2003年10月のRu.Hokkuエコー会議での「computer hokku」のロシア語への翻訳に関する議論の断片

私たちの同僚であるzhylinは昨日、 ほく (日本の3つの詩)のような形のコンピューターエラーメッセージの多くの翻訳(おそらく彼自身)を提供しました。 同じ場所でキリルゴルブは彼に翻訳が不完全であると正しく述べました。3つの詩はホク音節の古典的な数(5 + 7 + 5)に従うべきです。


2003年10月8日にFidonetエコー会議Ru.Hokkuで作成したメッセージの断片であるHabrahabrでの私の作業の結果をもたらすことは不必要ではないと思います。 後にFidonetとインターネットに広まったのは、この私の翻訳でした(たとえば、 [ 1 ]、 [ 2 ]、 [ 3 ]、 [ 4 ])。

─ (2:5020/830.27) ────────────── RU.HOKKU ─

: 149 631 +165 Snt Loc

: Mithgol the Webmaster 2:5020/830.27 08 Oct 03 18:23:04

: All 08 Oct 03 19:14:20

: p p p p


* Ru.Hokku p p

* p pp Ru.Computer.Humor p p

* p pp Ru.Virtual.Life p p

* p pp Ru.Copyright p

p, p p p

p p ── p, p ,

p ,

p p.

p Ru.Computer.Humor p ── -,

p :



║ p p: Gleb Tuller, 2:461/212.25 (05 Oct 03 13:41)

║ : All

║ : 2/3


Hi, All!

[ /_*... ... , ...*_/ ]


p: Vladimir Pertzel


p, p p.

p , p -

. p Dark Shadow p.

Imagine if instead of cryptic, geeky text strings, your

computer produced error message in haiku...

A file that big?

It might be very useful.

But now it is gone.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The Web site you seek

cannot be located but

endless others exist

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Chaos reigns within.

Reflect, repent, and reboot.

Order shall return.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

ABORTED effort:

Close all that you have.

You ask way too much.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

First snow, then silence.

This thousand dollar screen dies

so beautifully.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

With searching comes loss

and the presence of absence:

"My Novel" not found.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The Tao that is seen

Is not the true Tao, until

You bring fresh toner.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Windows NT crashed.

I am the Blue Screen of Death.

No one hears your screams.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Stay the patient course

Of little worth is your ire

The network is down

- - - - - - - - - - - -

A crash reduces

your expensive computer

to a simple stone.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Yesterday it worked

Today it is not working

Windows is like that

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Three things are certain:

Death, taxes, and lost data.

Guess which has occurred.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

You step in the stream,

but the water has moved on.

This page is not here.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Out of memory.

We wish to hold the whole sky,

But we never will.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Having been erased,

The document you're seeking

Must now be retyped.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Rather than a beep

Or a rude error message,

These words: "File not found."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Serious error.

All shortcuts have disappeared.

Screen. Mind. Both are blank.



[ /_*... ... , ...*_/ ]

ex [TEAM -p] { } .

■■■ GoldED/386 3.0.1

√ Origin: I was born for dying (2:461/212.25)


p p , p -

pp p :

[ p p ] [ p ]

Your file was so big. A file that big?

It might be very useful. It might be very useful.

But now it is gone. But now it is gone.

( p ``Aborted effort'' p p.)

-, p, p pp :

[ p p ] [ p ]

The website you seek The Web site you seek

Cannot be located, cannot be located but

but Countless more exist. endless others exist



[ p ]

The website you seek

Cannot be located, but

Countless more exist

p p, p p p,

Countless: -,

p, p p p , p

``but'' p, pp p pp.

p p (pp, p p)

p, p

p p pp p, p

p Ru.Computer.Humor. p pp

p (,,``) () pp 5+7+5,

p p p ── , p,

p ; , p p

- p p,

pp. p p Ru.Computer.Humor:

First snow, then silence.

This thousand dollar screen dies

so beautifully.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

With searching comes loss

and the presence of absence:

"My Novel" not found.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The Tao that is seen

Is not the true Tao, until

You bring fresh toner.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Rather than a beep

Or a rude error message,

These words: "File not found."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Serious error.

All shortcuts have disappeared.

Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

p p, pp p ,

p p p:

I ate your Web page.

Forgive me; it was tasty

And tart on my tongue.

-, , p

p p p pp ──

p, p p

pp, p p ,,-``

p p, p ,,`` pp.

, p

- p ,, p`` ;-)

, p p

p ( p p)

p p, p p

p pp. p :

[ p pp p ]

() Mithgol the Webmaster, p, p ── p 2003 .

p ( p):



Your file was so big.

It might be very useful.

But now it is gone.



The website you seek

Cannot be located, but

Countless more exist.

, p ──

Chaos reigns within.

Reflect, repent and reboot.

Order shall return.


, pp ──

p p.

Aborted effort.

Close all that you have worked on.

You ask far too much.


p, p.


First snow, then silence.

This thousand dollar screen dies

so beautifully.

── .



With searching comes loss

and the presence of absence:

"My Novel" not found.



,, `` ── .

The Tao that is seen

Is not the true Tao, until

You bring fresh toner.

H ──

p ,

p .

Windows NT crashed.

I am the Blue Screen of Death.

No-one hears your screams.


p p

Yesterday it worked.

Today it is not working.

Windows is like that.

p p.



Stay the patient course.

Of little worth is your ire.

The network is down.

p p.

H p.

H .

A crash reduces

Your expensive computer

To a simple stone.


p p

Three things are certain:

Death, taxes and lost data.

Guess which has occurred.

p p:

p, , .


You step in the stream,

But the water has moved on.

This page is not here.


H .

p .

Out of memory.

We wish to hold the whole sky,

But we never will.



H .

Having been erased,

The document you're seeking

Must now be retyped.

p ,


pp .

Rather than a beep

Or a rude error message,

These words: "File not found."


p ──

,, ``.

Serious error.

All shortcuts have disappeared.

Screen. Mind. Both are blank.


p ──

p p.

I ate your Web page.

Forgive me; it was tasty

And tart on my tongue.


p; -


[ H ]



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