Oracle SQLの括弧のカウント

それはすべて、次のCodeforces Roundのサイトcodeforces.ruで、面白いパズル「ブラケットシーケンス」を見て、「面白くない」方法で解決したくなかったという事実から始まりました。



with brackets as (select '[[)]([][][][[()[()[()()]]]])]' b from dual) select substr(b,level,1) q, level curr_pos, level - 1 prev_pos from brackets connect by substr(b,level,1) is not null

各行には、別のブラケット、現在のブラケットの位置、前のブラケットの位置があります。 これで、あなたはすでに何かをすることができます。

すべての正しいブラケットシーケンスを見つけることは残っています。 ここから楽しみが始まります。



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 with brackets as (select '[[)]([][][][[()[()[()()]]]])]' b from dual) , all_brackets as (select substr(b,level,1) q, level curr_pos, level-1 prev_pos from brackets connect by substr(b,level,1) is not null) select replace(sys_connect_by_path(q,'-'), '-') str, q, connect_by_root(curr_pos) start_pos, curr_pos end_pos, sum( case when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q is null) then 1 when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q = '(' or prior q = '[') then 1 when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q = ']' or prior q = ')') then 0 when (q = ')' or q = ']') and (prior q = '(' or prior q = '[') then 0 when (q = ')' or q = ']') and (prior q = ')' or prior q = ']') then -1 end) over (partition by connect_by_root(curr_pos) order by connect_by_root(curr_pos), curr_pos) bracket_level from all_brackets connect by prior curr_pos = prev_pos start with q = '(' or q = '['

このデータを使用して、正しいシーケンスを乱す「害虫」ブラケットを決定できます。 これを行うには、取得したすべてのシーケンスを調べ、次の括弧が「現れる」ときに、現在の括弧と同じレベルにある前の括弧を見つけます(分析関数の遅延についてOracleに感謝します)。 いずれかのレベルで次のいずれかの状況が発生すると、誤ったシーケンスが取得されます。


 with brackets as (select '[[)]([][][][[()[()[()()]]]])]' b from dual) , all_brackets as (select substr(b,level,1) q, level curr_pos, level - 1 prev_pos from brackets connect by substr(b,level,1) is not null), brackets_comb as (select replace(sys_connect_by_path(q,'-'), '-') str, q, connect_by_root(curr_pos) start_pos, curr_pos end_pos, sum( case when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q is null) then 1 when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q = '(' or prior q = '[') then 1 when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q = ']' or prior q = ')') then 0 when (q = ')' or q = ']') and (prior q = '(' or prior q = '[') then 0 when (q = ')' or q = ']') and (prior q = ')' or prior q = ']') then -1 end) over (partition by connect_by_root(curr_pos) order by connect_by_root(curr_pos), curr_pos) bracket_level from all_brackets connect by prior curr_pos = prev_pos start with q = '(' or q = '[') select start_pos, end_pos, str, case when q = ')' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = '(' then 'ok' when q = '(' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = ')' then 'ok' when q = '(' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = ']' then 'ok' when q = ']' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = '[' then 'ok' when q = '[' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = ']' then 'ok' when q = '[' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = ')' then 'ok' when lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) is null and bracket_level > 0 then 'ok' else 'not ok!' end status from brackets_comb bc



その結果、最大数の「[」を持つブラケットシーケンスである、おそらく唯一ではない彼女 (いいえ、あなたの夢の女の子ではない)を見つけることが残っています。


 with brackets as (select '[[]])[([[]][[(]])]' b from dual) , all_brackets as (select substr(b,level,1) q, level curr_pos, level - 1 prev_pos from brackets connect by substr(b,level,1) is not null), brackets_comb as (select replace(sys_connect_by_path(q,'-'), '-') str, q, connect_by_root(curr_pos) start_pos, curr_pos end_pos, sum( case when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q is null) then 1 when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q = '(' or prior q = '[') then 1 when (q = '(' or q = '[') and (prior q = ']' or prior q = ')') then 0 when (q = ')' or q = ']') and (prior q = '(' or prior q = '[') then 0 when (q = ')' or q = ']') and (prior q = ')' or prior q = ']') then -1 end) over (partition by connect_by_root(curr_pos) order by connect_by_root(curr_pos), curr_pos) bracket_level from all_brackets connect by prior curr_pos = prev_pos start with q = '(' or q = '['), brackets_comb_status as (select start_pos, end_pos, str, case when q = ')' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = '(' then 'ok' when q = '(' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = ')' then 'ok' when q = '(' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos ) = ']' then 'ok' when q = ']' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = '[' then 'ok' when q = '[' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = ']' then 'ok' when q = '[' and lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) = ')' then 'ok' when lag(q) over (partition by start_pos, bracket_level order by start_pos, bracket_level, end_pos) is null and bracket_level > 0 then 'ok' else 'not ok!' end status from brackets_comb bc) select str "", cnt " [", start_pos " ", end_pos " " from ( select str, start_pos, end_pos, length(regexp_replace(str,'[\)\(]',''))/2 cnt, max(length(regexp_replace(str,'[\)\(]',''))/2) over (order by null) best_cnt from ( select str, start_pos, end_pos, nvl( lag( case when status = 'ok' then null else status end ignore nulls) over (partition by start_pos order by start_pos, end_pos), status ) status from brackets_comb_status ) where status = 'ok' and length(replace(str,'[','')) = length(replace(str,']','')) and length(replace(str,'(','')) = length(replace(str,')','')) ) result where best_cnt = cnt

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