そのため、テストはRSpec + Watir WebDriverバンドルに基づいています(Railsアプリケーションの場合は、Capybaraの方が適切です)。 BundlerおよびローカルWebDriversのサポートにより、テスターの職場で簡単なインストールが実行されます(Ruby 1.9、Rubygems、Bundlerの
bundle install
bundle install
)。 Gemfileソース:
source :rubygems gem "watir-webdriver", "~>0.6.1" gem "rspec-core", "~> 2.0" gem "rspec-expectations", "~> 2.0" gem "rr", "~> 1.0" gem "ci_reporter", "~> 1.7"
ci_reporter gemにより、Jenkins CIとの統合が実行され、parallel_tests gemおよびSelenium Gridにより、テストの並列化が実行されます(現在、本番環境ではまだ並列テストは使用されていません)。
describe "FirstSite" do before(:all) do site! "first" end # returns true on success; otherwise false. def login_as(data) browser.rel_goto "/" browser.title.should include 'example.com' browser.text_field(:id => 'login').set data[:login] browser.text_field(:id => 'password').set data[:password] submit_button = browser.button(:id => 'submit') submit_button.click browser.url =~ %r{/welcome$} end def logout browser.rel_goto "/" browser.button(:id => 'logout').click end describe :login do auth = fixture :auth describe :successful do after(:each) do logout end auth.keys.select { |key| key.kind_of?(Symbol) }.each do |key| next if key == :wrong it "Logging in as #{key} should be OK" do login_as(auth[key]).should be_true end end end describe :wrong do it "Logging in with wrong credentials should fail" do login_as(auth[:wrong]).should_not be_true end end end end
--- production: sites: first: "http://staging.example.com" webdriver: hub: "" test: sites: first: "http://staging.example.com" webdriver: hub: "" development: sites: first: "localhost:5678" webdriver: local: true
すべてのカスタマイズは2つのファイルによって実行されます。 .rspec:
--format nested
--require ./spec_helper.rb
require "rubygems" require "bundler/setup" require "yaml" require "watir-webdriver" require "rspec/core" $LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib') # . module RegruHelpers include Selenium def site!(site) RSpec.configuration.site = RSpec.configuration.sites[site] end def fixture(name) RegruHelpers.symbolized YAML.load_file( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', "#{name}.yml") ) end def screenshot!(text = '') directory = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec', 'screenshots') file_name = "#{example.metadata.full_description}-#{text}.png" file_path =File.join(directory, file_name) browser.screenshot.save file_path end def save_html!(text = '') directory = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec', 'html') file_name = "#{example.metadata.full_description}-#{text}.html" file_path =File.join(directory, file_name) File.open(file_path, "w") do |f| f.print browser.html end end Watir::Browser.class_eval do def rel_goto url goto "#{RSpec.configuration.site}#{url}" end end def browser RSpec.configuration.browser ||= begin local = RSpec.configuration.watir_settings[:webdriver][:local] if local Watir::Browser.new(RSpec.configuration.browser_type) else capabilities = WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.send( RSpec.configuration.browser_type, :javascript_enabled => true ) Watir::Browser.new( :remote, :url => RSpec.configuration.watir_settings[:webdriver][:hub], :desired_capabilities => capabilities ) end end end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with :rr config.add_setting :watir_settings config.add_setting :browser_type config.add_setting :sites config.add_setting :site config.add_setting :browser config.include RegruHelpers config.extend RegruHelpers environment = ENV['WATIR_ENV'] || 'test' browser_type = (ENV['WATIR_BROWSER'] || 'chrome').to_sym watir_settings = RegruHelpers.symbolized YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'settings.yml'))[environment] RSpec.configuration.watir_settings = watir_settings RSpec.configuration.sites = watir_settings[:sites] RSpec.configuration.site = watir_settings[:sites]['first'] RSpec.configuration.browser_type = browser_type config.after(:suite) do unless RSpec.configuration.browser.nil? RSpec.configuration.browser.close RSpec.configuration.browser = nil end end config.after(:each) do if example.exception screenshot!('after') save_html!('after') end end def self.symbolized(hash) r = hash.dup hash.each_pair do |k, v| if k.kind_of?(String) if v.kind_of?(Hash) v = symbolized v end r[k.to_sym] = v end end r end end