- Yurchik, get up! Time to go to school.
Mom disturbed her son. Then he turned on his side and grabbed the brush to look at tyzdorov but Yurchik broke free and rolled over.
- I do not want to go to school.
- Get up, or you will be late.
Realizing that you still have to go to school, Yurchik still lay down a bit, then turned and sat down, dangling his legs from the bed. Personal life support equipment lay nearby, on the bedside table. With a wrong hand, the boy felt and put on a good fun, attached a chat to him and trudged into the bathroom.
After washing, the dream is gone. Yurchik jumped up on a stool and began to eat breakfast: a drink “Mighty Irtysh” and a sandwich with a taste of sausage. He ate, but at that time he lowered one of the eyepieces of a fun to admire the drawing. Very beautiful, you know: sunset between city antennas. Yurchik himself painted and laid out yesterday at the World Children's Playground. No one helped him, not even dad.
But what is it that ??? Below the picture is a comment by Dimbu. The comment reads: "Mutant resets."
Yurchik's lips quivered with anger. He knew this Dimbu - Dimka Burov, he knew from kindergarten. This boy was two years older than Yurchik and studied in the third grade of the same school. Unpleasant type! Now - after so many years from the end of kindergarten! - Dima Burov recalled that Yurchik is a mutant, and wrote in a comment. So that all subscribers see! What a memorable bastard!
Mom suspected something and asked:
- What happened?
But Yurchik already pulled himself together and shook his head with his mouth full, like:
"Nothing, everything is fine."
Mom does not need to know how terribly he will avenge Burov for revealing the secret. He will probably enter into a deadly intellectual duel with him, as a result of which Burov’s clairvoyance will overheat and fail, and Burov himself will remain a fool for life. So he needs it, there is nothing to climb on the "World Playground" with stupid comments!
The mood was hopelessly spoiled, the lips still trembled, but the vital task for today has been decided. Full of thoughts about the upcoming revenge, Yurchik quickly ate breakfast and left the training equipment in his briefcase.
“Well done, always be so obedient,” my mother from the hallway praised.
In fact, Yurchik was not obedient: he was decisive and purposeful. But mother was an adult and did not understand much. In her usual movement, she felt her son, checking to see if everything was in place: having fun with a chat on the head — they were snapped tightly, there were nonsense on the wrist, clairvoyance under the arm, training devices in the briefcase. Everything was in place.
- Let's go? Yes, until I forgot. Today, after lessons, dad will meet you.
Yurchik did not answer, only put his hand in his warm mother's. They left the apartment and went to school.
Before the start of classes, Yurchik was not looking for an offender, because the initial plan - to measure his intellect - was completely unsuitable. The boy considered himself smart - and frankly, even very smart - but where is the clarity of the first class to compete with the clairvoyance of the third class ?! Nobody can do this.
Only Yurchik began to figure out how to deal with Burov, how biology began.
Lilya Borisovna, a fat and strict biologist, talked about evolution. What is evolution, the teacher explained at the last lesson, but Yurchik forgot. But what difference does it make ?!
“Look, children, how our body is functionally arranged,” meanwhile Lilya Borisovna convincingly narrated, looking with one eye at the amusement. - Each cavity and bulge in a person is in its place. For example, an armpit. In fact, the armpit has a tricky device. Pay attention to how tightly the arm fits to the body - this is no accident. Nature specifically provided for a cache protected on both sides so that people could store in it ... What do people keep under their arm, Kovalev?
Kovaleva jumped to her feet and slammed her eyelashes.
- What's your armpit, Helen? Asked the teacher.
Kovaleva’s eyes, half face, bowed toward his armpit and began to fill with tears.
“What a fool!” Thought Yurchik, watching with curiosity.
“Sit down, Kovaleva,” the biological woman sighed. - Reshetnikov, what do people keep under the arm?
Reshetnikov is him, Yurchik.
“They keep clarity,” Yurchik muttered angrily, not rising.
- That's right, Reshetnikov. Only the teacher needs to answer while standing. Repeat again as expected.
I had to get to my feet and repeat. Lilya Borisovna nodded in satisfaction and continued:
- See how great it turns out. On the one hand, the arm and chest protect the clairvoyant from damage, and on the other hand, clairvoyant ventilates living tissue of the armpit with a built-in fan. The magnificent constructive decision executed by the nature. The same can be said not only about the armpit. For example, a wrist ... - with these words the biologist raised a palm to the level of the head. The first class watched melancholy. - The wrist is thin, while the palm is wide. This is to put on your wrist ...
- You're healthy! Someone shrewd from the back rows shouted.
“Right to put on the nonsense.” If the palm was narrow, the tsdorov would certainly fall from his hand to the ground. But the palm is wide, so the noses are perfectly held on it. Nature had foreseen everything in advance: the fact that people would someday invent devices for personal life, and where they would put them on after the invention.
Yurchik listened to Lilya Borisovna, and he thought about the meanness of Dimbu. But what if you write something malicious in the commentary on his post on the World Playground? Well, so that Burov choked with anger and refused to contact Yurchik for the rest of his life. A wonderful idea, by the way.
At the lessons, it was forbidden to lower the eyepieces of the fun without permission, but Yurchik was impatient. It’s a long time to wait for a change. The boy bent his head, hiding it behind the neighbor’s back in front, and snapped his eyepieces. Clarity, starting work, barely noticeably vibrated. Pleasant coolness poured from my armpit.
Yurchik began to look for what he was posting on Dimbu's “World Playground”, but did not find a single post, unfortunately.
“Beast is lazy,” the boy thought, feeling trembling lips.
The option with a response comment has disappeared. Have to come up with something else.
- Reshetnikov, who allowed me to use the fun in class? Do you want me to send a message to my parents?
The boy threw up his head and saw that Lilya Borisovna was moving to the side, as a result of which she found a lowered eyepiece on Yurchikov’s face. The neighbor’s back was no longer blocking. Now the biologist was standing, demanding her hands on her hips, and expected an apology.
Lilia Borisovna should not have been angry. Yurchik quickly raised his eyepieces to his forehead and, restraining his discontent, squealed in his most compassionate voice:
- Sorry, I won’t.
And he himself at that time thought that the damned Dimka Burov would pay for everything: both for the sneaky comment and for the forced apologies in the biology class.
The first change came, but Yurchik never figured out how to act. It will not be possible to defeat Dimba in an intellectual duel, and he will not be published on the World Children's Playground. And not physically overcome - the third-grader is still a hefty ambal.
“I’ll grow up ...” Yurchik began to fantasize ...
But in time I realized that Dima Burov by that time would also grow. When Yurchik becomes a third grader, Burov will go to the fifth grade, to his leg. No, the situation seemed decidedly hopeless.
“Well then,” the boy decided stoically. “Here is a meeting of Burov face to face, then it will be seen.”
Then Serega Savelyev from their class, a fellow party member and generally cool people, approached Yurchik.
- Running around the school?
“Perhaps Dima runs around the school, too,” thought Yurchik and agreed with Seregin's proposal.
And they ran. In warm weather, students often jogged - and now there are plenty of students on the street.
Yurchik and Serge almost ran around the building when they noticed a group of high school students. They hung out near the entrance to the basement. It was a secluded place that could not be seen from the windows of the teacher's room and the classes in which the main lessons were taught.
The guys became interested, approached the crowd and looked through it.
There were two central characters. The first, a thug with a gruff face, leaned his elbows on the wall with concentration, apparently in preparation for something important. His shirt was unbuttoned to the navel. The second, lanky and constantly giggling, held a wire in his hands with two multi-colored ports - a clear homemade product.
- Ready? - asked the second of the first.
“Stick it in,” the first nodded, sharpening his chin.
The second connected one of the ports to his own amusement, and the other to the companion's clairvoyance in his wide open armpit. The gruff with a rough face twitched and trembled with a small tremor.
- Oh well? What do you see? Tell me faster! - the audience shouted.
“I see myself,” the thug whispered in shock. “But somehow not very, vaguely ... Disconnect, that's enough already!”
Together with the body of the thug, his head and even the skin on his face began to twitch. The lanky immediately disconnected the wire and patted his friend on the cheeks. He was in a jelly-like state, but little by little began to come to his senses. The crowd spoke at once:
- Four seconds stood!
- There is a contact!
- Cool finished, directly!
At this moment, Yurchik and Serega were paid attention.
- And you, small fry, what are you doing here? Come on, get out of here!
Melusga looked down and jerked toward the school porch. The guys did not understand what high school students were doing, but they felt: something forbidden, bad. Yurchik once again imagined how the bruiser was trembling, connected to someone else's clairvoyance, and cringed. It will be necessary to ask dad what it means to "finish directly."
“Yes, you will need to ask,” Yurchik promised himself and immediately forgot, the spring sun was so bright and the fluffy clouds in the sky.
The next one was a physra.
On fizra Yurchik did not shine much, and the boy was a little sad. Dressed in a fit form in the strongest ... what is it called when the legs are cottony, and thoughts are in the distance? Proclamations or what?
In short, Yurchik didn’t like the physiologist, oh I didn’t like it!
The boy was not even encouraged by energetic cries:
- Up! Up! Up!
So the physical teacher shouted, clapping to the beat with his hairy hands, while the students dressed as athletes ran into the gym and lined up in a ruler.
“Now we’ve checked the homework,” proclaimed the physical instructor when everyone was lined up for height, boys separately, girls separately. - Come one at a time with outstretched right hand.
Pupils alternately failed with outstretched right hand. Fizruk connected physical education diagnostics to their health and read physical activity over the past week.
“Move more,” he told one student. - Life is in motion. One man moved little and eventually died.
The student nodded sadly and trudged back.
“Well done, you were actively moving,” the physical education instructor told another student. - So continue in the future, all week.
Another student smiled and briskly returned to duty.
Yurchik's motor activity was normal - he often ran around the school, and also along the corridors.
- Well done, actively moving! Although you have an outdated model of health. Five with a plus for motor activity.
Yurchik blossomed with praise. Maybe the physra is not such a bad thing as it seemed at first. Okay, let’s see that there is a physical education teacher prepared for the second half of the lesson!
After checking the homework, we should expect a sports competition. And so it happened. Putting the diagnostics aside in a sports bag, the physicist clapped his hands again, attracting the attention of students:
- And now doubles fencing!
Wow, they haven’t done fencing in physical education classes yet! The class perked up, looking impatiently as the physical education officer pulls out a sports console from the bag with protruding branded ports. On the console there was a sticker with fighting musketeers.
- Everyone to pair up!
With the breakdown into pairs, a cheerful commotion began. Finally, everyone crashed and lined up in anticipation of fencing fights.
- Come here!
The first pair of worried rivals approached. With thick fingers, the physicist connected the reins fastened on children's wrists with the fencing set-top box, and pressed the start button. The fencing console buzzed cheerfully and soon gave out the result.
- You won, congratulations.
The winner, who received an encouraging slap on the shoulder, jumped up with his hands up and yelled something inarticulate.
“And you,” the fizruk turned to the gloomy loser, “you need to pay attention to the reduced reaction rate.” If not for the reduced reaction rate, you could have won.
The first couple gave way to the next, girlish, with the participation of Lenka Kovaleva. To her, to everyone’s surprise, the prefix gave her victory. Everyone was groaning, and Lenka opened her huge eyes to the limit and burst into tears of happiness.
“Funny,” thought Yurchik.
But now he was not up to Kovaleva - the line approached them with Sergey.
Having connected to the fencing prefix, Yurchik closed his eyes and strained his muscles, but he still lost.
“Tell your parents to buy a new family,” the physical education adviser advised. - Here, simple motor activity will not help, the device should be pumped. Let them upgrade at least.
Yurchik knew that his idols were not the last model. Yes, but what if they are expensive, not every year to buy a new one! Mom and Dad have exactly the same models as his, and they don’t wear anything and do not ask for anything new.
The boy wanted to be upset, but looked at the happy face of the winning Seryoga and changed his mind. But what's the difference, in essence - especially for a mutant ?!
Programming is Yurchik's favorite subject, because programming allows you to use fun. And also Ivan Klimovich, a programming teacher ... He is a big joker, his students adore him.
Ivan Klimovich - long-and-and-hooded, hoo-o-y-yoy - entered the class with a mysterious smile and immediately feignedly indignant:
- Why are the eyepieces raised? This is a programming lesson.
The class happily clicked on the eyepieces.
- Launch a visual studio.
The class whispered in ubaltai the words of the launch. Together with all, Yurchik uttered magic words in the bolt, and after a second delay the visual studio opened. From the depths of the source code came the Assistant Programmer, waved to Yurchik and asked:
- Create a new project? Download existing? Change account settings?
“Yes, you wait ...” the boy waved him off, trying not to miss the teacher's assignment.
Everyone opened the visual studio and waited for the continuation.
“Today you must program ...” “Ivan Klimovich made a significant pause,“ ... must program the cart.
The class gasped.
“What is a cart?” Someone asked.
“I don’t know,” Ivan Klimovich readily explained. - Go there I don’t know where, bring it, I don’t know what. But program the cart anyway. Let's see what you were taught in kindergarten. Twenty minutes for programming, then we will analyze what happened to anyone. This is a test task, I will not put ratings.
Ivan Klimovich sat down at the table and began to bored exponentially.
The class was looking at each other and stirring. Someone began to mutter the assassination task, someone began to discuss among themselves. What other cart, really? And how to program it? Yurchik got the idea: maybe take some past assignment and call him a cart? But what, all the same, such a word does not exist!
He pushed Seryoga with his foot.
- How will you program?
Serge whispered in response:
“I already sent the Assistant to look.” He says that the means of communication was such an old. I will program a new highlight for him now. Only you think up something of your own, otherwise Ivan Klimovich will guess if we do the same.
“I’ll think of it,” Yurchik muttered and scoffed.
Serge could not speak. Someone who, and Yurchik with his remarkable mind will come up with something. In extreme cases, you can ask the Assistant.
Yurchik glanced at the Assistant, looming amusedly in anticipation of a user choice, and coughed lightly in ubalt.
- What's the plan? - Helpfully snapped up the Assistant.
- New project.
In amusement, a clean and alluring window of a new project arose.
- Program the cart.
The assistant twitched and rubbed his hands impatiently.
“What is a cart?”
- Do not you know? - unpleasantly surprised Yurchik.
- Not.
- Find in the search engine.
The assistant pursed his lips. Yurchik knew that studio assistants did not like to turn to search engines, but now the boy had no choice: he urgently needed to figure out what to program. The search engine will answer - these guys know everything.
Consultation with the search engine took about ten seconds. Upon return, the Assistant reported:
- An old communication tool, the so-called messenger. Diminutive name.
“Messenger!” - Yurchik snorted in indignation with a funny word.
No, you don’t need messengers. Moreover, for him, Serge is programming a new backlight.
- Do you have other meanings?
The assistant was absent for another second, and when he returned, he showed an image of an aggregate unknown to Yurchik.
“A primal wheeled device for horse-drawn riding,” the Assistant explained.
- The device! Horse drawn! - rejoiced Yurchik. - Now I understand. It is necessary to write a control program for this device.
“Done,” said the Assistant.
The studio is filled with five million lines of source code.
- And what does she do, this program? - cautiously asked Yurchik.
- Manages the cart.
A small one appeared next to the great Helper.
“There he is, my baby,” said the great Helper with love and stroking the little one on his curly head. - Specializes in carts. Familiar with all their types. Able to design their own original types. Being integrated into the cart computer system, it pilots efficiently and safely. It has the ability to self-development and self-propagation.
The little assistant nodded his curls, confirming what his father said.
Hearing this, Yurchik was very upset.
- Why did you multiply again? He asked the great Helper with a quiver in his voice. “Did I ask you to breed?” Last month, strictly forbidden. I asked to do a control program for the cart, but what have you done?
- Ivan Klimovich, allow?
The boy reluctantly broke away from communication with the unstable studio. At the door, with a meaningful look, stood a school doctor. It was clear from her that now she would report something important.
- Unfortunately, I have to pick up the class for a medical examination.
Ivan Klimovich raised his hands, calling heaven to witness:
“How so, Maria Eduardovna ?!” We are programming!
“You can let go of two people.” Five to seven minutes for each pair - no more. Director’s order.
Ivan Klimovich made some more noise, but in the end he agreed. A director’s order not to challenge even a programming teacher, yeah.
- The first desk, on an exit.
Yurchik hurried. He and Sergey were sitting on the third desk from the door, which means that there were about ten minutes to program. During this time, it was necessary to convince the big Helper to wipe the little one and type something more practical. At least a thermometer for measuring horse temperature.
Yurchik and Sergey entered the school medical center with great care. It was not the first time that first-graders had a medical examination, so they knew what awaited them. Serge was thoughtful and focused, and Yurchik ... Well, he had nothing to fear!
Yurchik found out in kindergarten that he was a mutant, and also at a physical examination. It so happened that Dima Burov, two groups older, was accidentally present at this memorable medical examination. From there, this villain found out about the mutant and remembered. I remember that kindergarten doctors were also surprised at the outstanding Yurchikov abilities and discussed them for a long time.
“Doesn't it hurt, boy?” Can you do a squat? Does your head spin?
And dad, when he came to take Yurchik home and the tutors got into his prayers, he advised:
“Hey baby, you pretend to be next time.” Behave like everyone else, then no one will pay attention to you.
Since then, Yurchik only at medical examinations did what he pretended to be. So now he tried to portray a tense face, like Seryoga’s face. And he himself at this time looked around, what was happening around.
In the medical center, in addition to Maria Eduardovna, there were unfamiliar nurse and doctor. From the hospital - Yurchik guessed. The doctor was sitting at a table on which instruments for a medical examination were laid out.
- Well, who is the first? - said Maria Eduardovna and turned to Serega, who was located closer. - Sit on a chair and give your right hand.
Serge turned pale and held out his right hand. Maria Eduardovna took a hand and stroked lightly. Then neatly snapped Seregin tizdorov. Near the guard was a nurse with an ammonia ready.
Having lost his health, Serega turned pale and breathed often, often. Yurchik understood him: if something happened, hell would not help. Of course, they were in the school first-aid post, and the doctors were nearby, but after all, anything with health can happen, but “anything” still needs to be diagnosed! And how to diagnose without health ?! Danger to the body.
Good Yurchik - he is a mutant. He understands that without health, you can catch a fatal diagnosis, but still not a bit afraid. Many people, if they deprive them of their health, flop out in a swoon and roll their eyes. But mutant Yurchik, if only henna, sits on his chair, as if nothing had happened, and feels great.
Maria Eduardovna unfastened Seregin tizdorov and handed over to the hospital doctor. The doctor connected the device to electronic instruments: took readings and tested. All this time, Seryoga, in a semi-limp state, sat on a chair and breathed often, often.
- Healthy, you can dress! - said the doctor after a while, returning the health of Maria Eduardovna.
The school doctor carefully received the device and immediately snapped it on Seryogin’s wrist, and then patted the boy on the cheeks.
- Are you feeling well?
The unfortunate Serge weakly nodded. Maria Eduardovna immediately lost interest in him and turned to Yurchik.
- Extend your right hand.
Ha, Yurchik does not scare!
While the doctors checked his health, the boy pulled his cheeks into himself to portray suffering, and breathed faster - he did everything his dad advised. There is no need for doctors to know that he is a mutant, which can easily do without health, and nothing will happen to him.
It seems that Maria Eduardovna noticed something. She lowered the eyepiece and went into it, then whispered to the doctor.
- Medical record ... Immune ... Anamnesis ... - snatches of incomprehensible whisper came to Yurchik.
The doctor laughed and replied:
- No wonder. Anything can happen.
The school doctor looked at Yurchik suspiciously, but said nothing.
- Healthy, you can dress! - summed up the doctor.
As soon as the idols clicked on his right wrist, Yurchik, peppy and cheerful, jumped to his feet and ran out into the corridor, where he was awaited by the recaptured Seryoga. A few minutes remained before the break, so the boys did not return to the classroom, but hid in the locker room, where they talked about all kinds of things.
The last lesson is history.
Well, this sucks, especially history teacher Ivan Efremovich - a lean man with a wooden posture and an ever-glazed look. Of course, sometimes he tells something interesting, but usually forces students to read the training material from the devices. Not with fun, no - with a used device that is given to every student at the beginning of the year in the library warehouse! No, well, can you imagine that ?!
And now Ivan Efremovich informed the depressed class:
- At the last lesson, we studied augmented reality. Now we consolidate the knowledge gained. Reshetnikov, remind us what it is - augmented reality.
Well, Yurchik again! Teachers today, or what? Why is he always asked?
Yurchik reluctantly got to his feet and tried to concentrate:
- Well, augmented reality is ... In general, when you have fun and chat with you. Of course, and so on. And clairvoyance provides them with the necessary information from the armpit.
“On the whole, it’s true, but you state it confusedly, Reshetnikov,” said Ivan Efremovich. - Take your training device and read out the chapter that was studied in the last lesson. Let the class listen again and try to remember.
That's it, and you still ask what the historian is not like!
But there was nothing to do. Yurchik pulled out a device from his briefcase, found the necessary historical chapter and began to read out, choking on the letters with inattention:
“We live in a very happy time - the era of augmented reality. But it was not always so.
Before the era of augmented reality, people lived in incomplete times. With great difficulty they eke out a meaningless existence without useful devices that were invented much later. In those days, there were no signposts, no electronic reciters, no online thermometers, no self-heating shoes. There were not even elementary fly-drivers. If a blood-sucking insect sat on someone’s neck, the person was forced to slap it with his palm, instead of driving away with a light and elegant pressing a key. Which looked extremely unhygienic.
Today it’s hard to believe, but there were no healthy people on the wrists of people of the prehistoric period. This made the population deeply miserable. When someone fell ill, there was no one to call a doctor in time. Even if the doctor got to the patient on time, there was no one to tell the diagnosis - and all because there were no bumps on the patient’s wrist. Mortality among the population was increased.
Blabble and fun were also not invented, and the range of communication between people was no more than 2 meters. And what kind of communication was that? No one could send even a small picture, even a funny song, to the distance: they had to draw a picture, and hum the song themselves. Only the immediate environment, consisting, as a rule, of several people could see a picture or hear a song. Therefore, art in prehistoric times was undeveloped.
People’s armpit was empty, because clairvoyance was not invented either. To solve subtle intellectual tasks like laying power lines or erecting Egyptian pyramids, one had to do with brute muscular strength.
Realizing that this could not continue like this, mankind tensed and invented personal life-support devices: idiots, clairvoyance and blabber with fun. Then came the era of augmented reality. Having fulfilled the plans of evolution, people have become healthy and happy. ”
“ Enough, ”Ivan Efremovich stopped reading. - By the way, children, who knows what the Uboltai used to be called?
No one knew.
- Previously, the ubaltai were called telephones.
The class fell into laughter.
“And there's nothing funny about that!” Cried the offended historian. - In the past, talkers were really called phones. I'll prove it to you ...
The class continued to flood, but already over Ivan Efremovich.
The fourth lesson ended, and the students poured into the corridor. High school students were expected to follow classes. The younger classes went home - for them, the school day was over.
The liberated Yurchik ran down the stairs, his thoughts being far beyond the school fence when he was struck to the side and a crowd of third-graders spun. It was then that Yurchik collided face to face with Dimbu - Dima Burov. Completely unexpected for both. It so happened that Yurchik was alone, without Seryoga and other classmates, and Dimka was surrounded by a couple of friends on each side.
Burov also recognized Yurchik and stopped. A triumphant grin distorted his large face. Dima shouted, pointing at Yurchik with his finger:
- Mutant artist!
Friends on the sides gagged, pushing the first grader away from the general stream. Perhaps they were aware of what Dimka wrote in his offensive commentary. They probably visit the "World Playground", or maybe Burov told his friends everything in their own way, who knows?
Yurchik flashed.
“Well, what will you do, mutant?” Do you want to stretch your intellect? He heard.
Dima disconnected clairvoyance from amusement and patted his armpit, offering an intellectual duel. Yurchik knew: on the screen of any clairvoyance, the intelligence coefficient is displayed. The coefficient increases with each lesson spent, with every book read, with every clever thought heard. But Yurchik is a first grader, and Dima is a third grader! No chances - nothing to try.
Surrounded by enemies from all sides, Yurchik was shaking his lips and was silent.
- Or maybe we will measure ourselves by force? - suggested the incandescent Dimka, stretching out his hand with health.
Third graders made a noise.
Yurchik knew he could not cope with this ambal. Burov is half a head taller than him, and his hands are noticeably thicker. But everything is precisely reflected in health! If you compare the physical data, Burov will win - he will certainly win!
Then something cleared up to the boy’s head. Regardless of his will, he grabbed the strong and terrible Burov by the brush, clicked on the health and pulled him from the enemy’s hand. It’s not so easy to snap off the snipers, sometimes you have to torment yourself, but here Yurchik did it the first time, as if by order.
Gagging instantly stopped. Dima looked at his wrist, freed from health, and made a swallowing movement. Then he turned pale and leaned against the wall. His knees shook.
Third-graders turned their eyes to the nonsense in the hands of Yurchik and reached for him. But the boy, as if by instinct, lifted the apparatus above the flight of stairs, showing with his whole appearance: now he would throw it down. Enemies recoiled. Burov, meanwhile, was completely crippled: deprived of his health, he began to quietly settle on the floor. Embarrassed third-graders stood, not knowing what to do.
“Nate, put it on him,” the first grader had mercy, returning the device. “But don't mess with the mutants anymore.”
Not detained by the pacifying gang, Yurchik quietly left the stairs. He felt like a conqueror, and his soul sang from the accomplished justice. Yurchik did it, nevertheless did it! The day will not live in vain.
“But being a mutant is not so bad,” the boy thought thoughtfully.
With such a thought, Yurchik left the school, looked in the motley parental crowd with his gaze and went to meet him, waving his briefcase and smiling broadly.