どういうわけか、1つの問題を解決する過程を迅速に回復する必要が生じました。 つまり 入力データと結果のセットがありました。 すべての回答を受け取るアルゴリズムをすばやく見つけたいと思いました。 ヒントプログラムを作成しようとしました。
python 2.7
で作成しました。 シンプルなバスト。 その後、彼は乗算、減算、除算を追加しました。これは後の段階で役立ちました。 この段階で、プログラムは、数字0.428571428571が3/7に取得されたことを既に判断できました。
彼は後に標準的な非合理性を追加しました。 このプログラムは、pi / 4。
# -*- coding: cp1251 -*- #Concatenate 3.2.py+2.3.py #========================== # # # . # # : #'sqrt(y)','exp(y)','log(y)','log10(y)','y**(1/3)','y**2','y**3','2**y','log2(y)' from math import * print ('For example: c=? (0.3752*sqrt(3.0)+exp(2.0))/cos(pi/4.0)-2.0**(-2.0)') #print ('Use 0<c<9802' for 'a=range(1,101)') c = float(input ('c=? ')) print 'c =',c # : c1=0 if c<0: # . . c=-c c1=-1 #========================== z=0 # integer=[float(i) for i in range(1,101)] i=0 while i<len(integer): if c==integer[i]: z=1 # print 'integer' i+=1 #========================== #Add 2.3.py """ ##all variables: ##a, b, c, d, e, j, i, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, e1, l1 ##aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, jj, ii, ff, gg, hh, kk, ll, mm, nn, ee1, ll1 ##p,q, ##r """ #import math #from math import * # #Division #used variables: a, b, c, d, e, j, i, e1. (7 items) (j and i are iteration's variables) #c = float(raw_input('c=? ')) #print ('For example: c=? (0.3752*sqrt(3)+exp(2))/cos(pi/4)-2**(-2)') #print ('Use 0<c<9802' for 'a=range(1,100)') #c = input ('c=? ') a=range(1,101) #1.you may change here. 'a=change(1,l1)' or 'a=change(1,1001)' b=a = [float(i) for i in a] i=0 d=1.1 e=[] while i<len(a): j=0 while j<len(b): if abs(a[i]/b[j]-c)< d: d=abs(a[i]/b[j]-c) e.append([a[i],'/',b[j],'=',a[i]/b[j],'Error =',d]) e1=a[i]/b[j] j+= 1 i+=1 "print e[-1]" #==================== #Complication #used variables: f, g, h, k, l, m, n, l1 (7 items) "h = float(raw_input('h=? '))" h=c f=a #f=range(0,101) #you may stay 'f=range(1,11)' or 'f=range(1,1001)' g=f = [float(n) for n in f] n=0 k=1.1 l=[] while n<len(f): m=0 while m<len(g): if abs(f[n]*g[m]-h)< k: k=abs(f[n]*g[m]-h) l.append([f[n],'*',g[m],'=',f[n]*g[m],'Error =',k]) l1=f[n]*g[m] m+= 1 n+=1 "print l[-1]" #================= #Addittion #added variables: aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, jj, ii, ee1 (7 items) "cc = float(raw_input('cc=? '))" cc=c aa=a #aa=range(0,101) #you may stay 'aa=range(1,11)' or 'aa=range(1,1001)' bb=aa = [float(ii) for ii in aa] ii=0 dd=1.1 ee=[] while ii<len(aa): jj=0 while jj<len(bb): if abs(aa[ii]+bb[jj]-cc)< dd: dd=abs(aa[ii]+bb[jj]-cc) ee.append([aa[ii],'+',bb[jj],'=',aa[ii]+bb[jj],'Error =',dd]) ee1=aa[ii]+bb[jj] jj+= 1 ii+=1 "print ee[-1]" #================= #subtraction #used variables: ff, gg, hh, kk, ll, mm, nn, ll1 (7 items) "hh = float(raw_input('hh=? '))" hh=c ff=a #ff=range(0,101) #you may stay 'ff=range(1,11)' or 'ff=range(1,1001)' gg=ff = [float(nn) for nn in ff] nn=0 kk=1.1 ll=[] while nn<len(ff): mm=0 while mm<len(gg): if abs(ff[nn]-gg[mm]-hh)< kk: kk=abs(ff[nn]-gg[mm]-hh) ll.append([ff[nn],'-',gg[mm],'=',ff[nn]-gg[mm],'Error =',kk]) ll1=ff[nn]-gg[mm] mm+= 1 nn+=1 "print ll[-1]" #================= #comparision. #used variables: p,q #print 'c =',c p=min(d,k,dd,kk) if p==d: q=e[-1] #print q if p==k: q=l[-1] #print q if p==dd: q=ee[-1] #print q if p==kk: q=ll[-1] #print q #print q #for 4.0: pp=p qq=q if c1==-1: qq=['-']+qq #================================================================================= #================================================================================= #Add 3.2.py i=0 a = [float(i) for i in range(1,11)] f=[sqrt(i) for i in a] g=[exp(i) for i in a] if c==-1: m=[1.0/log[i] for i in a] else: m=[log(i) for i in a] if c==-1: n=[1.0/log10(i) for i in a] else: n=[log10(i) for i in a] p=[i**(1/3.0) for i in a] q=[i**2.0 for i in a] s=[i**3.0 for i in a] t=[2.0**i for i in a] if c==-1: u=[1.0/log(i,2) for i in a] else: u=[log(i,2) for i in a] v=[(sqrt(5.0)+1.0)/2.0,pi/6.0,pi/4.0,pi/3.0,pi/2.0,pi,pi*3/2.0,pi*2.0,1/3.0,1/2.0] #v=[pi*i for i in vpi] h=a+f+g+m+n+p+q+s+t+u+v i=0 r=10.1 while i <len(h): if c>0: if abs(ch[i])<r: k=h[i] b=i r=abs(ch[i]) i+=1 #======================================================= if z==0: if abs(h[b]-c)<=pp: if 0<=b<=9: pass #print 'Integer' elif 10<=b<=19: print 'sqrt(y)' elif 20<=b<=29: print 'exp(y)' elif 30<=b<=39: print 'log(y)' elif 40<=b<=49: print 'log10(y)' elif 50<=b<=59: print 'y**(1/3)' elif 60<=b<=69: print 'y**2' elif 70<=b<=79: print 'y**3' elif 80<=b<=89: print '2**y' elif 90<=b<=99: print 'log2(y)' elif b==100: print 'fi=(sqrt(5)+1)/2' elif b==101: print 'pi/6' elif b==102: print 'pi/4' elif b==103: print 'pi/3' elif b==104: print 'pi/2' elif b==105: print 'pi' elif b==106: print '3*pi/2' elif b==107: print '2*pi' elif b==108: print '1/3' elif b==109: print '1/2' if 0<=b<=9: bb=b elif 10<=b<=99: bb=b%10 elif 100<=b<=1000: bb=b%100 if not 100<=b<=109: print 'y =',bb+1 if c1==-1: print '-f(y)=','-',h[b] else: print 'f(y)=',h[b] print 'Error=',abs(h[b]-c) else: print qq
プログラムは、3.69314718056が必要な3 +ログ(2)を見つけました
# -*- coding: cp1251 -*- #iteration 2 step from math import * #-------------- #This version have MemoryError #0 iteration c = float(input ('c=? ')) #c=1/sqrt(2) print 'c =',c c1=1 # . if c<0: c=-c c1=-1 # - . k=10 #-1 iteration z1=range(1,11) z2=[] z2=[pi,exp(1)] z3=[] z3=[sqrt(2),sqrt(3)] z4=[] z4=[sqrt(2)/2.0, sqrt(3)/2.0] z5=[2**(1/3.0),3**(1/3.0)] if c>=1: z6=[log(2),log10(2)] else: z6=[-log(1/2.0),-log10(1/2.0)] z=z1 z234=z2+z3+z4+z5+z6 if c1>=1: z2345=['pi','exp(1)','sqrt(2)','sqrt(3)','sqrt(2)/2.0', 'sqrt(3)/2.0', '2**(1/3.0)','3**(1/3.0)','log(2)','log10(2)'] else: z2345=['pi','exp(1)','sqrt(2)','sqrt(3)','sqrt(2)/2.0', 'sqrt(3)/2.0', '2**(1/3.0)','3**(1/3.0)','-log(1/2.0)','-log10(1/2.0)'] #z=z1+z234 a=z #print len(a) #0 iteration b=a = [float(i) for i in a] i=0 adivb=[] while i<len(a): j=0 while j<len(b): ab=a[i]/b[j] adivb.append(ab) j+= 1 i+=1 #sqrt1=[sqrt(i) for i in a] #exp1=[sqrt(i) for i in a] #print len(adivb) #------------- #1 iteration i=0 adivb1=[] acomplb1=[] asumb1=[] asubb1=[] a1=adivb b1=z234 while i<len(a1): j=0 while j<len(b1): ab1=a1[i]/b1[j] #div #adivb1.append(ab1) if abs(ab1-c)<k: k=abs(ab1-c) q='/' p=j r=i g=[a1[i],'/',z2345[j]] # g=[a1[i],'/',b1[j]] ax1=a1[i]*b1[j] #compl #acomplb1.append(ax1) if abs(ax1-c)<k: k=abs(ax1-c) q='*' p=j r=i g=[a1[i],'*',z2345[j]] # g=[a1[i],'*',b1[j]] ay1=a1[i]+b1[j] #sum #asumb1.append(ay1) if abs(ay1-c)<k: k=abs(ay1-c) q='+' p=j r=i g=[a1[i],'+',z2345[j]] # g=[a1[i],'+',b1[j]] az1=a1[i]-b1[j] #subtraction #asubb1.append(az1) if abs(az1-c)<k: k=abs(az1-c) q='-' p=j r=i g=[a1[i],'-',z2345[j]] # g=[a1[i],'-',b1[j]] j+= 1 i+=1 #print r,k,p,z234[p] print g #----------------------- #aabb=adivb1+acomplb1+asumb1+asubb1 #print len(aabb) #------------------------- #print "----------------------------" """ i=0 k=10 while i<len(aabb): if abs(aabb[i]-c)<k: k=abs(aabb[i]-c) kk=i i+=1 #print 'c = ',c #print 'index =',kk #print ' =',aabb[kk] #print 'k =',k #error if kk>9: bb=(kk)%10 if 0<=kk<=9: print '1','/',kk+1 elif 10<=kk<=19: print '2','/',bb+1 elif 20<=kk<=29: print '3','/',bb+1 elif 30<=kk<=39: print '4','/',bb+1 elif 40<=kk<=49: print '5','/',bb+1 elif 50<=kk<=59: print '6','/',bb+1 elif 60<=kk<=69: print '7','/',bb+1 elif 70<=kk<=79: print '8','/',bb+1 elif 80<=kk<=89: print '9','/',bb+1 elif 90<=kk<=99: print '10','/',bb+1 """ #------- #if c1>=1: # z234=[pi,exp(1),sqrt(2),sqrt(3),sqrt(2)/2.0, sqrt(3)/2.0, 2**(1/3.0),3**(1/3.0),log(2),log10(2)] #else: # z234=[pi,exp(1),sqrt(2),sqrt(3),sqrt(2)/2.0, sqrt(3)/2.0, 2**(1/3.0),3**(1/3.0),-log(1/2.0),-log10(1/2.0)] """ #1 iteration if kk>99: bb=(kk)%100 if 0<=kk<=99: pass elif 100<=kk<=199: print '1','/','(','1','/',kk+1,')' elif 200<=kk<=299: print '1','/','(','2','/',bb+1,')' elif 300<=kk<=399: print '1','/','(','3','/',bb+1,')' elif 400<=kk<=499: print '1','/','(','4','/',bb+1,')' elif 500<=kk<=599: print '1','/','(','5','/',bb+1,')' elif 600<=kk<=690: print '1','/','(','6','/',bb+1,')' elif 700<=kk<=799: print '1','/','(','7','/',bb+1,')' elif 800<=kk<=899: print '1','/','(','8','/',bb+1,')' elif 900<=kk<=999: print '1','/','(','9','/',bb+1,')' elif 1000<=kk<=1099: print '1','/','(','9','/',bb+1,')' """
残念ながら、3回目の反復では、pythonのメモリが十分ではありませんでした。 したがって、特定の10.007106781で目的の3 + sqrt(2)* 5を見つけることはできません。 それは理解可能であり、奇跡はありません。
3.ユーザーが自分で検索エリアに入力できるようにします。 使用される値。 たとえば、テスト問題で6つの特定の数値が与えられた場合、すべての自然数および無理数を使用することは意味がありませんが、これらの値でのみ動作するのに十分です。
4.ユーザーがすべてのテスト回答のすべてのアルゴリズムを受け取ったとしても、どのアルゴリズムが正しいかはまだわかりません。 ユーザーには既に質問があり、ツールチップには質問がありません。


3つの反復を追加しました。 ソリューションを見つけるために使用できるユーザー値を入力する機能が追加されました。 標準値と定数が追加されました。 たとえば、プログラムは必要なsqrt(2)+ sqrt(3)+ exp(1)を5.8645461984から見つけることができます。
# -*- coding: cp1251 -*- # # # # #This program fing algorithm of solving #using output data #and some input data # # -1. C . # . from math import * import time start = time.time() # . output data. c = float(input ('output data: c=? ')) # . for tests. #c=sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)+exp(1) print c c=float(c) # . input data. d = input ('input some data as 1.9, 2.3, 5.2: d=? ') """ # . for tests. d=sqrt(2),sqrt(3),exp(1),3 """ d=list(d) d=[float(i) for i in d] """ # . Indicator's sign of output data c1=1 # . Indicator's sign is default positive. if c<0: c=-c c1=-1 # - . . #Indicator's sign change ot negative. Take it into account in logarithms. """ # . More standard constants. #z1=range(1,11) z1=[2,3,5,7] z2=[pi,exp(1),sqrt(2),sqrt(3)] z=z1+z2 d=d+z # d = [e for i,e in enumerate(d) if e not in d[:i]] dold=d #1 iteration. . #4 actions. 4 . #Error, must go to zero. , . k=100.1 i=0 ddivlist=[] dmullist=[] dsublist=[] daddlist=[] while i<len(d): j=0 while j<len(d): #division. ddiv=d[i]/d[j] ddivlist.append(ddiv) if abs(ddiv-c)<k: k=abs(ddiv-c) x=['ddiv =',ddiv, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[ddiv, '=', d[i], '/', d[j],'Error =',k] #multiplication. dmul=d[i]*d[j] dmullist.append(dmul) if abs(dmul-c)<k: k=abs(dmul-c) x=['dmul =',dmul, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dmul, '=', d[i], '*', d[j],'Error =',k] #subtraction. dsub=d[i]-d[j] dsublist.append(dsub) if abs(dsub-c)<k: k=abs(dsub-c) x=['dsub =',dsub, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dsub, '=', d[i], '-', d[j],'Error =',k] #addition. dadd=d[i]+d[j] daddlist.append(dadd) if abs(dadd-c)<k: k=abs(dadd-c) x=['dadd =',dadd, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dadd, '=', d[i], '+', d[j],'Error =',k] j+= 1 i+=1 if x1[6]<0.000001: print x1 # . # , , , . #Prepare to next iteration. #Create full list, sort it, delete repeat, delete negative data. d4actions=ddivlist+dmullist+dsublist+daddlist d4actions.sort() d4actions = [e for i,e in enumerate(d4actions) if e not in d4actions[:i]] d4actions1=[] for i in d4actions: if i>0: d4actions1.append(i) d4actions=d4actions1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #2 iteration i=0 ddivlist=[] dmullist=[] dsublist=[] daddlist=[] d=d4actions #print d while i<len(d): j=0 while j<len(d): #division. ddiv=d[i]/d[j] ddivlist.append(ddiv) if abs(ddiv-c)<k: k=abs(ddiv-c) x=['ddiv =',ddiv, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[ddiv, '=', d[i], '/', d[j],'Error =',k] #multiplication. dmul=d[i]*d[j] dmullist.append(dmul) if abs(dmul-c)<k: k=abs(dmul-c) x=['dmul =',dmul, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dmul, '=', d[i], '*', d[j],'Error =',k] #subtraction. dsub=d[i]-d[j] dsublist.append(dsub) if abs(dsub-c)<k: k=abs(dsub-c) x=['dsub =',dsub, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dsub, '=', d[i], '-', d[j],'Error =',k] #addition. dadd=d[i]+d[j] daddlist.append(dadd) if abs(dadd-c)<k: k=abs(dadd-c) x=['dadd =',dadd, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dadd, '=', d[i], '+', d[j],'Error =',k] j+= 1 i+=1 print x1 #------------------------------ # . output data. #c = float(input ('output data: c=? ')) # . for tests. #c=sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)+exp(1) c=x1[4] print c c=float(c) # . input data. """ d = input ('input some data as 1.9, 2.3, 5.2: d=? ') """ """ . for tests. d=sqrt(2),sqrt(3),exp(1),3 d=list(d) """ #d=[float(i) for i in d] """ # . Indicator's sign of output data c1=1 # . Indicator's sign is default positive. if c<0: c=-c c1=-1 # - . . #Indicator's sign change ot negative. Take it into account in logarithms. """ # . More standard constants. #z1=range(1,11) """ z1=[2,3,5,7] z2=[pi,exp(1),sqrt(2),sqrt(3)] z=z1+z2 d=d+z # d = [e for i,e in enumerate(d) if e not in d[:i]] """ d=dold #1 iteration. . #4 actions. 4 . #Error, must go to zero. , . k=100.1 i=0 ddivlist=[] dmullist=[] dsublist=[] daddlist=[] while i<len(d): j=0 while j<len(d): #division. ddiv=d[i]/d[j] ddivlist.append(ddiv) if abs(ddiv-c)<k: k=abs(ddiv-c) x=['ddiv =',ddiv, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[ddiv, '=', d[i], '/', d[j],'Error =',k] #multiplication. dmul=d[i]*d[j] dmullist.append(dmul) if abs(dmul-c)<k: k=abs(dmul-c) x=['dmul =',dmul, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dmul, '=', d[i], '*', d[j],'Error =',k] #subtraction. dsub=d[i]-d[j] dsublist.append(dsub) if abs(dsub-c)<k: k=abs(dsub-c) x=['dsub =',dsub, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dsub, '=', d[i], '-', d[j],'Error =',k] #addition. dadd=d[i]+d[j] daddlist.append(dadd) if abs(dadd-c)<k: k=abs(dadd-c) x=['dadd =',dadd, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dadd, '=', d[i], '+', d[j],'Error =',k] j+= 1 i+=1 if x1[6]<0.000001: print x1 # . # , , , . #Prepare to next iteration. #Create full list, sort it, delete repeat, delete negative data. d4actions=ddivlist+dmullist+dsublist+daddlist d4actions.sort() d4actions = [e for i,e in enumerate(d4actions) if e not in d4actions[:i]] d4actions1=[] for i in d4actions: if i>0: d4actions1.append(i) d4actions=d4actions1 """ #--------- # d[j] k=100.1 c=x1[4] print c i=0 ddivlist=[] dmullist=[] dsublist=[] daddlist=[] d=d4actions #print d while i<len(d): j=0 while j<len(d): #division. ddiv=d[i]/d[j] ddivlist.append(ddiv) if abs(ddiv-c)<k: k=abs(ddiv-c) x=['ddiv =',ddiv, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[ddiv, '=', d[i], '/', d[j],'Error =',k] #multiplication. dmul=d[i]*d[j] dmullist.append(dmul) if abs(dmul-c)<k: k=abs(dmul-c) x=['dmul =',dmul, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dmul, '=', d[i], '*', d[j],'Error =',k] #subtraction. dsub=d[i]-d[j] dsublist.append(dsub) if abs(dsub-c)<k: k=abs(dsub-c) x=['dsub =',dsub, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dsub, '=', d[i], '-', d[j],'Error =',k] #addition. dadd=d[i]+d[j] daddlist.append(dadd) if abs(dadd-c)<k: k=abs(dadd-c) x=['dadd =',dadd, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dadd, '=', d[i], '+', d[j],'Error =',k] j+= 1 i+=1 print x1 #----- # d[j] """ # . # , , , . #Prepare to next iteration. #Create full list, sort it, delete repeat, delete negative data. d4actions=ddivlist+dmullist+dsublist+daddlist d4actions.sort() d4actions1=[] for i in d4actions: if 0<i<=10: d4actions1.append(i) d4actions=d4actions1 #print len(d4actions) """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #3 iteration #MemoryError i=0 ddivlist=[] dmullist=[] dsublist=[] daddlist=[] d=d4actions #print d while i<len(d): j=0 while j<len(d): #division. ddiv=d[i]/d[j] ddivlist.append(ddiv) if abs(ddiv-c)<k: k=abs(ddiv-c) x=['ddiv =',ddiv, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[ddiv, '=', d[i], '/', d[j],'Error =',k] #multiplication. dmul=d[i]*d[j] dmullist.append(dmul) if abs(dmul-c)<k: k=abs(dmul-c) x=['dmul =',dmul, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dmul, '=', d[i], '*', d[j],'Error =',k] #subtraction. dsub=d[i]-d[j] dsublist.append(dsub) if abs(dsub-c)<k: k=abs(dsub-c) x=['dsub =',dsub, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dsub, '=', d[i], '-', d[j],'Error =',k] #addition. dadd=d[i]+d[j] daddlist.append(dadd) if abs(dadd-c)<k: k=abs(dadd-c) x=['dadd =',dadd, 'i =',i, 'd[i] =',d[i], 'j =',j, 'd[j] =',d[j],'Error =',k] x1=[dadd, '=', d[i], '+', d[j],'Error =',k] j+= 1 i+=1 print x1 # . # , , , . #Prepare to next iteration. #Create full list, sort it, delete repeat, delete negative data. d4actions=ddivlist+dmullist+dsublist+daddlist d4actions.sort() d4actions1=[] for i in d4actions: if 0<i<=10: d4actions1.append(i) d4actions=d4actions1 print len(d4actions) #d4actions = [e for i,e in enumerate(d4actions) if e not in d4actions[:i]] """ finish = time.time() #print 'time',(finish - start)
