Opera 11のベータリリースを見越して、特にメールを扱う場合に、本日2つの新機能といくつかの重要な改善点をご紹介します。

ブラウザのアドレスバーは非常に重要な機能です。 これは、オンラインでナビゲート、検索、およびセキュリティ保護するための鍵です。 Opera 11では、アドレスバーを新たなレベルに引き上げて、見にくくし、最も重要なタスクに集中できるようにします。 まず、新しいアドレスバーは、Googleを使用していると考えているほとんどのユーザーを保護する必要があることに注意してください。 »意識的な努力のないURL文字列。 Operaの技術に精通しているユーザーは、それを行うことができます。しかし、他のすべてのユーザーにとって、アドレスバーの内容は本当の「ゴミ」です。 サーバー側ではこれを別の方法で解決できますが、私たちのソリューションは、リンクの最も重要な部分のみを強調表示する試みであり、ユーザーが現在いる場所を正確に示す必要があります。
- すべてのWebページには、アドレスバーの左側にアイコンが付いています。 このアイコンは、HTTP、HTTPS、opera:などのプロトコル名を置き換えます。これらは、マウスカーソルがアドレスバーに置かれたときにのみ表示されます。
- アイコンをクリックすると、現在のWebページに存在するセキュリティに関するより包括的な情報の概要がすばやく表示されます。
- , . ,
- , Opera Turbo . , , Opera Turbo.

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Opera 5.1 2001 . « ». . -, , . -, , , , . , . , Opera — , , !

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<access rigin="http://example.com">
- index.html
<cntent src="someStartFile.html"/>
- broadcastMessage () — broadcastMessage () ( ):
broadcastMessage({'say': 'hi' }
, .
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- Some Linux and FreeBSD builds are not yet available due to changes relating to PGO. We will try to add them later.
- DSK-318727 (Extension blocks execution of userjs)
- DSK-317999 (Extension + UserJS blocks page loading)
- DSK-319065 (Privacy setting is not applied for some extensions)
- Improvements to the address field: see main blog entry for details
- Implemented a new visual interface for mouse gestures: see main blog entry for details
- DSK-267463 (Support importing Firefox bookmarks from places.sqlite)
- DSK-277625 (Normal font and Monospace font settings don't work.)
- DSK-290360 (Default search box can not be dragged from Appearance -> Buttons)
- DSK-296813 (Graphic element layout issues in mail dialogs)
- DSK-300575 (Broken search field in Apperance > Buttons > Search)
- DSK-306374 (First scroll event being sent to window instead of scrollable area)
- DSK-309272 (Private tab search terms can show in non private speed dial search)
- DSK-311007 («Did you mean '...'?» opens a new tab when «Reuse current tab» is unset)
- DSK-313944 («Ctrl+Shift+V» opens in a new background tab)
- DSK-314125 (Paste'n'Go not working in F2(«go to page»)-Dialog)
- DSK-315773 (Auto update fails to display authentication dialog when updating without write permissions)
- DSK-315856 (Master Password dialog opens shortly and closes again when logging in through the Auth dialog)
- DSK-316091 (Can't double-click empty workspace to open new tab)
- DSK-316145 (Gmail not working)
- DSK-318907 (Tab title displays incorrectly with modified toolbar setup)
- DSK-319075 (Make a pref to not hide the URL parameters): opera:config#UserPrefs|HideURLParameter
- Implemented super scrollbar
- Merged filters, labels and saved searches into the new labels
- DSK-130346 (Unicode attachment filenames sent by M2 unreadable in clients like Outlook)
- DSK-312784 (Panels (F4) are brought up when focus is on RSS feed tab, even after panels were previously closed)
- DSK-312548 (Mail view opened when clicking the expand arrow in the treeview)
- DSK-317039 (Attachment to e-mail disappears after viewing it)
- DSK-310643 (Mail selection lost when new emails arrive)
- DSK-309797 (Feed folders views use 'Sent' instead of 'Published' as column header)
- DSK-311987 (Mailpanel categories added at bottom of mailpanel on enabling)
- DSK-264794 (Mail header uses large text size instead of bolded text)
- DSK-313836 (Section header is deaf when readded to the panel)
- DSK-270470 (Wrong attachment names (Content-ID) displayed)
- DSK-212904 (Wand loses login information after changing server name)
- DSK-299655 (Line breaks in signatures are not respected when changing plain/HTML)
- DSK-317670 (HTML mail message doesn't add default mail compose font to body style attribute)
- DSK-312506 (Cannot modify the spam filter)
- DSK-312572 (Remove the «Manage Feeds» dialog)
- DSK-312577 (Deleting parent feed folder does not delete it's children)
- DSK-312686 (Multiple views selected in the new mail panel)
- DSK-305028 (Don't initalize the indexer in mail when no accounts exist)
- DSK-311306 (Don't populate treeview while loading mail database)
- CORE-28033 (Inlined images sent from Thunderbird are recognized as attachments and not content id elements)
- DSK-318540 (Opening dialogs on Windows through popup closes the popup window and possibly crashes opera)
- DSK-319114 (Popup href == http://.. shouldn't be subject to <access> restrictions)
- DSK-318440 (opera.extension.tabs.create opens wrong url)
- CORE-34186 (Extension should work on https by default with opt-out possibility to switch off per extension)
- CORE-33649 (Extensions Options page — included)
- CORE-34288 (Add flag to disallow oex/ua without file extension)
- CORE-34443 (Only disallow toplevel replacing on form submission on the main gadget window / extension background process)
- CORE-34288 (Require file name extension when upgrading widget configuration)
- DSK-318970 (Cogwheel is not disabled for disabled extensions)
- Fix for link handling in widgets)
- Updated: Extensions installer
- Updated: Extensions manager
- Added Extensions Options page UI support
- Extensions update dialog, update button in extensions manager
- New: Privacy dialog
- New: Update dialog
- Crash fix
- CORE-33950 (301 status code response are not redirected after browser restart)
- CORE-34280 (IME composes duplicated strings in contentEditable text areas)
Windows (Installer)
- DSK-271980 (Canceling an autoupdate or upgrade at the wrong time can leave you with a broken Opera installation)
- DSK-314579 (Cancelling new installer on Win7 makes Windows ask if the program was correctly installed)
- DSK-315494 (Installer continues too fast if Opera is still shutting down)
- DSK-315582 (It's confusing that all checkboxes are selected for portable installation even tho they are grayed out)
- DSK-315583 (Add UAC shield to the install button)
- DSK-315728 (Language choice in installer doesn't work unless you also change «Install for» (operaprefs_default.ini not created))
- DSK-315790 (Make the installer remember which options was set during upgrade)
- DSK-315899 (Hovering the «Terms of Service» button shows a cut off border)
- DSK-316080 (Uninstalling Opera while it's running leaves Opera.lnk.10.70.bak on the desktop)
- DSK-316244 (Wrong error message when trying to install to %programfiles" and selecting «Install for: External device»)
- DSK-316254 (Profile lost when upgrading a classic single user installation in %programfiles% on Vista and 7)
- DSK-316259 (Error when trying to upgrade Opera when files in the installation folder are locked by other programs)
- DSK-316262 (No operaprefs_default.ini created on Vista and 7 with default installation settings)
- DSK-316766 (Install for «Just me» option in new installer may be confusing): changed to Standalone
- DSK-316795 (Unable to write CLASSES\.xbm\OpenWithProgIds\Opera.Image)
- DSK-317424 (Failed to modify the registry named Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\ShimInclusionList\OPERA.EXE\(null)
- DSK-317736 (Cancel installation doesn't work)
- DSK-318317 (No error message when trying to install standalone installation in %programfiles% (and installation succeeds the second time you try))
- DSK-316225 (input type=«range» buggy)
- DSK-316546 (Add mac specific speed dial background)
- Updated drop-down toolbars
- New address bar graphics, including search, address field & button changes
- Use PGO on *nix
- DSK-301547 (Flash with wmode transparent crashes in widgets)
- DSK-316375 (Alt is hardcoded to open the O-Menu): Now possible to map an alternative shortcut
- DSK-318050 (Search and URL dropdown gets clipped in non compositing environments): F2 drop down is not re-enabled by this
- DSK-318398 (File download can recursively overwrite folders without warning when using the Gtk file selector)
- DSK-318434 (The --geometry argument has no effect on first run)
- DSK-318585 (Opera should accept the CFF font format)
- DSK-316214 (Invoking opera --fullversion argument doesn't work when Opera is running)
- DSK-318115 (File type dropdown is broken in the file chooser)
- DSK-318724 (Disable smooth scrolling by default on UNIX): still possible to enable via a preference
- DSK-318764 (KDE skin is missing a browser skin element)
- DSK-318407 (After inputting Latin characters, IME cannot be turned on in search field): further fix needed for compositing
- DSK-318509 (Dead keys stop working after the second character due to change of focus): further fix needed for compositing
- Improved some of the focus handling code: watch out for regressions
UPD. — , .
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