既存のPythonマイクロコントローラーとは異なり、このボードは、Pythonプログラムのためにコンピューターに常時接続されている「感覚器官」ほど自律的な作業用ではありません。 コントローラにはデジタルおよびアナログコネクタが装備されているため、さまざまなデバイスやセンサーを接続できます。 最も簡単な方法は、例を使用してコントローラーの機能を示すことです。
ワイヤが接続されている任意のシンプルなディスプレイを使用できます。 この場合、現在の気象条件と温度が表示されますPython-Weather-APIおよびpywapiモジュール。

import pymcu import time import pywapi mb = pymcu.mcuModule() # Initialize mcu find first available module mb.lcd() # Initialize the LCD time.sleep(1) # Wait for LCD to Initialize google_result = pywapi.get_weather_from_google('10001') # Use Google as weather source with zip code 10001 mb.lcd(1,google_result['current_conditions']['condition']) # Display current conditions on first line of LCD time.sleep(0.1) # Small delay between next LCD command mb.lcd(2,'Temp ' + google_result['current_conditions']['temp_f'] + ' F') # Display Temperature on second line of LCD
import os,sys, subprocess, time, shutil, glob import pymcu import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('GTKAgg') # do this before importing pylab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mb = pymcu.mcuModule() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1) ax.set_xlim(0, 5) ax.grid() def animate(): tstart = time.time() # for profiling data = [0]*100 background = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox) for i in np.arange(1,1000): ax.clear() ax.grid() dt = float(mb.analogRead(4)) / 1024.0 data.append(dt) if len(data) > 100: data.pop(0) ax.plot(data) fig.canvas.draw() # redraw the canvas raise SystemExit import gobject print 'adding idle' gobject.idle_add(animate) print 'showing' plt.show()
import pymcu import time fstops = {0:'0',0x8:'1',0xB:'1.1',0xC:'1.2',0xD:'1.2',0x10:'1.4',0x13:'1.6', \ 0x14:'1.8',0x15:'1.8',0x18:'2',0x1B:'2.2',0x1C:'2.5',0x1D:'2.5',0x20:'2.8', \ 23:'3.2',0x24:'3.2',0x25:'3.5',0x28:'4',0x2B:'4.5',0x2C:'4.5',0x2D:'5', \ 0x30:'5.6',0x33:'6.3',0x34:'6.7',0x35:'7.1',0x38:'8',0x3B:'9',0x3C:'9.5', \ 0x3D:'10',0x40:'11',0x43:'13',0x44:'13',0x45:'14',0x48:'16',0x4B:'18', \ 0x4C:'19',0x4D:'20',0x4E:'20',0x4F:'20',0x50:'22',0x53:'25',0x54:'27', \ 0x55:'29',0x58:'32',0x5A:'32',0x5B:'36',0x5C:'38',0x5D:'40',0x60:'45', \ 0x63:'51',0x64:'54',0x65:'57',0x68:'64',0x6B:'72',0x6C:'76',0x6D:'80',0x70:'91'} mb = pymcu.mcuModule() mb.lcd() print "Enable SPI" mb.spiEnable(1,100,0,0) # Init Lens lcheck = 0 while lcheck != 170: il = mb.spiTransfer([0,0xA,0,0xA,0], 400) lcheck = il[4] focalMin = 0 focalMax = 0 print "Init Lens" mb.lcd(1,'Init Lens ') il = mb.spiTransfer([0,0xA,0,0xA,0,0,0,0x80,0xA,0x98,1,0,0,0,0,0,0xB0,0,0,0,0xB0,0,0,0], 400) focalMin = (il[10] << 8) | il[11] focalMax = (il[12] << 8) | il[13] print "Focal", str(focalMin) + '-' + str(focalMax) print "F-Stop", str(fstops[int(il[21])]) + '-' + str(fstops[int(il[23])]) mb.lcd(1,'Focal ' + str(focalMin) + '-' + str(focalMax)) mb.lcd(2,'FStop ' + str(fstops[int(il[21])]) + '-' + fstops[int(il[23])]) time.sleep(2) # Wait and give some time to read the LCD mb.lcd() # Clear F-Stop (Full Open) print "Clear F-Stop" mb.lcd(1,'Clear F-Stop ') mb.spiTransfer([0x90,0,0,0,0xC,0x13,0x80,0x90,0,0,0xF,0xA,0],300) time.sleep(0.5) # F-Stop Full Close print "F-Stop Full Close" mb.lcd(1,'F-Stop Close ') mb.spiTransfer([0x13,0x58,0]) time.sleep(0.5) # Clear F-Stop (Full Open) print "Clear F-Stop" mb.lcd(1,'Clear F-Stop ') mb.spiTransfer([0x90,0,0,0,0xC,0x13,0x80,0x90,0,0,0xF,0xA,0],300) time.sleep(0.5) # Focus Test Far focusAmt = 100 print "Focus Test Far" mb.lcd(1,'Focus Test Far ') for x in range(20): mb.spiTransfer([0xA]) time.sleep(0.02) mb.spiTransfer([0x50,0x2F,0xE0,0,0,0xEA,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x44,0,focusAmt],300) time.sleep(0.02) mb.spiTransfer([0x90,0]) time.sleep(0.02) mb.spiTransfer([0xE,0]) time.sleep(0.1) # Focus Test Near focusAmt = 155 print "Focus Test Near" mb.lcd(1,'Focus Test Near ') for x in range(20): mb.spiTransfer([0xA]) time.sleep(0.02) mb.spiTransfer([0x50,0x2F,0xE0,0,0,0xE8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x44,0xFF,focusAmt],300) time.sleep(0.02) mb.spiTransfer([0x90,0]) time.sleep(0.02) mb.spiTransfer([0xE,0]) time.sleep(0.1) mb.lcd(1,'Test Complete ')