Often, many people advise a nursing mother for fat milk to consume sweets, in particular, halva. But the woman’s diet during this period is extremely strict. Therefore, the question often arises: is halva permitted during breastfeeding or not? Is its use safe for the baby’s health?
What is this halva product?

Oriental sweets that are made from nuts, seeds or sesame are called "halva". When breastfeeding, this product is recommended to be used precisely because of its components, which favorably affect the lactation of women.
There are many types of this delicacy: tahini, peanut, sunflower, walnut halva. On the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, this sweet is mainly very popular, which is made from sunflower seeds. That is, the protein mass of the above halva is prepared from seeds. It is distinguished by a darker color than a jar or tahini.
Halva has three main components:
- protein core (nuts, seeds, sesame, peanuts);
- caramel mass (molasses, sugar);
- foaming agent.
As the last component, the root of the marshmallow or thistle root and, of course, egg white are used. A foaming agent is used in the production of halva in order to give it a layered fibrous structure.
For a variety of tastes, manufacturers can add other ingredients to this oriental delicacy, such as vanillin, cocoa, pistachios, chocolate.
When this delicacy is produced at home, honey is sometimes added instead of sugar.
Halva for breastfeeding: useful properties

Nursing mothers are often quite persistently recommended to use the above sweetness with a lack of milk or to increase its fat content. Therefore, the question often arises: is halva useful for breastfeeding? Or, after all, these are the next suggestions of alternative medicine. Let's try to figure it out.
Benefits of this treat:
- has a sedative effect;
- stabilizes the process of blood formation;
- improves the functioning of the digestive tract and the system as a whole;
- increased lactation in women;
- milk quality improves - it becomes fatter.
Halvah during breastfeeding produces such an effect due to the fact that it itself is a sufficiently fatty product, since it consists of 30% vegetable fats. In addition, it includes folic acid, which affects the development of the baby’s body.
Halva also contains useful minerals and proteins, such as sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, food acids.
Halva for a nursing mother in terms of medicine

Official medicine is of the opinion that the above product will really benefit a nursing woman and her baby if it is a natural home product without industrial dyes and fragrances. The fact is that for a change of taste, manufacturers add many other ingredients to this delicacy that can adversely affect the body of both the mother and the child.
In most cases, halva is very useful for breastfeeding. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, claims that it is important to be especially careful with a nursing mother with this product. Why? The doctor gives the following arguments:
- firstly, industrial halva containing chocolate, cocoa, vanillin, pistachios, can cause allergic reactions in the baby;
- secondly, this delicacy is a product that is excessively fatty and can cause digestive problems in the baby, as a result of which he has colic and other pains in the abdomen.
Why is halva not recommended for breastfeeding?

This delicacy in some situations is undesirable for a nursing mother:
- high calorie content of the product can trigger rapid weight gain;
- the possibility of allergic reactions due to the content in halva of an extensive composition of amino acids and protein.
In addition, there may be some health problems or even diseases in the baby: digestive upset (colic, diarrhea), allergies.
Some recommendations for using halva with breastfeeding
Can I use halva for breastfeeding ? The answer is yes, only some recommendations must be observed:
- to start eating the above product during lactation, you need to from a small piece, while carefully monitor the baby’s reaction to this innovation;
- in most cases, only sunflower halva without dyes and other additives can benefit the body;
- the body of both a woman and her baby can react differently to different types of halva, that is, it is undesirable to experiment in this period;
- you should refrain from the above delicacies if honey is present in its composition, since this product is allergenic.
Contraindications to the use of halva by a nursing mother

This delicacy is undesirable to use for a nursing mother with the following health problems:
- frequent colic and bloating in the baby;
- symptoms of diarrhea in an infant;
- a tendency to allergic reactions of the child;
- overweight mother;
- problems with the digestive system of a nursing woman;
- individual intolerance to the product and its components.
Can a woman use halva when breastfeeding? Only an experienced specialist will competently answer this question after a thorough examination of the baby and its mother. After all, each organism has its own individual characteristics, and before deciding to increase lactation with this product, it is advisable to still consult a doctor.