サンバ。 システムのトラブルシューティング

この記事は、基本的にSambaシステム管理者向けのベストプラクティスコレクションです。 この記事は、Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hoursのトラブルシューティングテクニックの章に基づいています。 Sambaを構成するときに、最も一般的なエラーを考慮しようとします。

同意します。車のエンジンを交換して、ガソリンが足りなかったために行かなかったことがわかりました。 これは最良の比phorではないかもしれませんが、多くのシステム管理者は、最も明白なことを最初にチェックせずに時間を無駄に費やしています。 Sambaの問題を見つけて解決するプロセスがどの程度大まかに並んでいるかをご覧ください。

この「ピラミッド」の下位レベルで提示される問題は、上位レベルの「基盤」です。 当然のことながら、サーバーがオフラインの場合、WindowsクライアントはSamba上のnorthファイルにアクセスできません。 もちろん、この写真を文字通りアクションのガイドとして撮るべきではありません(常にログファイルを見ることができるとしましょう)が、より低いレベルの問題から始めるべきです。 上に行くほど、 Sambaの原則を深く掘り下げます。



•テーマ別のサイトとフォーラム。例: http : //samba-doc.ru/、http//citforum.ru/operating_systems/linux/samba/

•特定のディストリビューションのSambaドキュメントのセクション(たとえば、 http://help.ubuntu.ru/wiki/samba、http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/ch -samba.htmlまたはhttp://wiki.russianfedora.ru/index.php?title=Samba );

http : //stackoverflow.com/-特定の質問や問題がある場合は、このサイトを忘れないでください。

Sambaの一部である補助ユーティリティ、およびさまざまなトラフィックアナライザープログラム( Wiresharkなど )。

まず第一に、私たちは新たな問題に対する独立した解決策を検討しますが、コミュニティの可能な助けを忘れないでください。 これにより、時間と労力を大幅に節約できます。


最初に、テスト環境について少し説明します。 条件は次のとおりです。








[global] netbios name = TROUBLE workgroup = LAB security = user encrypt passwords = yes [public] path = /tmp read only = no




•TCP / IP接続が正しく機能している。




TCP / IPを確認するには、最初にpingコマンドを使用します。 ICMPプロトコルを非常に簡単な方法で説明すると、ホストはサーバーにリクエストを送信し、「Are you a live?」と尋ねます。 サーバーが応答しない場合、ホストはサーバーがネットワークに接続されておらず、したがって利用できないと判断します。

 $ ping win-client PING win-client ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from win-client ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2.138 msec 64 bytes from win-client ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2.181 msec 64 bytes from win-client ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=2.263 msec --- ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 2.138/2.194/2.263/0.051 ms

DNSの適切な機能も非常に重要です。 名前を解決できない場合、次のようなメッセージが表示されます。

 $ ping win-client ping: unknown host win-client

これが発生した場合、最初にすることは、 pingコマンドを繰り返しますが、名前ではなくアドレスを使用します。

 $ ping

コマンドが成功した場合、DNS構成に注意する必要があります。 エラーの最も一般的な原因:


•DNSサーバーには、 win-clientに関連付けられたレコードがありません。





NetBIOSでは、サーバーとクライアントが同じサブネット上にあるように、正しい名前解決とネットワーク環境のマシンの検索のために非常に重要です。 1つのサブネットマスクとブロードキャストアドレスを使用しました。



 $ /sbin/ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:04:5A:0C:1C:19 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::204:5aff:fe0c:1c19/10 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:68006 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:100783 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:12186135 (11.6 Mb) TX bytes:121642120 (116.0 Mb) Interrupt:3 Base address:0x100 1


 root# ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast

Windowsでは、 ipconfig / allを実行して同様の情報を取得できます。


Sambasmb.confファイルの膨大な数のパラメーターを使用するため、開発者はこのファイルの構文をチェックするコマンドラインユーティリティを作成しました。 このユーティリティはtestparmと呼ばれ、構成ファイル内のエラーを見つけるのに非常に役立ちます。

testparmユーティリティを-sオプションとともに使用して、特定の構成ファイルを分析できます。 このオプションは、「戦闘」使用前に構成ファイルをチェックするのに非常に適しています。

 $ testparm -s /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.new Load smb config files from /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.new Processing section “[public]” Loaded services file OK. # Global parameters [global] coding system = client code page = 850 code page directory = /usr/local/samba/lib/codepages <...  ...>

指定された構成ファイルを分析した後、 testparmはデフォルト値を含むsmb.confファイルのすべての値を表示します。 これにより、 smbdおよびnmbd構成パラメーターの期待値が確実に使用されます。

デフォルト値はバージョンによって異なるため、 testparmバージョンに対応するSambaバージョンを使用する必要があることに注意してください。



2番目のレベルでは、クライアントソフトウェアとサーバーソフトウェアの構成を確認します。 私たちの目標は、クライアントとサーバーの両方がNetBIOSおよびCIFS要求に正しく応答するようにすることです。 今のところ、各ホストを分離して見ていきます。 (第3レベルでは、すでに相互作用の検討を開始します。)


まず、smbdが実行されている必要があります。 これは、psコマンドを使用して確認できます。 このコマンドの引数は、Linuxのバージョンによって異なる場合があります。

 $ ps -ef | grep smbd root 28592 1 0 12:37 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D

smbdが実行されていることを確認した後(または必要に応じて実行することにより)、 smbclientユーティリティを使用してサーバーの状態を確認します。 -Lオプションは、サーバーリソースを一覧表示するために使用されます。 -Nスイッチは、認証に不必要な問題が発生しないようにサーバーに匿名で接続するために使用されます。 これらのアクションはすべて、 Sambaサーバー上でローカルに実行する必要があります。

 smbclient -L TROUBLE -N added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Anonymous login successful Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] Sharename Type --------- ---- public Disk IPC$ IPC Comment ------- IPC Service (Samba 2.2.2) smbclient -L TROUBLE -N added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Anonymous login successful Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] Sharename Type --------- ---- public Disk IPC$ IPC Comment ------- IPC Service (Samba 2.2.2) ADMIN$ Server --------- TROUBLE Workgroup --------- LAB Disk IPC Service (Samba 2.2.2) Comment ------- Samba 2.2.2 Master ------- TROUBLE



 error connecting to (Connection refused) Connection to <server> failed

smbdが実行されていないか、ポート139に接続できない場合に発生します。この理由は、以前にインストールされ、 Sambaコンポーネントが誤って削除された可能性があります。 まず、smbdがデーモンとして起動し、すぐにエラーで終了しないことを確認します。 特徴は、 nmbdがコンソールウィンドウにエラーを表示しないため、ログファイルの最後の数行を確認する必要があることです。 後でログ分析をさらに詳しく調べます。


 session request to <server> failed (Not listening for calling name)

このエラーの理由は無効なNetBIOS名であると思われるかもしれませんが、そうではありません。 このエラーはnmbdの 「bat」インストールが原因で発生することはありません。この場合、 nmbdは起動する必要さえありません。

ローカル接続時のこのエラーの原因は、ほとんどの場合、 smb.confファイル内のホスト許可またはホスト拒否パラメーターが正しく構成されていないことが原因です。 サーバーは、作成されたNetBIOSセッションを中断します。

共有リソースのリストを確認できた場合、 Sambaがユーザー許可する機能をテストできます。 このテストでは、ユーザー名がuser1でパスワードがシークレットのアカウントが[パブリック]共有に接続されています。

 $ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U user1%secret added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>


 session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

このエラーには多くの理由があります。 これは、無効なユーザー名またはパスワードであるか、encrypt password = yesが指定されている場合はユーザーのsmbpasswdアカウントがないか、認証なしのアクセスが許可されている場合は無効なゲストアカウントです。

ユーザーが正しくログインしたが、要求されたサービスにアクセスできなかった場合、 smbclientは次のメッセージを表示します。

 tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name)




 $ ps -ef | grep nmbd root 29054 1 0 15:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/samba/bin/bin/nmbd -D

psがnmbdが実行されていないことを示している場合は、rootとしてログインして実行する必要があります( / usr / local / samba / bin / nmbd -D )。

テストには、 Sambaユーティリティ-nmblookupを使用します。 各Sambaサーバーには、常に応答する特別な名前_Samba_があります。 この名前でリクエストを送信することにより、 nmbdの動作を確認できます。 -Uスイッチは、特定のアドレスに要求を送信するために使用されます。

 $ ./nmblookup -U __Samba__ querying __Samba__ on __Samba__<00>


 name_query failed to find name __Samba__

また、エラーの原因は、bind interfaces only = yesオプションが有効になっているループバックインターフェイスがsmb.confに含まれていないことです。


 $ nmblookup -U TROUBLE querying TROUBLE on TROUBLE<00>

「name query failed」などのエラーメッセージは、_Samba_という名前のクエリの失敗が原因である可能性が高いです。 別の理由として、サーバーがNetBIOS名を登録できないことが考えられます。 この場合、ブロードキャストリクエストを送信して、指定された名前を所有するサーバーを見つける必要があります。

 $ nmblookup -B TROUBLE querying TROUBLE on TROUBLE<00> 

たとえば、この場合、この名前はSambaサーバーではなく、サードパーティのマシンに属します。 明らかに、この問題の解決策は、このマシンまたはサーバーの名前を変更することです。

Windows NetBIOSインターフェイス

WindowsでNetBIOS要求に使用されるユーティリティ-nbtstat.exe-には、 nmblookupでは利用できないオプションがいくつかあります。 そのうちの1つ( -n )により、正常に登録された名前のNetBIOSインターフェイスを「確認」できます。

 C:\WINDOWS> nbtstat -n Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: [] NetBIOS Local Name Table Name Type Status --------------------------------------------- WIN-CLIENT LAB WIN-CLIENT <00> UNIQUE <00> GROUP <03> UNIQUE Registered Registered Registered

「Microsoftネットワーク用クライアント」コンポーネントがインストールされていない場合、 nbtstat.exeは次を報告します。

 Failed to access NBT driver 1


 Name Type Status --------------------------------------------- LAB <00> GROUP Registered

多くの場合、この理由は同じNetBIOS名を持つマシンの存在です。 Windowsクライアントには、サーバーとのNetBIOSセッションを確立するための一意の名前が必要です。 クライアントがワークステーションの名前を登録できるまで、たとえば、ネットワーク環境を表示したり、ネットワークドライブを接続したりすることはできません。



そのため、クライアントとサーバーの両方がネットワークにアクセスでき、ローカルでソフトウェアが実行されていることがすでにわかっています。 このレベルでは、相互作用の状態を診断します。


再度nmblookupおよびnbstat.exeユーティリティを使用して、クライアントがサーバー名を解決できるかどうか、またその逆を確認します。 テストは2つのフェーズで構成されます。 最初に、ブロードキャスト要求を使用してサーバーとクライアントの応答をテストします。 これは、プロンプトが表示されたらnmblookupユーティリティでブロードキャストアドレス(-Bを設定することで実行されます。これには、サーバーとクライアント間のネットワーク通信が含まれます。


 $ nmblookup -B TROUBLE querying TROUBLE on TROUBLE<00>


 $ nmblookup -B win-client querying win-client on win-client<00>

これまでのところうまくいった場合、このテストは正しく機能する可能性があります。 結果がエラーの場合、すべてのマシンでブロードキャストアドレスの対応をもう一度確認する必要があります。

その後、NetBIOS Node Status Lookupを実行し、ノードのステータスを確認します。 このステップでは、IPアドレスに直接アクセスし、このホストによって登録された一意のグループNeBIOS名のリストを要求します。 WindowsクライアントからSambaサーバーに照会することから始めましょう。

 C:\WINDOWS\> nbtstat -A NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table Name Type Status --------------------------------------------- TROUBLE <00> UNIQUE TROUBLE <03> UNIQUE TROUBLE <20> UNIQUE ..__MSBROWSE__.<01> GROUP Registered Registered Registered Registered Registered Registered Registered LAB LAB LAB <00> GROUP <1D> UNIQUE <1E> GROUP MAC Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00

Sambaサーバーで同じ手順を実行して、クライアント情報を収集できます。 nmblookupユーティリティを介したリクエストのオプションは、一般的にnbtstat.exeと同じです

 $ nmblookup -A Looking up status of WIN-CLIENT LAB WIN-CLIENT <00> - B <ACTIVE> <00> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE> <03> - B <ACTIVE>



すでにsmbclientを使用して、共有リソースのリストを表示しています。 ここでも、Windowsクライアントからリモートでのみ同じことを行います。

net.exeユーティリティは、CIFSを操作するための汎用ユーティリティです。 このユーティリティは、 smbclient -L Linuxコマンドに相当します。 表示オプションを使用すると、ワークグループの共有リソースを表示できます。または、特定のサーバー名(\\ TROUBLEなど)を指定すると、共有リソースのリストが表示されます。


実際、このステップはテスト全体ではなく、プロセス全体の目標です。 正しい名前とパスワードでコンソールにアクセスした場合、次のコマンドはP:ローカルクライアントドライブをTROUBLEサーバーの[public] 共有に接続します。

 C:\WINDOWS\> net use p: \\TROUBLE\public The command completed successfully.


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !


C:\WINNT\>net use \\TROUBLE\public /user:user1 The password or user name is invalid for \\TROUBLE\public. Type the password for \\TROUBLE\public: The command completed successfully.

, . -, .


— . , , , , : .



. . «» Samba . , . , .

- Samba

, .

smbd (, pid 1234), - root:

root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 0

10, , :

root# smbcontrol 1234 debug 10 root# smbcontrol 1234 debuglevel Current debug level of PID 1234 is 10

: « ?»

, . Windows- . smbd . smbclient , :

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

, smbpasswd , — test. ,

log level = 10 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m

[global] smb.conf , log.TROUBLE :

pdb_getsampwnam: search by name: testuser startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user root, uid 0 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user jerry, uid 786 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user guest1, uid 782 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user testuser, uid 791 endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pdb_getsampwnam: found by name: testuser build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username testuser not in unix passwd database! Couldn't find user 'testuser' in passdb.

. Samba testuser. , - /etc/passwd :


, (#) , . .

$ smbclient //TROUBLE/public -U testuser%test Domain=[LAB] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2] smb: \>

. , grep , :

• fail

• error

• unsuccessful

• corrupt

• unknown

— , . -, Wireshark. .



— , - Samba . . , Samba , : .

, Samba . , . :

• 1. smb.conf .

• 2. .

• 3. .

• 4. .

• 5. .

• 6. Samba .

, , , - . . . . !

All Articles