この投稿では、PowerShellを使用して、私たちの生活を少し楽にし、ユーザーのコンピューターが置かれている機器やポートの検索を自動化する方法を説明します。 これは、VLANを転送する必要があるときに必要です(まあ、または単に情報提供のため)。

それはすべて約1年前に始まりました。 かつて、私たちの上級管理者は、このトピックに関するスクリプトを記述しようと提案しました。 カボチャを傷つけた後、試してみることに同意しました。 それまでは、ネットワーク機器を使ったことがなかったので(ホームルーターは考慮されていません)、彼はこれをすべて実行できるコマンドのおおよそのシーケンスを投げました。
Puttyを使用して、すべて手動で実行しようとしましたが、すべてがうまくいき、すべてを自動化する方法を考え始めました。 はい、自動化するだけでなく、PowerShellを使用して行います。 PoShを選ぶ理由 そのとき、私は彼をつぶしました(まだ彼から降りることはできませんが)、私は他の何かでそれをすることができましたが、私は本当にPoShを通してそれをやりたかったです。
- plink.exeを使用(Puttyから)
- Netcmdlets Firm / nソフトウェア
主にplink.exeを使用して、ほとんど芸術作品とは言えないものを得ました。 誰も見せたくなかった巨大なスクリプトです。 さらに、これに関する記事をここに書いてください。
時間が経ちましたが、この間に多くの変化がありましたが、私は頭脳を忘れず、定期的に書き直し、不必要なものを取り除きます。 ついに成功しました!
発生した最も重要なことは、彼らがスイッチのファームウェアを更新したことであり、SSHを介してそれらに接続できるようになりました。 まあ、素晴らしい、それから私たちはtelnetを叩きます。
- コンピューターのIPアドレスが正しく入力されていることを確認してください
- ネットワーク上のコンピューターを確認する
- 最も重要なものから順に、各機器に直列に接続し、デバイスがハングするポートを見つけます
- このすべてをユーザーに見せて、ユーザー(つまり私)が満足するようにします
それらについて読んで、 ここからダウンロードしてください 。 試用版(30日間)と完全版(コンピューターあたり100ドル)の両方をダウンロードできます。 私は試用版を使用しました 期間終了後は、簡単に再インストールできます。
最近、これらのコマンドレットはpowershellmagazine.comで無料で配布されました。 だから注意してください! しかし、ラムに戻りましょう。
これらのコマンドレットのセットを選択したら、それらの調査を開始しました。 このセットは十分に大きいので、そこにあるすべてを説明するつもりはありません。 2に焦点を当てます。
- Connect-SSh
- sshを呼び出す
Invoke-SShのみを省くことができますが、デバイスとの永続的なセッションはありません(つまり、デバイスの「conf t」でコマンドを実行できなくなります)。 したがって、Connect-SShコマンドレットを使用して、デバイスへの接続を作成し、Invoke-SShコマンドレットを実行します。 すべてが非常に簡単です。
重要な点は、これらのコマンドレットがGet-Credentialコマンドレットと連携できることです。Get-Credentialコマンドレットでは、機器に接続するための資格情報を記述できます(スクリプトの例を参照)。 資格情報は、スクリプトにクリアテキストで保存されません(plink.exeを使用していたため)。 私は妄想ではありませんが、安全にプレイしたいです。
Invoke-SSHコマンドレットがテキスト列に出力を表示するため、Cisco iOSシェルの出力の非常にロマンチックな解析を期待していました。 出力を変数に渡すと、大きなテキストが取得されます。
これは正規表現が助けになるところです。 しかし、大きなテキストを解析する人は誰でも、適切な断片を取り出すのは簡単ではないことを知っていますが、PowerShellのおかげで、この状況から見事に抜け出しました。
今のところ、Action 2-nd EditionのPowerShellを読んでください。 PoShを学んでいる人には、この本を強くお勧めします。 そして、その中でregexpという名前のものについて読みました。 一番下の行は、PowerShellでは、$ Mathces変数が含まれており、正規表現を使用するときにすべての一致を記録します。
PS [13] > $Matches PS [14] > $a="ass 123 saa" PS [15] > $a -match "\d+" True PS [16] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- 0 123
しかし、それだけではありません! 全体は、追加すると
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell: get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . , terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell: get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . , terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell: get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . , terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell:
get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . ,
terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell: get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . , terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell: get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . , terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell: get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . , terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell:get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . ,terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell:get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . ,terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell:get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . ,terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell:get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . ,terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)
? , :
PS [17] > $a -match "(?<Numbers>\d+)" True PS [18] > $Matches Name Value ---- ----- Numbers 123 0 123 PS [19] > $Matches.Numbers 123
( split!). , (, PowerShell ), .
, ?
, .
## Function LastSwitch { "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port If ($CiscoPhone) {" Cisco IP Phone"} Read-Host "Press Enter for continue..." break } ## For (;;) { $ip=Read-host "Enter ip" If ($ip -match "(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}") {break} else {Write-Warning "Invalid IP address! Try again..."} } ## if ((test-connection $ip -quiet) -ne "True") { Write-Warning " !" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..." break } $cred = get-credential Admin ## $IpSwitch = "" ## $MAC = $null $CiscoPhone = $false For (;;) { $conn = Connect-ssh -Server $IpSwitch -Credential $cred -ShellPrompt "#" -Force Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "terminal length 0" | out-null Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "ping $ip" | out-null If (!$MAC) { ## ((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh arp | i $ip ").text | Where-Object {$_ -match "\w"}) -match "(?<MAC>\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})" | out-null $MAC = $Matches.MAC } ## , (((Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh mac address-table address $MAC").Text | where-object {$_ -match $mac}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<port>((\D{2}\d{1,3})/|Po)(\d{1,3})(/\d{1,3})?)" | out-null $port = $Matches.Port ## $portInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "show mac address-table interface $port").Text | where-object {$_ -match $port} If (($portInfo | measure).Count -eq 1) {LastSwitch} ## $DetailPortInfo = (Invoke-SSH -Connection $conn -Command "sh cdp neighbors $port detail" -Force).Text ## "Cisco IP phone", IP . If ($DetailPortInfo -match "Cisco IP phone") {$CiscoPhone = $true; LastSwitch} (($DetailPortInfo | where-object {$_ -match "IP address: (\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}"}) | Select-Object -First 1) -match "(?<ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | out-null "IP : {0}, {1}" -f $IpSwitch,$Port $IpSwitch = $Matches.IP Disconnect-SSH $conn }
Get-Credential. , , . 1 (.. ( PowerShell:get-help | more
)). , .. Invoke-SSH , . ,terminal length 0
- , . : Fa5, Gi0/2, Te2/0/8, Po255 .. ( , , ) Cisco IP phone, , ( Invoke-SSH), (out-null)