“There are only two kinds of languages: those that are complained of and those that no one uses,” - Björn Stroustrup, creator of C ++
Very often, statements are heard that JavaScript needs to be replaced with some other language. The reason is always that JavaScript has accumulated too many oddities that have long had to be fixed.
But since they have not been fixed, this obviously means that JavaScript is a lame language that simply cannot be fixed. And that it needs to be replaced, and preferably the favorite language of the next complainer.
But is this really so?
How did we find ourselves in this situation?
You should not expect that I will call JavaScript the perfect language. He has weird quirks. It was designed in ten days , and then it was changed to resemble Java. Unfortunately, this is the legacy we are forced to live with.
But not a single language is perfect, and JavaScript has improved significantly since ES6 and continues to evolve. It evolved from the “toy language” used only to animate elements of web pages into the serious programming language used today to execute large and complex web applications.
JavaScript is literally everywhere today and is the most used programming language in the world .
So why do some developers still require replacing it?
Know your language
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