The time has come for the final review of the 2019 IT events. The last car is filled, for the most part, with testing, DevOps, mobile development, as well as a whole bunch of mitaps from a wide variety of language communities (PHP, Java, Javascript, Ruby) and a couple of hackathons for those involved in machine learning.
IT Night Tver
When: November 28th
Where: Tver, st. Simeonovskaya, 30/27
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The Epam Tver office staff is ready to share their insights on the development and management of projects in an open meeting. All specialists working in the IT sector are invited. On the agenda: work with requirements, a workshop on the implementation of microseuris architecture with analysis of the pros and cons of gRPC compared to the REST API, the underestimated capabilities of Dev Tools, as well as the meaning of the appearance and responsibility of Data Quality Engineer in the company.
Java Evening # 1
When: November 28th
Where: St. Petersburg, nab. Bypass Channel, 136
Terms of participation: free, registration required
On the same day, another corporate-organized meeting will take place in a completely different place - this time from the MDGs. Representatives of the company will share their experience in Java development in two reports: the first will be devoted to the development of a common transport system (interaction of services under the hood, requirements, functionality), the second - migration to the cloud using the data bus as an example.
Ruby Meetup No. 11
When: November 28th
Where: Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 9, building 1, Danilovskaya manufactory, ranks Soldatenkova, entrance 5
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The final meeting of the Moscow Ruby community this year will be devoted to serious issues: code review without violence in the office, a pragmatic look at the clean architecture of Ruby on Rails applications, cost optimization for AWS, microservices for small teams, summarizing pizza. The program may expand.
DevFest Siberia / Krasnodar 2019
When and where:
November 29 - December 1 - Novosibirsk (Nikolayev St., 12, Academpark)
December 7 - Krasnodar (ul. Krasnaya, 109)
Terms of participation: 7999 rubles. 1750 rubles.
The final chords of the DevFest-2019 series of conferences will sound at two points in the country, very distant from each other. Both communities organize a fest to their taste. In Novosibirsk, it will turn into a large-scale three-day event interspersed with workshops and panel discussions on a wide range of topics (mobile development, web development, Data Science, DevOps, security). In Krasnodar, everything will go through the lamp: one day and three main areas - development, design, marketing. Variety in reports, however, is enough here - backend and web AR and serverless, IT-market and legislation.
When: November 30 - December 1
Where: Innopolis, st. Universitetskaya, 1
Terms of participation: free, registration required
Hackathon for practicing developers from the field of robotics, as well as those who are just learning. Two separate areas of work are declared - anthropomorphic robotics (capture and movement of an object by a robot in a simulator environment) and autonomous transport (determination of the rail track by deep learning methods). For the three best prototypes, cash prizes are provided (30,000 rubles, 50,000 rubles, 100,000 rubles for third, second and first places, respectively); partners will also offer internships to their most promising participants in their IT companies.
OpenVINO Hackathon
When: November 30 - December 1
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Pochainskaya, 17k1
Terms of participation: free, registration required
Socially oriented hackathons are always in fashion - in December, through the efforts of the local Intel branch, the Nizhny Novgorod community will join the trend. The teams are tasked with developing a prototype solution that would use one or more computer vision algorithms based on neural networks for the benefit of society. Participants can implement their projects or choose one of the tasks listed on the website (safety control at work, identification of abnormal behavior of people in public places, prediction of emergency situations and others). A prerequisite is the use of the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit and the assessment of the resource cost of the project. First prize - 100,000 rubles. plus smaller rewards for silver and bronze medalists.
When: November 30
Where: Moscow, Paveletskaya embankment, 2, p. 18
Terms of participation: free of charge, according to the selection results
Yandex organizes a back-end party in its office, where everything will be: speeches by specialists from the organizers, excursions to local attractions, open discussions and career breakthroughs. The reports will be divided into two tracks: the first discusses more issues related to professional growth and the labor market (although machine learning is enough), the second is purely technical and case study. Those who want to join the Yandex team can take the opportunity to attach a resume to the registration form and, in the meantime, go through all stages of the interview right on the site.
Java performance
When: December 3
Where: St. Petersburg, Sverdlovskaya embankment, 44D
Terms of participation: free, registration required
A short evening with a couple of speeches aimed at experienced Java developers who are close to the topic of performance. One of the reports will analyze the nuances of effective work with files (which, in addition to the load, affects performance, how to extract the maximum from the disk and what errors should be avoided). In another, we will talk about JDBC pools - why they are needed, why there are so many different ones, what you need and how to configure it.
Altenar Tech talks # 1
When: December 4th
Where: Vladimir, st. Gagarina, 5
Terms of participation: free, registration required
Altenar Tech talks are meetings with fellow pizza developers and talk about pressing issues in software development. We invite all IT specialists who are interested in the stated topics: system migration from .NET framework to .NET Core, experience in customizing SPA appearance in Vue, Altenar experience in building a hybrid architecture based on Kubernetes
Heisenbug 2019 Moscow
When: December 5-6
Where: Moscow, Leningradsky prospect 31A building 1
Terms of participation: from 21 000 rubles.
A major testing conference where everyone will be interested - testers, programmers and team managers. Priority is given to the technical side; The main topics of the event are automation, tools and environments, testing of distributed systems and mobile applications, various types of tests (UX, Security, A / B), static code analysis, load testing, benchmarking. Experts from Amazon, Smashing Magazine, JFrog, Sberbank, Tinkoff and other well-known IT teams will share their experience. As always, the site will be allocated zones for different types of communication - individual and group, free and structured.
DevOpsDays Moscow 2019
When: December 7th
Where: Moscow, Volgogradsky pr., 42, building 5
Terms of participation: 7000 rub.
The conference, where they talk about organizing the interaction of IT teams in its most diverse manifestations, was organized by activists from the Moscow community. The audience (according to preliminary estimates, of 500 people) is made up of developers, operation engineers, system engineers, testers, team leaders, heads of technical departments. The speeches of the largest DevOps experts of the Russian community will be supplemented by workshops, open spaces, quizzes and lightning talks.
Master class on audit of information systems 1C
When: December 7th
Where: St. Petersburg (address to be confirmed)
Terms of participation: 5,000 rubles.
Intensive seven-hour immersion in the topic of 1C infrastructure through the prism of containerization and virtualization. The master class will begin with the theoretical part (impact on the 1C circuit of operating systems, block devices, network settings). The subsequent practical consolidation of the material will occur as follows: under the guidance of a mentor, each of the participants will decide on the Docker platform a set of tasks for checking the settings of the operating system, processor and RAM, network settings, structure of the disk subsystem, settings of the 1C cluster and its information systems.
QA meetup Voronezh
When: December 7th
Where: Voronezh, st. Ordzhonikidze, 36a
Terms of participation: free, registration required
An informal Voronezh mini-conference for testers is a great starting point for juniors who want to get to know the community and get a deeper insight into the work. The program promises several reports on technical and career topics, a prize draw and a general conversation.
Mobius 2019 Moscow
When: December 7-8
Where: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt 31A, building 1
Terms of participation: 21 000 rub.
Technical conference on mobile development for middle and higher developers. The program includes more than thirty reports and covers four main areas: technology, tools, frameworks and architecture. For the convenience of participants, the site provides an annotated schedule with markers of difficulty levels. In addition to standard speeches by speakers “from the stage”, other formats are waiting for participants - lightning talks with blitz presentations, bof sessions where everyone can speak, and one-on-one communication with experts in discussion zones.
Course "AIRF Apache AirFlow"
When: December 7-8
Where: Moscow, st. Ilimskaya, 5/2
Terms of participation: 36 000 rub.
A rare opportunity to learn how to manage streaming data using Apache AirFlow in just one weekend. The course is designed for system administrators, system architects, and Hadoop developers who are familiar with Unix and the vi text editor, as well as experienced in Python / bash programming. The program lasts 16 academic hours and covers four modules (introduction to Data Flow, development of Data Flow with Apache AirFlow, deployment and configuration of Airflow, features and problems in Airflow). Forty percent of the time spent on practical work. A full list of topics is on the event website.
approx. tech: QATOK
When: December 11th
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Kherson 12-14
Terms of participation: free, registration required
Chamber event for three reports, united by a common theme of ensuring the quality of development. Speakers - representatives of OK, Mail.ru and Qameta Software companies involved in the testing process. Topics of performance - performance measurements in Android (why and with what tools they are made), an alternative to the PageObject pattern for typing tests and a review of solutions for assessing test coverage. Time for coffee and net waking is also on the agenda.
JSSP Meetup # 4
When: December 12th
Where: Sergiev posad, st. Karl Marx 7
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The meeting of the local Javascript community will be held on a 50/50 principle - the first half of the event will be given to discuss project management techniques (Agile, BDD), the second to technical reports. From the latest, guests will be able to learn how the WASM format helps increase the speed of code execution in the browser on different platforms and why Server-side rendering dies.
When: December 14th
Where: Vladivostok, st. Tiger, 30
Terms of participation: free, registration required
Another, slightly more chamber event dedicated to DevOps and aiming to unite the Far Eastern community of engineers interested in the topic. After four reports (errors in implementing DevOps tools, setting up a Snowplow collector, graphQL for microservices, Rancher features), the microphone will go into the room - any of those present can offer a case or topic for general discussion.
Big PHP mitap in Kazan
When: December 14th
Where: Kazan, st. Petersburg, 52
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The Kazan mitap of PHP developers is perhaps the most solid gathering of the community this month. A series of reports will be made here on topics related to development (tracing and logging in microservices, parsing under the hood, common threats on the network and protection against them, migration from PHP to Golang with multithreading, building an API using the framework API platform), for which will be followed by a quiz and an informal part.