Hello, habrozhiteli! Want to make a great gift for a child who wants to learn how to program, or to teach an adult who is far from the world of codes? Then the heroine of our post will suit you. This book will teach you how to write code for web games in HTML and JavaScript, and even help the reader write some fun games. Under the cut is a passage from the book.
Do you think programming is hard? Not at all! Learn to program by creating games in HTML and JavaScript. "The Adventures of Mario" and "Minecraft" will introduce cycles, timers, scoring, working with graphics and even with artificial intelligence. Brief and simple explanations make it easy to create your own game.
At the beginning of each chapter you will find a description of the problem from the Happy Cat club. Everyone will tell you about the game that the members of the club want to create.
The code of each game is divided into small fragments. Following the step-by-step instructions, you yourself will write the game from beginning to end.
By the end of each mission, you will have a do-it-yourself game and acquired skills.
Play, relax, and then go to the website of the publisher Peter for new books on programming.
»More details on the book can be found on the publisher’s website
» Contents
» Excerpt
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