(mounthDays) \ for i in range(m)] mounthAngles = [d*dayAngle for d in mounthDays] #======================================= # Making svg and groups #======================================= dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(svgFileName, profile='tiny') textGroup = dwg.g(font_family=dayFontFamily, \ font_size=dayFontSize,\ text_anchor="start" ) dayLineGroup = dwg.g(stroke_width=dayLineStrokeWidth, fill='none') weekLineGroup = dwg.g(stroke_width=weekLineStrokeWidth, fill='none') mounthLineGroup = dwg.g(stroke_width=mounthLineStrokeWidth, fill='none') seasonLineGroup = dwg.g(stroke_width=seasonLineStrokeWidth, fill='none') weekendGroup = dwg.g(stroke_width=weekendStrokeWidth, fill='none') #======================================= # Drawing in defined groups #======================================= for index, angle in enumerate(frange(0,math.pi*2,dayAngle)): # interpolation will help us to find # all necessary segments for every segment of circles colorTuple = (int(numpy.interp(angle, rainbowGradientPoints, \ rainbowGradient[0])), \ int(numpy.interp(angle, rainbowGradientPoints, \ rainbowGradient[1])), \ int(numpy.interp(angle, rainbowGradientPoints, \ rainbowGradient[2]))) color = "rgb%s"%(str(colorTuple)) sinus = math.sin(angle) cosinus = math.cos(angle) # Draw a week segment if (index-5)%7 == 0: weekLineGroup.add (dwg.line( (mid[0]-R_weeks_beg*sinus, \ mid[1]+R_weeks_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_days_beg *sinus,mid[1]+R_days_beg *cosinus), \ stroke=color) ) # Draw a weekend sinus_weekend = math.sin(angle-dayAngle) cosinus_weekend = math.cos(angle-dayAngle) weekendGroup.add (dwg.line( (mid[0]-R_days_beg*sinus_weekend, \ mid[1]+R_days_beg*cosinus_weekend), \ (mid[0]-R_weekend_end *sinus_weekend,mid[1]+R_weekend_end *\ cosinus_weekend), \ stroke=color) ) #if (index-) weekLineGroup.add (dwg.line( (mid[0]-R_weeks_beg*sinus, \ mid[1]+R_weeks_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_days_beg *sinus,mid[1]+R_days_beg *cosinus), \ stroke=color) ) # Draw a mounth+season segments if allFirstDates[index]!=0: mounthLineGroup.add (dwg.line( (mid[0]-R_mounthes_beg*sinus,mid[1]+\ R_mounthes_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_weeks_beg *sinus,mid[1]+R_weeks_beg*cosinus), \ stroke=color) ) # Draw a season segments if allFirstDates[index]==2: seasonLineGroup.add (dwg.line( (mid[0]-R_seasons_beg*sinus,mid[1]+\ R_seasons_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_mounthes_beg *sinus,mid[1]+R_mounthes_beg*cosinus), \ stroke=color) ) # Draw a day segments dayLineGroup.add (dwg.line( (mid[0]-R_days_beg*sinus,mid[1]+\ R_days_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_days_end *sinus,mid[1]+R_days_end *cosinus), \ stroke=color ) ) # Draw a day name if (index-4)%7 == 0 or (index-3)%7 == 0: fillColor = color #"rgb(255,255,255)" #fontWeight = "bold" weekendMargin = 2.0 else: fillColor = "rgb(0,0,0)" #fontWeight = "normal" weekendMargin = 0 wordGroup = dwg.g(transform="rotate(%f, %f, %f) translate(%f,0)" \ %( math.degrees(angle+dayAngle+textAngleShift)+90, \ mid[0], mid[1], +R_dates+weekendMargin ) \ ) wordGroup.add( dwg.text( '%s'%(yearDays[index]), \ insert=mid, fill=fillColor \ #,style="font-weight: %s;"%(fontWeight) )) textGroup.add(wordGroup) #======================================= # Dray a circle segments #======================================= sinus_end = math.sin(angle+dayAngle) cosinus_end = math.cos(angle+dayAngle) dayLineGroup.add( dwg.line( (mid[0]-R_days_beg*sinus, \ mid[1]+R_days_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_days_beg*sinus_end,mid[1]+R_days_beg*cosinus_end), \ stroke=color ) ) weekLineGroup.add( dwg.line((mid[0]-R_weeks_beg*sinus, \ mid[1]+R_weeks_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_weeks_beg*sinus_end,mid[1]+R_weeks_beg*cosinus_end), \ stroke=color ) ) mounthLineGroup.add( dwg.line((mid[0]-R_mounthes_beg*sinus, \ mid[1]+R_mounthes_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_mounthes_beg*sinus_end,mid[1]+R_mounthes_beg*cosinus_end), \ stroke=color ) ) seasonLineGroup.add( dwg.line((mid[0]-R_seasons_beg*sinus, \ mid[1]+R_seasons_beg*cosinus), \ (mid[0]-R_seasons_beg*sinus_end,mid[1]+R_seasons_beg*cosinus_end), \ stroke=color ) ) #======================================= # Simple circles for quick testing #======================================= #dayLineGroup.add( dwg.circle(center=mid, r=R_days_end, stroke='black' ) ) #dayLineGroup.add( dwg.circle(center=mid, r=R_days_beg, stroke='black' ) ) #weekLineGroup.add( dwg.circle(center=mid, r=R_weeks_beg, stroke='black' ) ) #mounthLineGroup.add( dwg.circle(center=mid, r=R_mounthes_beg, stroke='black' ) ) #seasonLineGroup.add( dwg.circle(center=mid, r=R_seasons_beg, stroke='black') ) dwg.add(dayLineGroup) dwg.add(weekLineGroup) dwg.add(mounthLineGroup) dwg.add(seasonLineGroup) dwg.add(weekendGroup) dwg.add(textGroup) # As I didn't learn how to set document width and height, just draw a rect dwg.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), canvasSize, stroke='gray', fill="none")) dwg.add(dwg.text("2014", insert=(mid[0],mid[1]+4), \ text_anchor="middle", font_family="PT Serif", font_size="10pt")) #======================================= # Finaly, draw it! #======================================= dwg.save()
出力では、 このようなSVGファイルを取得します 。これは、Illustratorの

あら! Kruglendarの準備ができました。 フィードバックを得るために連絡先にグループを作成し、 GithubのReadmeとHabrに関する記事を作成します。